This is the response to the question:

"What if you did DOOM 2016 & DOOM ETERNAL with the modern combat, except kept the digitize style in terms of enemies and weapons being retro/pixelized?"

This is what Prodeus, and jesus I love it. Anyone who complains "this is a DOOM clone" legit, I have no clue what you're complaining about it's more of what you want and you're mad? Like what?

The game features a plethora of levels, and even a shop levels that seperate you from the combat and has many collectibles that make you want to strive to find them all and obtain all weapons and upgrades.

The game's story is a bit barebones, and I must admit the Backers level felt a bit forced as it's a level that is dedicated to the people who helped fund the game to exist in the first place, Just imo I think it should've been a seperate viewable thing within the Menu, sort of like Bioshock's museum mode, instead of a level that you'll go into to obtain a collectible, and technically spoil you on the final boss.

I find it awesome the devs of this game made a campaign creator that would allow creativity and creation of peoples own personal campaigns. Though I will admit, I see very little interaction with this unique idea, I feel like Playstation Users aren't as interested in this, maybe STEAM users actually use the campaign creator to create unique new campaigns for people to play through.

The game features a bunch of enemies that are similar to that of enemies from classic and modern doom, though I will say I do wish the protagonist you play as had more uniqueness to them instead of just being a weird humanoid organic robotized thing. Though I appreciate the unique detail of the characters face deteriorating into a skull the more hurt you get until death.

Overall if you love classic and modern DOOM and want more of it, I highly recommend Prodeus!

Love the Noir style of this game, especially with the detective aspect when playing as Cole.

I do admit the game does get a bit repetitive when it comes to:

- Go to a location with your partner and hear witty or funny or normal dialogue between Cole and his assigned partner.

- Find evidence

- Interrogiate Witness or Suspect and make sure to respond correctly depending on how bad the motion capture actors face is acting (since they needed to make the game somewhat easy for people to tell when someone is lying)

- Go to different Points of Interest for the case finding more evidence and interrogating more people.

- Get into a shoot out at the end or go to the station and interrogate the main suspect and determine whether to pin the murders, arson, etc on them.

Overall the gameplays repetitive but does a fantastic job at nailing the overall NOIR estethic, but that's also do to the amazing writing Rockstar incorporated here.

The game doesn't treat the character of Cole Phleps like a hero, in fact Cole does things that are outside the players control that makes you question Cole's ethics, along with the LAPD.

The City of LA is full of life in terms of how if Rockstar really wanted to, it could create actual United States location for modern GTA instead of making caricatures of the states they present. (I know GTA is about making fun of how Americans and the States act in an over the top way, just saying that Rockstar can do that while also making the states accurate looking like they did here in LA NOIRE). The city itself visually is amazing, though lacking since you barely do anything for the most part, I mean if it's not going from point A to Point B during story missions, occassionally you'll do side missions that are usually either: shooting a bunch of dudes after a cutscene plays, or chasing after people in a car until you crash into them, or some timed event crashes into them prompting Cole to arrest them.

I do wish the game expanded on some characters more than others. I think a big thing that's missing is Cole's family not being present or important enough to actually show is just weird, considering what happens towards the climax of the game, I feel like they should've played a bigger part in terms of forming who Cole is.

I think the game did an awesome job when it makes you play as Kelso for a couple of segments during the final part of the game, just wish the game would've done it early, I understand it's Cole's story, just would've been nicer if it was an idea introduced earlier on in the game of switching between Cole and Kelso.

I think the biggest thing that Rockstar got right... and wrong is the ending. I think most people will say "for anything, an ending is really hard to make everyone happy," and while this statement is true, a way to midigate that is by having multiple endings so that it has avenues of satisfaction among all aspects, even if 1 might be the CANONICAL ending.
The ending in terms of the case is amazing and is based off a real life case that never got resolved. Rockstar esthetically got the ending write in terms of it being a somber and melancholic ending of... the Bad Guys winning.
And while the game is attempting to respect the painfulness of reality, I do wish in some way Rockstar had added a second ending if certain conditions were met that somehow led to a happy ending. While many would say "but it would ruin the point of the game being Noire and there are no happy endings in Noire," I feel like 1 big thing many agree on is that the game leaves the player disatisfied, especially with all the work you as the player put in....

But there is a genius of the ending sort of being a punishment to Cole and the player for just locking whoever up. As in the game there is a constant murder going on that takes a couple of cases to find out who really is the culprit... and you see how the L.A.P.D. even with Cole finding at best circumstancial evidence, but still resulting in innocent people (though some of them still awful monsters) being locked up because the L.A.P.D. can't be asked to actually do their job.
And when the real murder is found, because he's the son of a high ranking politician they decide to cover it all out, and let out the imprisoned innocents as if it's all water under the bridge.
In a way I see the genius of the ending, as Cole, while spouting things like "Justice and Honor" really just looked a things at face value and just did things as a puppet to the L.A.P.D. instead of seeking true justice, which in a way is sort of a self reflection.

I don't know maybe I'm thinking too much into it.

Still for what it's worth, it's a game I recommend you all experience once, since In my opinion it's a great 1-Time experience.

Persona 3 Reload is a fantastic Remake of Persona 3.

I don't really need to go over the basics if you know Persona 3 but I will say Reload does a lot of great things by improving characters in terms of their depth, even making characters like Ken likable.

I think the game keeps the amazing story intact but it does lose the melancholic feel though I think that's do to ATLUS not wanting to animate all scenes in 2D again but in the new style and instead went for 3D animated scenes.

The music is hit and miss, the new tracts are all fantastic and great additions to Persona 3 and the franchise like "FULL MOON, FULL LIFE", "IT'S GOING DOWN," & "COLOR YOUR NIGHT." Some of the new remixed Tracks are also fantastic... all except 1, and I don't care the compium some Persona 3 fans want to have, MASS DESTRUCTION RELOAD is ASS Destruction. People who say this new version is better than the original are smoking heavy amounts of copium, that's not to say you can't enjoy the song, I don't I think it's a violation of the ears, but anyone who says it's better than the original MASS DESTRUCTION are high.

I think the new Uniforms for S.E.E.S are a great addition along with the Thuergy abilities added to gave the game uniqueness and differentiate it from say Persona 5 and the Original Persona 3 along with FES & Portable.
I do appreciate ATLUS featuring the original costumes from Persona 3 as many were worried ATLUS removed them over the original Armbands being Armbands do to... conspiracy morons (IE some people have messed up minds and think ARMBANDS = connection to evil moustache failed painter and his army of people angry at other people for their problems).

The game looks beautiful in the new engine, and its just so awesome seeing the these beloved characters and personas in a new remade style. It's exciting since remakes for 1, 2 Duology (My favorite), and 4 Remakes are in the works. I do hope ATLUS does these remakes with the same time and care as they did for Persona 3 Reload, while respecting the esthetics of said games as well.
Meaning respecting that Persona 1 and Persona 2 Duology can be updated in terms of dungeons and combat design, while not implementing the modern calendar system and maybe social links (Persona 1 can have it, but 2 Duology's story is so tightnit you literally can't).
Persona 4 Rerun (Remake) will just be a visual overhaul since Golden is the perfect version of Persona 4, so legit remake will just look nicer. Still regardless the level of effort they put in Reload gets me excited for Persona 1, 2 Duology, and 4 Remakes.

1 Thing i don't like is how ATLUS knew people were going to ask about FEMC/Kotone Shiomi and sort of gave a halfassed "budgetary reason" as to why they didn't add her.
Fans wanted a definitive version of Persona 3, and yet now we still only have 2 versions to choose from. What I mean is ATLUS announced that in SEPTEMBER of 2024 (as of writing), they're releasing EPISODE AIGIS which is a remake of the divisive epilogue story "THE ANSWER" from FES where you play as AIGIS. Well, most fans agree it's strange how ATLUS were able to do "EPISODE AIGIS" DLC but not KOTONE/FEMC DLC. Though call the PERSONA fanbase many things, they are dedicated since now there's a nearly completed mod for PC that let's you play as Kotone, talk about dedication!

Still going back to the main point, this game, is an amazing remake of Persona 3, it does have a couple of hiccups but if you've been asking for a remake... this is an amazing one to have received. Thanks for reading and remember!


Black Mesa is... a masterpiece in dedication from long time Half Life fans. The fact Valve allowed a game like this to be created is both really heartwarming and really annoying when you think about it.
Heartwarming in the sense that Atlus had enough trust in CROWBAR COLLECTIVE (the studio that made this remake) to allow them to make this amazing remake. Annoying in the sense that Valve themselves didn't want to do a remake for Half Life 1.
The game is a master piece in terms of visuals in Source Engine 1, it's almost impressive how they were able to translate the original game and build it from the ground up in Source.

The game does a great job replicating the lengths of all the levels in the original game, while adding a couple of new segments in this remake to make the experience both longer and better, which can be seen as both a positive and a negative.
Positive in the sense that Crowbar Collective took the weakest aspect of the Original Half Life, being Xen, and made fleshed it out making it so fun to play through, especially with the fight with the Gonarch, even if the fight is a bit long. Xen in general got such an amazing update, it really is a fantastic upgrade to a weak part, making it the definitive way to play it. Though on the negative side, Crowbar Collective decided that some levels that were already perfect needed to be longer... which is where Surface Tension comes in. The length of the original level in the original game takes about an hour to complete if you're going at your own pace instead of speeding through, which even then might take you a rough 25-27 minutes if you're running through everything somehow, but takes roughly an hour and a half if you're going at a regular pace without taking deaths into account.
Crowbar Collective for some reason felt out of all levels to need longer lengths, they chose Surface Tension needed to be an hour longer, turning an already long level into an EVEN LONGER ONE.
This is to where the level starts off enjoyable... then you a get a bit confused but calmed when the level continues... then being more confused making you wonder how long this level is... then to annoyed that the levels somehow still continuing on in length... getting even more annoyed at how this levels STILL NOT OVER.... reaching a segment that makes you think you're at the end and finding out that's just the half way mark... continuing to grow more annoyed and bored at how long this damn level is... until finally reaching the end and feeling that a level that would've been considered great, has now become a level you will 100% never play again because of how damn long it is.

The weapons and animations are brought in from Half Life 2, with weapons not scene in Half Life 2, but in Half Life 1, brought back and updated into the Source 1 Engine to give us an amazing updates of said weapons.
The music is still just as good as the original with new tracks getting you pumped for every fights.
The enemies who appear in Half Life 1 have these beautiful updated designs to fit the Source 1 engine and look absolutely spectucular.
The scientists for the most part are just updated standard models from Source 1 engine, with some wearing outfits from Half Life 1 like guard uniforms or scientists outfits.
The headcrab zombies are still just as terrifying with them using the original sounds but updated that still makes them horrifying to encounter, and I appreciate the detail that on Xen, some scientists were wearing "HEV Suits", but are still controlled by the head crabs. The HEV Suit being the suit Gordon is wearing, almost like the game is saying "this could be Gordon if he failed to survive a headcrab attack," almost like it's taunting the player.
Crowbar Collective did an amazing job maintaining the creepfactor of the original, but putting it in Source Engine.

Apart from me criticizing how damn long Surface Tension is, there is 1 thing I would've wanted Crowbar Collective to reduce and that's how many damn barnicles there are, while yes barnicles are stationary and the only way they can hurt you is by you accidently walking into their extended tenticle, the amount of them in the game is a bit ridiculous, I know they wanted to keep the remake accurate, but reducing the amount of barnicles in the game wouldn't have been an issue, since for the most part they were put in to pad out the segments a bit, by making you worry about killing them when progressing through a certain location.

The unique enemies from Half life one like the HECU Soldiers, the Vortigaunts, Alien Grunts, and Alien Controllers are all updated to look so good in the Source 1 Engine, it's just amazing what Crowbar did with them here. And the 2 bosses in this game are just sooo amazing how updated they look with the Gonarch and Nihilanth being updated to look so spectcular in the Source engine.

I do think Crowbar could've updated some of the voice acting lines, but in general they just reused voice clips from the original game and dropped them into BLACK MESA, but updating the audio of the original recordings to sound smoother.
Still I think they could've added more voice actors for background roles instead of just reusing the original recordings for background characters, but then again I understand perhaps the budget went into development, and they didn't need nor want to spend resources on an aspect that was already completed.

I think this is a fantastic remake that Crowbar Collective made, I think if you want to experience the original Half Life in an updated way, I 100% recommend playing Black Mesa as the definitive way to play Half Life 1. Legit what Crowbar was able to pull off is absolutely astounding.

Only thing is they never made BLACK MESA BLUE SHIFT Nor BLACK MESA OPPOSING FORCES were made. They are in development by 2 different mod groups with Blue Shift Remake being called: "BLACK MESA: BLUE SHIFT" having completed 4 out of 8 chapters so far. With Opposing Forces, it's remake is called: "OPERATION: BLACK MESA" though we have no clue how long the spinoff chapters have been in development for, however it does has an official Steam Workshop page.

BLACK MESA BLUE SHIFT Link to Chapters 1-4:

OPERATION: BLACK MESA Steam Workshop Page:

This remake is absolutely amazing, if you love Half Life, or never experienced HALF LIFE 1 at all, I absolutely recommend BLACK MESA, this is a fan remake that is such a love letter to the franchise and is a fantastic addition to the franchise. I really hope whatever CROWBAR COLLECTIVE is cooking up next, is just as fantastic as what they recreated here. Whether its an original product or a remake of another Valve property, I'll be right there waiting and supporting them!

I absolutely recommend BLACK MESA -DEFINITIVE EDITION- it is an absolute masterpiece in fan dedication and remaking of an already amazing game.

Thank you so much for reading.

Homefront is a fine enough FPS. It was made during the over the top era where people were actually scared of North Korea made during 2011, which sort of followed until 2016, until people realized that North Korea can't be take seriously as a threat since their armies use outdated weaponry, their soldiers are barely fed, their people live in terrible conditions, and their over all technology is so outdated they essentially chat shit but can't bang.

Homefront was made by THQ and in general it's a fine enough FPS, it's a interesting what if over the top scenerio that in general is fine enough in terms of what it's trying to deliver as an FPS.

The story is a bit quick as it makes you think it's bigger than it really is, the segments within the game are fun to play through, though I always recommend playing FPS games on the hardest difficulty for actual challenge.
For the most part the campaign is fine though I do think the ending is sort of abrupt in how it ends, it feels really disatisfying that you don't fight a boss or a last stand against waves of enemies that then leads into the ending we get.
I'm not saying the game shouldn't have ended the way it did, just I think the game ended in a way that's like... "AND WE'RE DONE THANKS FOR PLAYING GOOD BYE, GET OUT!"

I'm not saying the game needs a boss fight, and while you do fight tanks in a giant fast driving turrent tank. I just wish the game had a last stand similar to say HALO REACH or RYSE SON OF ROME or CRISIS CORE FINAL FANTASY, where you have to fight endless amounts of enemies until the very end. If a last stand part was added to the final mission, and then leads into said ending presented the game would be more satisfying ending wise. I do know this leads into Homefront the Revolution, so that's why the game's doesn't have a happy ending, because the idea here is that at the end the WAR has officially commendence with the US now pushing North Korea out of the US and defeating them once and for all.
I haven't played HOMEFRONT THE REVOLUTION yet, so I have no clue whether this mini-franchise ends in a satisfying manner or sets up a never to be resolved cliffhanger like say... AHEM XENOBLADE CHRONICLES X.

The weapons, the shooting all feel fine enough, I think the biggest reason why people hated this game in the past was because it was released during a time in which Call of Duty, Battlefield, and Halo remained as the supreme 3 of FPS that anything new that came along that didn't have unique things about them fell wayside. Not saying this game is underrated, I think it's a generic FPS, I never got to play the online since I played this this year in 2024, but I will say Campaign wise it's fine enough.
I do think the gameplay is solid, but I also felt like some parts dragged a bit in the story, even if the story is short, I also think the introduction of unneccesary parts was dumb like the intro camp that sets up the game as if every new mission you'd go back to camp until eventually the climax. But instead the game introduces the camp and a mission later 1 the main characters is killed, and the camp is destroyed along with every residence. I like the part where you go to a Internment Camps in Colorado, though you only get to see a portion of it and never actually enter.
I think 1 thing I might understand people having an issue with the story is that you never really get to see anything apart from bland delipated cities, military facilities, and occassionally see interesting locations like the baseball fields full of bodies, or areas where there are raiders with essentially crazy American Rednecks.

I have to say it's fine, nothing special, I do like that the game lets you control the giant tank via arm remote control.
I do find it weird I played this this year in 2024, since that's when the game takes place, weird coinsidence in general.
Do I think the hate given to it is warrented? Probably, I think 1 big thing I heard when multiplayer was active was that there were a lot of bugs, and even if some deathmatch games were fun, if the game makes you question it's existence by making you say "why don't I just play Call of Duty since this is just a clone of it" then maybe the game should've done more unique things instead of trying to ride the coattails of COD.

I'll be honest with you—I couldn't care less about Homefront or its sequel, Homefront: The Revolution. The only reason I snagged a copy of Homefront 1 was because I bought Homefront: The Revolution solely for the sake of playing TimeSplitters 2, even though I don't have a personal connection to the TimeSplitters series, they're a great franchise and Homefront: The Revolution features a 60FPS version of TimeSplitters 2. I just have this thing where I don't like buying a sequel without having the other entries, you know? So, despite not caring about Homefront at all, I ended up buying it because I happened to buy HOMEFRONT THE REVOLUTION. Really it's just for the sake of wanting to have experience the complete trilogy of TimeSplitters games. I bought PS2 copies 1 and 3: Future Perfect, and Homefront the Revolution happens to come with a version of TIMESPLITTERS 2 that runs at 60fps. I will buy a physcial PS2 copy of 2 in the future, but the HOMEFRONT THE REVOLUTION version is enough, only thing that sucks is that I'll have to input a code anytime I want to play it, but eh you win some you lose some.

Overall... eh I wouldn't say I wouldn't recommend Homefront, just if you're interested play it, if not, don't.
Thanks for reading.

To be honest, Kane and Lynch Dead Men didn't make a lasting impact on me. It was an alright game, but nothing that really stood out. However, I had heard so many great things about the sequel, Kane and Lynch 2: Dog Days, especially in terms of its aesthetics and storytelling. While I wouldn't call it a flawless masterpiece, it definitely had its own unique appeal. So, despite finding the original forgettable, I still decided to give it a shot. I played Kane and Lynch Dead Men simply because I wanted to fully play the first game for the sake of being able to move on to Kane and Lynch 2: Dog Days. It was all about setting the stage and understanding the context for the sequel that had captured my interest.

The story is Kane being broken out of a prison bus by the The7 and how they want Kane to commit 1 last heist or they'll kill his wife and daughter, and they have Lynch monitor and help Kane but reporting back to them if he tries anything.
Kane does the heist however the item had been stolen from the bank vault putting Kane in a bad position. Kane & Lynch are taken to a construction site to an unmarked dug grave, where Kane's daughter and Wife are also brought to the construction site, and Kane's wife is killed while his daughter is scarred for life seeing her Mother killed in front of her.

As the game progressed Kane and Lynch plan on killing all members of The7 for killing Kane's wife, and travel to Venezuela to kill The7 there, and this is where the game feel weird as it abruptly shifts to war setting with Kane and Lynch fighting in the war against the Venezuelan government. Which leads to Kane & Lynch finding one of the members of The7 who agrees to help Kane find the rest of The7 on a remote island since they now have Kane's Daughter kidnapped.

The game has Kane & Lynch go to the Island and kill the remaining members of the Seven however at the end Kane has to make a decision to leave via the Helicopter or to help Lynch rescue their men who helped them fight and get this far.
The sequel Dog Days treats both endings as canon, as if there was 3rd possibility of doing both, but mainly it's agreed the Helicopter ending where Kane leaves with his daughter is canon.

Gameplay wise it's fine, it uses the combat 3rd person shooter from HITMAN, and in general is fine enough and perfectly paced. The game is a bit forgettable, unlike it's sequel which barely acknowledges this game say for a mere mention confirming the Helicopter ending being canon.
I think the only part that's really annoying is with the giant Truck boss during the construction site level, but in general it's the only real annoying part. LEGIT THIS PART TAKES TOO LONG BECAUSE OF THE AIMING BEING TOO SLOW TO LOCK ON THE DAMN DRIVER. LEGIT YOU WILL PROBABLY RAGE AT THIS PART.

The game is fine enough, I don't think it's anything amazing, and it certainly isn't needed in playing the more well regarded sequel. On Xbox 360 you might have the incentive to play on tougher difficulties, and replaying for Achievements, but on PS3 you can just one-and-done it since it was apart of the era before Trophies were added to PS3.

Would I recommend it? If you care to play the first game for the sake of playing 2 DOG DAYS, then yeah sure. But if you're someone who wants a compelling story and Esthetic, I say skip this and play 2 only, 2 is really good.

thanks for reading.

Gameplay wise this game is a buggy mess. Story and esthetic wise, this game is fantastic.

The way Shanghai looks in general is very digusting and delipated, with Kane visiting Lynch in China.
And essentially getting into "1 Final Heist" for the sake of his daughter, and Lynch reaffirming Kane that it'll all work out.

And this is essentially Murphy's Law, "anything that can go wrong will go wrong, and will get even worse"

The game is from the perspective of a Camera Man following Kane & Lynch around with an amazing esthetic and design with the recording camera acting as the ingame camera for cutscenes and gameplay.
It's starts off with Kane and Lynch getting into trouble with a guy who was having relations with a girl and Lynch needing to interrogate the guy except when they finally reach him, Kane and Lynch accidently kill the girl who is actually the daughter of a powerful politician named Shangsi. Throughout the game Kane & Lynch are running from the 14K Triad ran by Hsing, and from the Police and SWAT from orders from Shangsi. They later have to deal with a Australian dude named Glazer who originally was working with Kane & Lynch to make a weapons deal to get Kane his money, however because the 14K Triad and Shangsi are after Kane and Lynch Glazer and his crew turn on Kane & Lynch and try to have them killed only for his entire group to be killed by the duo.
Kane & Lynch are later captured by Shangsi's personal government and are imprisoned in a helicopter, only for them to hijack it and shooting buildings and other helicopters, in order to get to Shangsi's building.
They finally get to his building which the top areas area completely destroyed from the impact of the helicopter, and Kane & Lynch take out Shangsi's remaining guards, only for Kane & Lynch to finally confront Shangsi and Lynch kills him then and there for the murder of his girlfriend Xiu and also for all the things Shangsi put them through.

The final part has Kane & Lynch going to the airport to escape, they try to find Glazer's plane but also find out the deal is still going through, so Kane again is screwed out of Money, but that's the least of the their worries since they're focused on just getting out of China. Kane and Lynch fight their way through the airport killing the final reminents of Shangsi and Glazer's men, and later fighting against the actual government of China's police force attempting to kill Kane & Lynch once and for all. The game ends with both of them hoping on a plane and getting the hell out of China. With the cameraman getting shot and the footage being taken.

The story is simple following Murphy's Law but damn is it good, I especially love the esthetic with the camera censoring certain parts when too graphic for the sake of artistic estethetic. The gameplay is buy no means perfect, there are somethings I question button placement wise, but I have to say, this game is amazing in terms of it's story. I recommend playing on the hardest difficulty as it really does make you feel the urgency of the situation of the game, but also might make you rage, so tread carefully. It's short 2-4 hour experience depending on the difficulty, but I think it's worth it.

I played this on PS3, maybe the PC version is a bit better, though I have seen how Co-op Multiplayer in terms of Story and Multiplayer verses is, and it's hilarious.

Overall while gameplay is a buggy mess, i have to say this game deserves 4 stars. Maybe I'm wrong, but I think the story and esthetic is great for a 1-time playthrough.

Thanks for reading.

Penny's Big Breakaway is made by the same devs that made SONIC MANIA, which as you all know is a fantastic 4th classic Sonic installment that celebrates the Blue Blur's classic era.

Penny's Big Breakaway brings back Te Lopez's amazing music direction allowing him to go all out here, the new tracks he made are such a treat to enjoy.

The game focuses on Penny esentially messing up perfomance causing the King's undies to be shown to the people, and essentially is targeted by the King's penguins to hunt her down and jail her for embarassing him.

Penny uses her magic sentient yoyo to escape and go to different lands with varying levels, all focusing on platforming and skill moves.
If you go into this expecting the game to be fast paced like say Sonic, you're in for a rude awakening, the game is somewhat fast but there are parts where you're going standard pace, and mostly focusing on the traversal with the Yoyo. Your speed, Movement, combat is all based on how you use your skill moves with your yoyo.

The levels consist as follows, get from POINT A TO POINT B, with 3 different side object from npcs telling you to destroy certain objects, give an item to another npc in a certain amount of time, or maintain a combo for max amount of points. Another thing is collecting these 3 Tokens spread throughout the levels that allow you to unlock bonus challenge levels of varying difficulty. So pretty much 3 Submissions, and 3 Tokens among all levels except Boss Levels.

The game's artstyle and music are all spectacular, this game really does put a smile on your face if you play it right, it is tricky to handle at first but over time you'll get the hang of it and you'll master it soon enough.
The game worlds have a weird mix of levels, with some containing up to 6 levels, and others containing barely 2 or 3 which is odd to say the least, feel like on that portion there should've been consistency with how many levels each world should have.
The boss fights are all really easy however very fun to play through, except maybe the final part during a certain portion where the game introduces a gameplay style only used in the final boss, which can cause you to die because of how the perspective is weirdly positioned.

Still the character design, music, environment, gameplay, and passion this game has really is a treat to enjoy, it might not be for everyone if you're going in expecting a Sonic clone, please don't.

Still if I had to critique 1 thing, i would say, I want the game to be a tad bit fast, even while using the yoyo rush with his barreling fast, for the most part the game does move very slow. If Penny's Speed was a bit fast I think the game would be perfect. Also the lack of consistency with how many levels are featured per world is weird, I don't understand why some have more levels than others, did they run out of development time or ideas for some worlds? Another thing like I said is the bosses were a bit too easy, while I understand that this for EVERYONE, I'm not asking for a Dark Souls level boss, just a bit more difficulty with boss fights would go a long way, especially with the final boss. The final boss feels grandiose visually but fight wise is a bit lacking, the only parts that will actually cause you damage is the perspective shift I mention, but again if you know your way around it, it'll probably still be a bit underwhelming gameplay wise.

That's why I have to give this game a 4 out 5. I still think the game is great, just those things I mention play a part in my score.

I recommend Penny's Big Breakway regardless, it's a treat to experience and I highly recommend it! :D

Super Princess Peach is the first spinoff that Princess Peach ever received, and all-in-all it's a fantastic fun experience.

Even if the the story can be simplified down to:
"Bowser tries to get Peaches Vibrator, and Peach must defeat him because he kidnapped a bunch of Toads, Luigi, and Mario. Peach aquires a magical talking umbrella who turns out to be a person who was turned into one by an evil wizard. With the help of Perry the Umberella, Peach goes on her way to kick Bowsers ass herself! She has to use her emotions/vibes of Joy, Anger, Sadness, and Calmness to go through the worlds to defeat him and him minions for stealing her friends and her vibrator."

But really Nintendo did a great job making all the levels fun and essentially forcing you to deal with level by using the different emotions which I really appreciate them doing, because it means they took the time to think about how to use Peach's emotion in a way that is effective and constant for gameplay sake. I appreciate the Toad Stores within this game, as it gives reason for you to collect coins in order to unlock extra content and Moves for Peach to use, along with extra minigames for more fun.

The game has standard 8 worlds, with 6 levels per world, with the 5 consisting of getting from point A to Point B, while trying to find 3 hidden Toads per level, which really is a fun incentive to look around the level to find them, along with using Peach's emotions to help survey the areas faster incase they're hidden. And the final 6th stage per World essentially has you fight a boss of every specific world, utilizing Peach's emotions while being careful of correct timing when fighting these bosses!

Peach has 4 forms she can take when the player uses the touch screen of their DS/3DS, these being:

- ANGER: Peach is engulf in an firey aura burning enemies all around her, along with burnable bridges to access hidden areas, as well as ground pounding hard objects, and being able to move tough objects as well.

- SADNESS: Peach Crying water falls arcs that allow her to run quickly on fast falling objects. She can use her waterfall tears to grow flowers to create platforms and power watermills to access areas among the level.

- Joy: Peach becomes a Cyclone of happiness that allows her to spin quickly in place allowing you to take out enemies but also spin wind turbines to access hidden areas among levels that feature them. Another positive of this it allows you to float throughout stages to access more hidden areas or escape a fight.

- Calmness: If Peach has take too much damage this vibe/emotion will create a green healing aura around Peach allowing her to regain health until fully healed or until you have run out of energy in your energy bar.

The Vibes/emotions are only able to be used when your vibe meter has energy in it, if you've run out, you pick up enemies and have Perry the Umbrella eat them to regain energy allowing you to use the vibes again.

Honestly I really appreciate how much they tried to make the gameplay fun. I also appreciate how Nintendo didn't just reuse sprites from the Mario & Luigi series to make Super Princess Peach, they certainly could have, but instead Super Princess Peach has it's own unique sprite art that is a really a nice unique style for it and it alone.

Overall the experience for Super Princess Peach is a really fantastic one, one I highly recommend, I really love it when popular characters get well put together spinoffs that allow us to appreciate the characters more.

Even if this game was made for the entire sense of making a vibrator joke (no really how did Nintendo get away with that lol).
This game is still a treat to play and I absolutely recommend it.

It makes me hope Nintendo decides to allow more characters to get spinoffs. Peach now officially has 2, and they're both great in their own unique way.
Super Princess Peach is a great time that I highly recommend! And if you're a Peach fan, you have both this game and Princess Peach Showtime to enjoy!

Thanks for reading, vibe on!

Princess Peach Showtime is the long awaited second game for the beloved Nintendo Princess.


The game is a simple story about Princess Peach visiting the Sparkle Theater to take part in the amazing plays only for the evil Madam Grape to take over the entire theater. Peach with her new friend Stella must work together to restore all the plays to how they rightfully should be.

The game plays in a 2D perspective, in the sense that you never really go 3D at all except say for the lobby of the Theater when going through different stages.
There are a total of 6 Floors in the entire game with the primary 5 floors having 4 stages on each floor, and the basement containing 10 Sparklas Stages.
The Theets are these big nosed characters that help Peach on her way throughout the different stages that focus on different transformations for Peach. Within Each Stage there are these Sparkle Gem hidden throughout the levels that you must collect for the sake of being able to fight the bosses later, and for the finale. Also located in each stage (apart from boss stages) is a hidden Ribbon Theet you must find and rescue for a reward with a new Ribbon pattern.
Ribbon patterns are what allow you to customize both Peach's dress and Stella's ribbo colors and pattern.


Peach has a total of 12 transformations in the entire game, though the final 2 are saved for the finale.
These transformations being:

1. Swordfighter Peach 🗡️ - Princess Peach becomes a musketeer and uses simple stabs and upward slashes to defeat enemies.

2. Detective Peach 🕵🏼‍♀️ - Princess Peach becomes a detective similar to Sherlock Holmes who can interrogiate and detect hidden out of place objects.

3. Patissiere Peach 🍰 - Princess Peach becomes a Pastry Chef without any unique moves except mostly partaking in cooking mini games that include adding frosting and decorations to giant cakes and creating amazing amounts of cookies.

4. Kung Fu Peach 🥋 - Peach becomes a beautiful Kung fu Shifu that uses kicks and blocks to face against evil Kung Fu Sour Bunch Kung fu Master.

5. Ninja Peach 🥷 - Peach becomes a Kunoichi where she uses secrecy and being hidden and moving quickly to quickly asssinate enemies along with being able to wall run and wall jump fast.

6. Cowgirl Peach 🤠 - Peach becomes a beautiful ruff rider that is able to use her Lasso to take grab and throw enemies.

7. Figure Skater Peach ⛸️ - Princess Peach Becomes a figure skater who's able to do dazzling twirls as an iceskater as well as amazing leaps in the air.

8. Dashing Thief Peach 🦸🏼‍♀️ - Peach becomes a Phantom Thief like Arsène Lupin and is able to use a grappling hack along with hacking different devices and stunning enemies to make a quick escape. She also during some segments uses a glider to make her escape.

9. Mermaid Peach 🧜🏼‍♀️ - Peach Becomes a beautiful singing Mermaid and uses her powerful voice to control fish of varying sizes.

10. Mighty Peach 🤖 - Peach becomes a Robot Master from Megaman and is able to punch electrical blasts and lift heavy objects with ease. During some segments she even has a jetpack.

11. RADIANT PEACH 💫 - During the final battle Peach obtains a beautiful aqua colored Shiny Dress that is a fusion of all transformations and makes Peach fly around the arena shooting barriages of Sparkle Gem Energy at Madam Grape until she is defeated.

12. SUPER RADIANT PEACH 🌌 - During the true final boss after having collected all SPARKLE GEMS, Peach faces off against Madam Grape 1 final time after Grape destroys the Sparkle Theater. Peach uses all the energy from all the Theets, Sparklas, Sparkle Gems, and Stella to obtain an even more powerful and beautiful super form. This new form does the same in terms of allowing Peach to fly around in the sky but stead of firing mini shots of energy at Madam Grape, here Peach fires full on Ki Blast Cannons/Lasers at Madam Grape. Until Peach decides to fly directly into Grape dealing the killing blow by charging into Madam Grape with all her power similar to Super Sonic.


The game has 3 stages per transformation, with the first stage for each being an introduction to the transformation, the second stage now having you be familarized with the transformation, and the final Stella stage having you master it. I personally thing the game should have made the transformations switchable and have the stages be bigger and more unique instead of relying on themes, especially since some transformations are certainly better that others and actually do things.

There's and ingame shop where you can buy new dress and ribbon patterns for Peach and Stella, that go along with the ones you have collected in the game via the Theets.


Honestly as amazing as the finale is with RADIANT & SUPER RADIANT PEACH, a big issue Princess Peach Showtime Suffers from is scriptedness, I think levels are to scripted to where it's almost hand holding you 90% of the time, and unlike say games like Super Mario 3D World or Kirby and the Forgotten land, the game is very linear and tight in it's approach that every level is just scripted and there's never a up.
The bosses for the most part are fine however a bit too easy. The game in general can be classified as "easy and handholding" which is weird how the ideas here are way more expanded than say Super Princess Peach with the Vibe/Emotional Spectrum, but are shallow in terms of full use.
I would venture to say the original Super Princess Peach is a better game since it cares to continue that openess that normal Mario games had, while Showtime seems to want you to do things 1-to-1 with how the devs want you to play and that just isn't fun after a while. Especially if you need to go back and collect hidden gems you forgot to collect, you can't speed on buy the levels, you're forced to play them in a linear progression and hope you obtain the missing gem, or else you have to restart and try again.


I think this should be a learning experience for Nintendo to do another game in the future for Peach, I really love the overall ideas and I think Nintendo should feel more confident of giving the Princess openiness and freedom for her next game instead of constant hand holding.
I am happy Nintendo gave her a second game, and it ends up giving them the confidence to allow more characters to start receiving spinoffs again. Maybe finally making Nintendo bring back the WARIO LAND Series, or giving Daisy her own game, or Pauline, or Rosalina, or Bowser! I really hope Nintendo don't treat this as a 1-&-done interms of spinoffs for Peach (though I guess 2-&-done since this is her second game)
I really hope Nintendo makes more spinoffs for characters, and I really hope that if they do another Princess Peach game, that they let it be more open like the Mario game. I also hope that the transformations in this game appear as abilities for Peach in the next Smash Bros.


Overall I'll say as a game... it's more so a handholding simulator with occassional gameplay segments. First playthroughs of stand stages are a treat to experience but can be annoying if you missed any gems. Boss fights are fun for the most part and had a lot of effort put into them even if they are easy. The dresses and ribbon colors are cute though you'll barely see the actual designs except in the lobby or the beginning of the first transformation stages. I think the finale is spectcular and really is awesome to play through and makes it sort of worth it for the end. I think the game in general is a great 1-&-Done which is a shame since it doesn't have replayability factor like SUPER PRINCESS PEACH except say for finding the 3 hidden Theets in all levels during the post game, Boss Rush, and 100% the game to obtain the radiant dress pattern that IS NOT WORTH IT.

Overall Esthetically, Presentation, and idea wise the game is beautiful, gameplay wise it's quiet shallow. I think overall if you're a fan of Princess Peach and Mario I'd say Super Princess Peach is the better game because it has replayablility value, but I do think Princess Peach Showtime is a nice 1-&-Done experience. Thanks for reading, and take a bow! :D

I finally played this game, and I have to say. I'm surprised at how unique it is as a spinoff to Killzone, in the sense that it attempts to keep the game consistent with the original Killzone, but if anything it does do a better job at having a more satisfying story in comparison to the first game, though it's a shame since they decided that the storyline for 1 needed to end in a spinoff for PSP instead of properly ending the Attack on Planet Vekta Storyline in the first game, and have liberation be something else, though I guess this game somewhat connects to Killzone 2 so there's that. To put it best, if we're talking general story Killzone 1 is 75% of the Attack on Vekta storyline, Liberation is the other 20%, and Mercanary contains 2 levels that place during Killzone 1 so it would be the remaining 5% of the Attack on Vekta.


The story takes place after the events of Killzone 1, which again... I have to question why they would end the story arcs of the first Killzone in a portable spinoff. Especially because the characters who appear, appear in future games, however 2 characters from Killzone 1 are pretty but M.I.A. after the events of Liberation. Hakha from Killzone 1 doesn't even appear story wise, he's in the multiplayer mode but doesn't do anything cause he's not actually apart of the story. Lugher appears too however now she sports a ponytail. This is her last appearance though as she's not mentioned after this game, there's lore as to what happened to her and Hakha but they never reappear.
Templar and Rico reappear with Templar being the only protagonist you control, however the co-op partner takes control of any characters unlocked.

The story is split into 5 chapters, though I played the PS5 version, so it contains 5 chapters, from what I see based on the trophies, Chapters 1-4 were originally part of the base game for PSP, however 5 was a DLC from the looks of it.

The story is General Armin Metrac under orders of Visari, continues the attack on Vekta after the events of Killzone 1, and essentially Templar is tasked with finding out the secrets of the Helghast as well as taking out General Armin Metrac. You go through the game as templar visiting different locations that look somewhat like locations from the first game, however because this game is a top down perspective, the quality of the graphics isn't as good.
Templar goes through different locations reuniting with Lugher, as well Rico later being captured by General Metrac and the Helghast. This is after an important character named Evelyn (who would reappear in Killzone 2) is captured and tortured by the Helghast along with Rico, however she is rescue by Templar, while Rico is taken to a different location.
Towards the end of Chapter 4, in a artic base, Templar confronts and kills General Armin Metrac in a final fight. In the original PSP version the game ends here, and the 5th chapter was DLC which answers the question of what happened to Rico.
In Chapter 5, Templar and Lugher discover where Rico is, and Templar at first assumes Rico has betrayed Vekta and is working with the Helghast when in reality Rico was looking into the true traitor of the game, that being Dwight Stratson who is a Vektan General that Templar rescues in an earlier part of the story.
Rico and Templar reunite and team up to go an confront Stratson, though the final level has Templar confront Stratson alone.
Stratson uses a giant Exo-Skeleton Mech to fight Templar, but Templar successfully stops him.
Stratson Explains that Vekta needs a strong leader is and that the nukes that the Helghast stole need to be recovered and used against the Helghast, Templar orders the ISA to take him away for court marshalling. The game ends with the ISA successfully repelling the Helghast forces off Vekta, and now plan on taking the fight directly to the Helghast on their own planet. Which sets up the direct connection to Killzone 2.


Gameplay wise, it's simple and fine overall, nothing spectcular, aiming is god awful as the game needs to you remain still to actually aim. You use a variety of weapons that appeared throughout Killzone 1, in terms of regular machine guns, sub guns, shotguns, sniper, minigun that heats up if you use it too long, Rocket launcher. What's cool is they added a weapon that makes it's first appearance in this game, but would again reappear in Killzone 3, that being the jet back. Except here in Killzone Liberation, the jetback flies for longer, in comparison to the Jetpack in 3, that at best floats.
Because I was playing the PS5 version, the controls were just weird, but just the amount of times you'll accidently throw a grenade is ridiculous cause of the button placment.

Also I find it stupid they made SQUARE the shoot button, I get in context for PSP they made it so L and R could do different things and it didn't have joysticks and instead the analog slider so they had to limit aiming to a certain way. This part mostly goes to Sony's laziness of not updating controls for the PS5 version. 1 Big thing the game barely uses even though it SEEMS important, is the order commands. Pretty much you're able to order soldiers and main characters in terms of Rico or Lugher to attack enemies you can't necessarily hit or destroy objects to progress. The game developers either forgot to implement reasons to actually use said commands, or just didn't care to actually flesh it out and make it important cause legit you can go through most of the game, and forget about user commands up until say the second last chapter in chapter 5, that's how little you'll use it.

Going back to the issue with aiming, the fact they made enemies attack from high areas is really annoying. Because you can still hit them but it's really difficult to because the developers made it to where you gun sometimes hits the platform they're on instead of the actual enemy unless you a sniper which occassionally works.
The game also features vehicles to drive including a Tank, a Humvee/Machine Gun Car, and a Airboat with Missles, they all control somewhat fine, turnings a bit weird, but for the most part it's doible. Again the problem with this game is the limited control, I get that for PSP it had a limited amount of buttons, but there's no reason they couldn't updated the PS5 version.


Criticquing then story I think in general the story here is a lot more interesting than the first game, however it's stupid they decided that the true conclusion for the KILLZONE 1 events, end here, instead of in a more proper game. Not to say a spinoff can't end a storyline, just the fact they decided to save a villian for this PSP spinoff that takes place after the events of the first game, as well being the last game for the character Lugher, it's disappointing to say the least. Though at the same time the main villian of chapters 1-4 is pretty much overshadowed by the second in command Cobar who's alot more interesting than Metrac.

I'll be fair, I do think storywise I think it's more satisfying than say Killzone 1 since in Liberation does contain a double villian twist. However it suffers from the same problem as 1, where the villian they highlight on the cover, barely appears up until the end, and even then his other appearances are in cutscenes where he barely says anything, he just happens to be an evil helghast commander. The Dwight Stratson twist was a good one, I like how the developers were trying to show that it's not like 1 side is truly evil and the otherside isn't the Helghast are retaliating against their treatment in the past, but their modern means of revenge are horrible to innocent people. The ISA though is no better, since people like Stratson and Grey (Killzone Mercenary) are just as evil because they want to commit mass genocide to the Helghast instead of finding a different way.


I will say on PS5 it's an easy platnium, I will also say even if the game is short, it does drag on a couple of parts. I especially don't like how the game has collectibles scattered throughout the levels, just for the sake of you collecting them, for the sake of unlocking all weapons for load outs and abilities like faster hacking, or being able to hold more grenades, or Infinite Ammo, but it's pointless because by the time everythings unlocked you already 100% the game, it's not like you're going to replay it, unless you plan on doing so in the future.


To summaries: Story - it's fine better than 1, disappointing since it ends the events of 1 in a portable spinoff.

Gameplay - The fact they kept some of the controls the same is astounding because of how bad they are, it's passable for the PSP version probably, but for the PS5 it's ridiculous they didn't bother updating them a bit.

Characters - Just as bland as in 1 except Templar and Rico are fleshed out though Lugher stays generic;

Villians - Cobar the Second in Command is more interesting as a villian / General Armin Metrac is an animated cardboard moustache twirling villian that's as interesting as watching paint dry / Stratson in terms of story is a good idea as a villian but context to the story it comes out of no where, not saying they couldn't do this twist just it feels like they wanted a twist villian but didn't know who to choose so just went "eh Stratson just for the sake of showing the ISA isn't all good," doesn't mean it was a bad idea just wish it had hints towards it and set ups.


Overall I think you play this if you want to have a more satifying end to the Killzone 1 Attack on Planet Vekta storyline done and also for an easy platnium. I'd still put it below Killzone 1 on the fun factor. I think it's fine for a 1-&-Done.
Do I recommend it? If you care about Killzone's story then yeah, if you don't, I don't think there's an issue with you skipping if you don't care.

Thanks for reading.

Killzone 2 is fantastic.
I seriously cannot believe a game that came out in 2009 looks this fantastic. The graphics for this game are absolutely spectacular.


The story picks up from Killzone Liberation 2 years after the attack on Planet Vekta with the ISA invading Helghan to capture Scolar Vesari to stop his crazy tyrade of the people of Vekta and to end the war by peaceful means.

You play as a new protagonist Tomas Sevchenko, with returning characters: Rico Velasquez (Killzone 1 & Liberation), Jan Templar (Protagonist of Killzone 1 and Liberation), and Evelyn Batton (Killzone Liberation). Among your team is you, Rico, and 2 other characters named Shawn Natko (kind of a red neck) and Dante Garza (Engineer and hacker of sorts).

Throughout the game you take out forces upon forces of Helghast, along with disabling Thunder Towers, and destroying tanks.
Halfway through the game you meet the true threat named "Colonel Mael Radec" who steals the show by becoming the most interesting character in the series so much so for PLAYSTATION ALLSTARS BATTLE ROYAL they didn't even put the protagonist in the game as a fighter, they chose Radec instead cause of how badass and unique he is.

What's stupid though is that the team who made this series instead of saying, "you know this cool character Radec that we introduced in this game, what if we make him the main villian?"
They instead said, "You know that cool character Radec that we introduced in this game as a villian? What if we kill him in the same game we introduced him in, and make that boring as hell Versari the main villian but kill him off too."

A lot of missed potential for Colonel Mael Radec, as he could've been the main overarching villian of the series. Especially since it's because of him that 2 major characters in the series die: Evelyn, and JAN TEMPLAR (Killzone 1 Protagonist) are all killed by Radec.

The fact they killed the protagonist of the previous 2 games and have Radec also die in the same game is such a shame, because it could've been more interesting if Radec took over the Helghast as the new leader than what we got with Killzone 3.

Gameplay wise this game is great the flow of fighting in terms of using vehicles, and weapons absolutely are all great. The creators of this game did a fantastic job with the esthetic and the visuals of this game, so much I say it looks better than any recent call of duty games because while it is older, I think it has that modern visual design with a hint of personal touch in terms of design.

The gun play is great, some guns are better than others however there is enough variety here to where each gun is utalized in certain situations in the campaign.
The only criticism I truly have is how, (and maybe this is just because I'm comparing to other shooters at the time) secondary weapons are nonexistent in this series. What I mean is that unlike the Liberation or Mercenary, for some reason the secondary weapon is always a revolver and that's not to say revolvers suck but my issue is that it's an infinite revolver that you can never get rid of. Unlike other shooters where you are able to carry 2 primaries, or different secondaries, here there is no secondary than the revolver.

I've played nearly all the games, the only one I haven't yet is SHADOWFALL, but I hope Shadowfall allows me to use a different secondary weapon instead of just an infinite revolver.

This game has the issue with the main characters, apart from say Rico and Templar who we grew to like through Killzone 1 and Killzone Liberation, where the main characters are kind of bland. Like they're the typical "we fight to end this war" while say Natko, Garza, and Sev have their unique personalities, you can't really say they have anything unique with their motivations and character archetypes.

Who is Sev? the protagonist. What does he fight for? To end the War with the Helghast and Vesari. What's his motivation? Uh... he's a soldier. What's his goal apart from the war, does he have people back home we care about or does he have something unique that doesn't make him generic? Uh... no not really.

Who's Natko? He's a soldier who's kind of a redneck but also wears an America flag bandana. What's his character like? He likes war and enjoys shooting guns. What's his motivation apart from the war? uh...he like shooting guns.

Garza if anything is probably the most interesting because he's more than just "soldier shoot because war and stopping Vescari"
Yeah sure he's motivated to stop the war but he also thinks about the casualities of his own ISA comrades.
I think his death does add emotional factors and second thoughts to Sev to make him think about how the ISA technically forced the Helghast to act.
But we mostly see that after Garza's death, and after Vesari is killed by Rico at the end with Sev realizing the Helghast were just toying with the ISA and with the death of Vesari, the true sleeping giant was awakened.

Again the person who steals the show in this game is Radec because of his charisma, actions, and abilities he has in the game.


So to round up:

Visuals: 9/10 - It's impressive and surprising how amazing this game looks in comparsion to most modern shooters.

Gameplay: 7/10 - Standard Shooter, doesn't really do anything unique apart from controlling a vehicle in certain levels and using the Six-Axis motion controls on valves.

Characters: 6/10 - You have returning characters like Templar and Rico who you might like because they're from KZ1 and Liberation, but really you can't really say they have that much depth. Same applies for Sev and Natko, Sev is the protagonist but doesn't really have anything unique about him and Natko's American flag bandana is more memorable than him so much so in KILLZONE 3, the game devs forgot about him and shoved him as the co-op character but he doesn't appear in the actual cutscenes.
Garza for the most part is uniquely written but because of that, he was killed I guess considering he's against the war entirely but still finds the actions of the Helghast horrific.
The villian in this game to be honest barely appears in maximum 5 cutscenes, but leaves such an impact that Radec's tactics and strategies to hinder the ISA are felt throughout the game that he honestly becomes the most iconic character when you think Killzone, along with his final fight.

Campaign: 8/10 - Does a lot of fun and unique stuff and I recommend playing on the hardest difficulty for the sake of true challenge. The story does leave at a cliffhanger however that is resolved and picked up from in Killzone 3 luckily.


Overall I 100% recommend this game. If you have a PS3 this is a must buy along with 3. Only thing I will say though is that the game does need a modern remaster or at the very least have Sony add it to PS PLUS Classics Catalogue. Only issue there is that Sony has to make players stream PS3 games instead of being able to buy and play them which sucks. To rant a bit, it's still ridiculous Sony haven't made a proper PS3 official emulator for PS4 and PS5, there are rumors they are working on one, but that rumor was from a year ago and nothing came from it since.
It such a shame because there are so many amazing games stuck on PS3, but that's why I'm recommending if you do have a PS3, buy Killzone 2 and 3.

Thanks for reading. :)

Killzone 3 is another visual masterpiece that does have a bit of rushed feeling when it comes to it's story


To pick this up, Killzone 3 starts with you playing a Sev and Rico influtrating a Helghast base in the pole of Helghan. They're pretending to be Helghast soldiers all for the sake of saving Captain Jason Narville. Since the death of Vesari and Radec, the main villian or villians of this game are Jorhan Stahl and Admiral Orlock. In the snowy intro level the game has you practice shooting and later ambushing Stahl who's about to excute Narville live on Helghast T.V.
The game immediately flashes back 6 months prior to after the end of 2, only thing I will point out is how... for some weird reason the game devs decided to change the way the location of Vesari's capital building looks from the exterior so when you go from 2 to 3, you notice a weird change in how the building is placed.
The game picks up with Sev angry with Rico's actions of killing Vesari because they've just awakened a sleeping Giant. Narville courtmashalls Rico for committing a war crime, and orders Sev to stay by Rico and commit to the mission.
Immediately Helghast forces unleash an all out attack on the ISA forces, which forces them to retreat. At one Rico recieves a transmission from a ISA squad ran by a female character named Jammer requests help and while Narville demands Sev and Rico to return to the main ships, Rico ignores his orders. If anything this was a good idea because all ISA dropships are attacked and destroyed by a giant war machine called a MAWLR (which is like a 4 legged spider robot with a giant laser gun.)

A new leader is put in charge named Admiral Orlock who, however he's later stripped of his leadership due to his incompetence and hardheadedness in refusing to plan out an attack. Orlock refuses to surrender to the ISA, but isn't smart enough to actually think about how to counter them. The Helghast Council strip Orlock of his leadership position and appoint Jorhan Stahl as the new leader. However his plans are to trick the ISA into thinking that Helghan is making a peace treaty with the ISA only to wipe out the stranded forces on Helghan.

6 months pass, and the game picks up with the remaining ISA forces stranded waiting for emergency pick up from Vesari with peace relations with Helghan. However Sev sees the Helghast use a new weapon that contorts the obliterates the bodies with Helghan radiation. ISA forces are later captured and executed, with Sev being later saved by Rico and his new squad called "RICO's RAIDERS" along with Jammer.

The game does something most games did at the time where they have a intro scene or level that takes place in a future level but they make it the intro for the sake of building suspense for some reason.
(an example of this is Uncharted 2 where Nathan Drake is hurt after the train crash but there's no point in adding so much suspense if the actual level itself shows him how he gets to that point that it makes that intro level pointless)

In terms of Killzone 3, you essentially have to replay the intro level except here the game ignores the practice shooting segment and just has you and Rico get to Narville's execution room in order to stop the murder. Sev and Rico successfully rescue Narville and other ISA soldiers from the Helghast Snow Base.

You continue threw the game fighting Helghast forces after finding out that Stahl is planning on using the Helghast Energy to annihalate Earth.

Throughout the game you see how there's technically 3 factions of opposing forces in the game: The ISA, Orlock's Helghast, and Stahl's Helghast. For the most part you don't see Orlock's or Stahl's Helghast differently however in cutscenes you can tell they're different because Orlock wants to defeat the ISA without hurting the Helghast, while Stahl doesn't care about what happens to his people he just wants to kill all Earthlings and it doesn't matter the casualities that Helghast suffers.

After successfully recooperating a lot of ISA soldiers, Sev, Rico, and Narville---(and Natko however he's not in any cutscene and just shoved into the game as a co-op only character and no he doesn't appear in co-op cutscenes either)--- plan a final stand against the Helghast on Helghan before leaving to stop Stahl's plan of destroying Earth.

The way the game ends your battle on Helghan is by having you take out the MAWLR by destroying it's exhaust ports with an RPG from the ground. Later you fly around using an infinite ammo Minigun to destroy the remaining operating ports, destroying the MAWLR once and for all.

Sev, Rico, Jammer, and Narville hijack a ship and fly into the Helghast mother ship to confront Stahl, however Stahl won't have a final confrontation with ISA officers, instead he's planning on warp speeding to Earth to use his weapon. Stahl however is confronted by Orlock, where they have a tussle with Stahl revealing to Orlock that he doesn't care about Helghan or his people, killing Orlock with the radition weapon.

The ISA realize there's no point in confronting Stahl since he's attempting to get away, so Sev and the other decide to get back to the ship they hijack and destroy Stahl's ship's Warp drive. After successfully doing so, Stahl decides to go crazy and commits Mass planetary genocide by using his weapon on the planet Helghan it's, with his ship crashing back into the planet.

The game ends with Sev and crew realizing that Stahl literally oblerated and killed all of his planet... lore wise the Helghast were angry at how the universe were treating them as slaves... Vesari united the planet for a better future, just went about it all the wrong way. Joseph Lente (Killzone 1), Tendon Cobar (Liberation), Armin Metrac (Liberation), Radec (KZ2), Orlock, and Vesari all wanted justice and protection for their planet and people...only for Stahl to destroy all his people and planet.

Jammer says she's shocked at what Stahl did, with Sev and the others watching unhappy with the effects of the war and the game abruptly ends...

ONLY FOR A CLIFFHANGER TO HAPPEN AT THE END! Turns out... Stahl somehow survived, even though we aren't shown him visibly essentially a couple of Helghast Soldiers survived the destruction of the planet, with the remaining Helghast forces finding Stahl's ship...opening it... and saying "Welcome home sir" as the game cuts to black.


The game's gameplay is improved from Killzone 2, with guns being stronger than before.
The game also decided luckily to stop with the SIX-AXIS motion controls as you really only use them about 3 times in the entire campagin.
The weapons featured are all returning from Killzone 2 just updated visually and improved damage wise, with 5 new additions in terms of the Radiation Gun, the Electricity Minigun, Unmounted Turrent Minigun, Unmounted Rocket Turrent Minigun, The Jet Pack Machine gun Only used in 1 level essentially it's not even a jetpack it's more like a however double jump pack that floats if you hold it and has an infinite submachine gun) and the Lock-on Rocket Launcher (only used in the MAWLR fight).

Campaign thoughts:
Too short, the game might feel long but it really isn't the levels themselves just feel have long segments but really the levels take about 20 minutes each, or less. Killzone 2 had 10 levels KILLZONE 3 has only 8, while some might say "no it has 9" the intro level is just a tutorial and doesn't count because you end up replaying the level anyway only without the tutorial section.
This game felt like it needed to be longer, it feels a bit rushed like they focused their efforts too much on making this game visually look fantastic, but has as much depth as that of a standard family pool except you never go to the deepend, you stay in the shallow area near the steps.
A missed opportunity like I said was having 2 factions of Helghast with 1 siding with Orlock and the other with Stahl. It would've been cool to see 2 different factions of Helghast fighting eachother, sort a internal Helghast Civil war in an already huge planetary one with the ISA.
I know most people praise the Killzone Series for the multiplayer for both Killzone 2 and 3 however servers have long been dead since I've played this. But if that's the case, then it seems like the dev's cared about making the game look fantastic and futuristic, and probably put more effort into the Multiplayer too, but it seems like they did a rush job with the story for no reason, other than maybe they ran out of ideas or time for development.
With the visuals, it's almost shockingly better than most modern shooters for a PS3 game, it looks like it was made for modern consoles with a touch of unique artstyles for the characters, the devs really did an amazing job with Killzone 2 and 3 on PS3. Still doesn't make up for what feels like a rush job for the story.

I do know that there is a book adapation called Killzone: Ascendancy that gives depths to the characters, as well as improve upon the story of KILLZONE 3. I might read it in the future however, the fact I need to read a book to fix the problems with the game is really dumb.
If the book does turn out to be better, then I would want a remake of Killzone 3 with adaptions from the Book (that's if I like it - will post in the comments in the future if I liked Killzone: Ascendancy or not).

Character thoughts:

- Sev actually became more unique as he defies orders because of Narville's stupidity.

-Rico also evolved with having regrets but knows when orders are wrong especially if they get people killed

- Narville is one of the worst characters in this series, I think he's the typical "Army commander who yells commands at his soldiers to keep fighting but later surrenders like a moron" and tries to justify leaving innocent soldiers to die. Yes he learns to let stuff go, but most of the problems that happen in Killzone 3 wouldn't have happened if it wasn't for him.

- Jammer is underrated but also she doesn't do anything that makes you "Yeah she played a big part", really feels like the devs said "we need another female character who shoots guns apart from Lugher from 1"

- Natko... I guess the devs forgot about him storywise so shoved him as a co-op only character. His character is nonexistent because he's basically not in this game storywise. Is he alive canonically? I don't know, if the devs didn't care, neither should I.

- Orlock feels like he was made to the main villian only for Stahl to be it. But legit between Stahl and Orlock it felt like the devs kept switching who they wanted until the climax of the game where they made Stahl the main villian while Orlock takes a antagonist of an antagonist role who's killed off. He has a cool design, but that's about it. He kind of looks like he was modeled after Stalin.

- Stahl is unique in the sense that you don't really know what he's fighting for. Most of the time he's smiling but his smile doesn't convey happiness more a strange nature. His actions in the game are smart, and yet you don't know what reason he's fighting for until the very end. He wants to destroy the ISA/Vekta/Earth because he feels there is no resolution where both sides exist. That's why he doesn't care about the people of Helghan, so much so as a last resort and send off he essentially decides "If can't destroy you, I'll destroy my people and myself instead, cause there is no resolution where both exist."
(still not as good as Radec)


Would I recommend it?
Yes, especially if you look at it more as finishing 2's story.

Is it better than 2?
Honestly no, visually yes, but story wise not really.

Do I think it's the worst rated one?
No I don't think so If I had to order from the ones I've played I'd say:
1st place - KILLZONE 2
3rd place - KILLZONE 3
4th place - KILLZONE 1
TBD (cause I haven't played it) - KILLZONE SHADOW FALL

Those are my thoughts on Killzone 3, it's a good conclusion to 2's story finishing the Vektan vs Helghan storyline, but the campaign is lacking, visuals and gunplay are great though.
I recommend it, but since I gave Killzone 2 a 4 out 5 stars, I'm giving Killzone 3 3.5 out 5 stars.

Thank's for reading.

FIFA 24... oh sorry EAFC24 is certainly another FIFA game just without the license. Again EA here seems to not want to change anything and just keep releasing the same crap.
Luckily I got my copy via the playstation monthly free games that's the only reason I'm giving this 1 star and not a half star, it's cause I played this free.

The DDA in this game is pathetic. It seems that the game essentially rigs it for you to win or lose, where sometimes you could have the best defenders and attackers, and yet they all act like their bumbling idiots never scoring or tackling. Or sometimes they become prime Barcelona or Los Galacticos obliterating an opponent.

Also it seems like winning is wrong, and you have to lose sometimes.
It's almost as if EA is essentially punishing the player for being good.
I get wanting people to play your crappy release every year but wow is this a new low. This certainly feels like a cut and paste, because legit I didn't feel anything different in terms of how bad the DDA was in FIFA 23, just seems like they took it from there and placed it in here again, because EA don't like hard work or caring.
The only difference of this year compared to last is the name and the cover star.

Here's to hoping 2K FIFA 2025 is good. I think this game impressively somehow pushed long time players away. People who defend the long time scummy business practices have woken up and realized this shit is subpar. And no EAFC 25 will not improve upon this, it'll just be the same crap as before probably worse.

I played literally a day just to see if it was different from say FIFA 23, I did this by playing SEASONS. Playing seasons tells you everything you need to know about the online in this game.
The first 2 games I lost about 4-2 and 6-2. The 3rd game I whooped my opponent 6-1, the 4th game I got whooped 7-5, my 6th and 7th games, I won 6-1 in both situations.

It's almost like I insulted the DDA bot for winning my 3rd match so it decided to put me through hell in my 4th match. Yeah sure scoring goals is nice, but legit older FIFA games had that uniqueness of keeping scorelines low and had actual skill involved. Yeah sure you got sweats, but it's ridiculous when every game ends in 4 or 5 goals, you never see a scoreline below 2 goals.
In older FIFAs before FIFA 20, you had balance to a point where sometimes you'd even go extra time with people online cause the game was that close. I don't think I've ever experienced a 0-0 draw to full time in a modern FIFA after 23 and this game.

This game is absolutely bland asf to look at in its UI. I get Haaland is the cover star but could you not get other players on different screens?
Also the song selection is crap, the faces look fine.

I didn't bother touching career mode nor pro clubs cause they're the same boring unimproved fossilized mode that EA doesn't care to improve it.

As of writing (June 2nd, 2024) they haven't revealed EAFC 25 yet and yesterday Real Madrid won the Champions League so I'm willing to bet either Vinicius Jr or Jude Bellingham will be the cover star. I'm saying all of this to explain THE NEXT WILL BE EXACTLY THE SAME JUST HAVE A DIFFERENT NAME AND NUMBER, A DIFFERENT COVER STAR AND UPDATED TEAMS WITH NEW PLAYERS AND RETIRING ONES.

Luckily people seem to be starting to wake up from this nonsense, I have no hope in EA improving this series. Here's hoping 2K do a good job with the FIFA LICENSE.