I expected there to be more growing pains with the pink puff's first 3D outing but there is surprisingly very little. It's shocking to think Kirby hasn't gotten a 3D game yet considering just how well this works.

Consistently unique and consistently fun - nothing else like it.

Bold, bigger, breathtakingly beautiful and a blast to play, Metroid dread is a fantastic game and one I cannot wait to revisit again in the near future. I am not typically a fan of this genre, despite trying to get into it multiple times with Hollow Knight, SteamWorld and most recently Super Metroid. None of these games I hate, in fact I like Super Metroid but Dread was the first title of its type to make me go "I love this".

The game is simply brilliant to play with some of the best controls and movement in any game Ive played, second only to Mario Odyssey. Like that game what makes this game in part so fun to play is how you can connect moves together smoothly, go into a slide, jump out into a wall jump, then dash and parry an enemy in a quick succession. Everything just flows perfectly with the controls and movement its simply a joy to play. Along with a layer of polish and refinement to the physics and a constantly rewarding gameplay loop makes the gameplay very fluid and addictive.

The games addictiveness is also thanks in part to the excellent pacing, the game feeds out items at a steady pace, not too fast and not too slow. Giving you time to use every item, learn and master it before giving you the next one. This made me never get bored while playing, and when I wasn't playing made me eagerly await the next moment I could.

The atmosphere in this game is pretty varied but all of it is very well done. The gorgeous backgrounds that left me jaw dropped about how they could work on the Switch with everything else going on without performance issues and a great soundtrack done by the Super Metroid composer that adds to the atmospheric experience so much more, especially when playing with headphones on. It was an immensely immersive experience and I can see why Nintendo pushed so hard for people to wear headphones. Every new area you discover it feels like you are unearthing a piece of the mystery that eludes this game and its story. It makes your brain theorize about it and what its all leading up to, especially with the later areas.

Now to address the Emmi in the room, they're great and one of the best parts of the game. The rooms they're in give off a feeling of dread and mystery like I was touching on earlier. Sneaking around these rooms, listening to the ambient soundtrack and the beeping going on is an experience that will leave anyone on the edge of their seat. Then bam you get too cocky, the EMMI notice you and now you're definitely on your seat. This is the best part about the EMMI encounters as it tests your ability with the controls and moveset you are offered. The game is extremely fair with the EMMI, giving you places to run and hide and you can always get away after being seen. If you try caught however the game leaves one last aid for the player, a chance to parry the EMMI and get out of instant death. The favor should always be in the players favor when designing a game and Dread excels at that greatly. From a gameplay aspect the EMMI are great but the "horror" aspect of them is also greatly executed as well with the sound design.

Everything else is pretty well done too, enemies are varied, bosses are so much fun, the area layout feels memorable with the right amount of vagueness to give proper exploration. I only really have 2 minor complaints (moreso nitpicks). I think enemies give too many missiles, when defeating an enemy with a missile it feels like they'll always give you the amount you used and then some, so it just makes sense to always use missiles most of the time. Second nitpick is it doesn't seem like you can disable powerups like in older game which could impact replayability slightly (If I find a way to Ill update the review). Like I said though, nitpicks that really don't diminish from the experience at all.

Metroid Dread is a game that you can tell had a lot of care going into it. I think you could only make something this good if you really knew the genre going in, as this game is the genre near perfected. Even if Metroidvanias aren't your thing or you've never played one, pick up dread, you owe it to yourself and to Mercury System who clearly worked so hard on this.

Went in and initially was disappointed by unrealistic expectations based on the ending of the first, but the more I played the more I adored and realized how unique and fun Deltarune really is. Deltarune isn’t Undertale, and I wish I realized that sooner. Deltarune is its own thing, its own great thing.

This game has so much funny witty dialogue inside of it, always putting a smile on my face. The gameplay variety Toby was able to achieve was also very impressive and shows his maturity as a game developer. The characters and story are definitely better than the first and the ending was great. Can’t wait to see what’s in store for the next chapters; which I’ll be eagerly awaiting.

I didn’t think this day would come, maybe there would be a game that I like a bit more than Ace Attorney Trilogy, sure, but never once did I think a game would come along delivering the same emotional impact Ace Attorney Trilogy bestowed upon me. Shu Takumi proved me wrong with the magnum opus of his career, showing his growth in maturity and competence as a writer to deliver the best story I’ve ever had the pleasure of witnessing. I'm eagerly awaiting the day when I will be able to further dive into what makes this game so special to me, but out of the courtesy of others and spoilers that won't be today.

This was worth the wait, Great Ace Attorney Adventures offers an adventure unlike anything I have seen yet in this series offering an unparalleled overarching story for this series with a gorgeous backdrop of late 1800s London. Shu Takumi proved with this game he can do writing on par with his work in the Ace Attorney Trilogy, by branching out from Phoenix Wright, to create a completely new but endearing cast of characters. The cast of characters in this game might be the most consistent in this series up to this point, not quite reaching the heights of characters such as Godot or Edgeworth, but no one in this game really stood out to me as annoying or a waste, and all of the main cast are excellently executed, with Herlock being a highlight for me with his over the top goofy antics. The gameplay mechanics are also a definitive step up from anything we have seen up to this point, with the new cross-examination mechanics along with deducing the facts with Herlock, its all incredibly engaging. One thing you have to keep in mind with this game is that you are getting half a story, unlike any other ace attorney, and you will have to play the sequel to get a lot of the answers you will understandably have on your mind, but looking past that this game gave me a remarkable story that doesn't hold back with its more mature themes for the sake of comedy, while still balancing the two well, not giving you whiplash like in previous games. I'm very excited to see where the sequel takes me on this journey.

Pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoyed the Twitter bait game

Fun, charming and always imaginative this game always put a smile on my face while playing it. Comes highly recommended to anyone who is a fan of 3D platformers.

One of the best games of the 16-bit generation but still falls into the usual "crust" games of this generation can have. Controls are mostly fine but some items and abilities definitely feel unpolished which can be very grating over the course of the game. Exploration can be a little cryptic but overall exploring the planet was extremely fun and always rewarding. The atmosphere in this game is nearly unmatched for this generation, along with pretty innovative story telling for the time.

I have no clue where to even start with this game. For every individual thing that it does to impress me, it has a massive annoyance for me as well.

This game excels in expanding Midgar, remaking the worlds beautifully and adding such life to them that you barely see anymore in this medium, it truly impressed me after playing a portion of the original. The soundtrack is phenomenal and easily in my top 5 video game OSTs, will never understand those who prefer the original's. The characters feel so much more alive than they did in the original, they all feel more like real people and the excellent voice acting for the main cast really pushes this to new heights I would have never imagined initially. When the story gets going, it really is an endearing tale that I just wish I got to see more of in this game. So much of this game I like, I like a lot and I will remember it, which is why it's so hard that it screws up in a lot of ways personally for me.

Just going to get my biggest issue with the game out of the way right off the bat, the pacing is atrocious. Some chapters take too long and grow tiring very quickly, some go by too fast. They add so much unneccesary padding that wasn't in the original it feels like this games main purpose is just to completely waste my time and it pisses me off a lot of the time. There was no reason at all to make the 1-2 screen train section in the original into a pretty forgettable ghost train chapter. The combat I have mixed feelings on as well. I feel like in idea its genius, an incredible way to translate the originals real time turn based battles into an action RPG. But the vast majority of the time its just not fun for me, I feel like its just too button mashy a majority of the time, and when its not its overly hard with harsh and inconsistent difficulty spikes like in the first time venturing the sewers. I had nothing but praise for the main cast but the side characters the exact opposite is true, I highly doubt I will ever think about them again after writing this and they just feel like padding. Thats the overall theme of my complaints, the game just feels like it's wasting my time in so many aspects, but when it hits it delivers an emotional and unforgettable experience drowned in a sea of mediocrity and padding. 7R part 2 could fit my issues and deliver a more focused and streamlined experience, and Im excited to see what they could do with it, this team can do great things and have done great things, and the future is optimistic for them.

Loved what I played but don't want to burn myself out by rushing through to do the other routes

This game has some of the tightest controls and level design I have ever seen in a platformer. It brings new ideas to the table constantly and creates a frequently refreshing experience from start to end because of that, but after the credits roll the flaws start to creek out. This game is so bloated with pointless 100% requirements that it makes so much of the levels seem absolutely pointless to me. The collectibles can be frustratingly cryptic, doing the same level designs 5+ times starts to wear you down and the time trials are the worst out of the main 4 games by far for the stupid move they make you use to beat them. I really wish I liked this game more, so much of it appeals to me.

Perfectly blends together both narrative and frantic fast paced gameplay that masterfully immerses you in both the world and character.

What a delightful surprise, this port made me have a complete 180 on this game and learn to absolutely love it when I just liked it before. All the enhancements in this port fix a lot of my issues with the original. This time the game is a super fast paced frantic adventure with new moveset options that add to the flow, making this incredibly fun. All the levels have fucking incredible design albeit they can be a bit basic at times, but they are so much fun and a joy to play I could hardly care less. The secrets in every stage are super fun to try and find, some being pretty cryptic. Bowser's Fury adds a nice bit of sandbox Mario into the mix (my personal favorite) which is a nice breather from all the linear levels and is a ton of fun to boot! They balance spectacle and gameplay almost perfectly with astounding music that I would absolutely not expect to hear in a Mario game. Do I have to even say Bowser's Fury is a blast too? Future Connected this ain't. I still think this game plays it a bit too safe, but I have so much fun with this I could hardly care less, and I love playing online with friends. This is easily a strong recommendation from me and a must have for the Switch.