60 Reviews liked by Iagovisk

Mi vida era peor antes de tener en ella una fusión de Crypt of the Necrodancer, un character action y una serie de dibujos de la década de los 2000, y yo no lo sabía hasta que llegó esta joya.
Y entonces llegas a la escena de la cafetería.

Sou rigoroso com JRPG pois raramente jogo, mas este aqui é uma obra-prima. Nunca entendi por que tanto se falava de P5 e agora entendo, se passei 1min entediado ou indiferente nas minhas 100h de jogo, foi muito.

O gameplay de combate é um absurdo de viciante, a sensação é que inventaram o Videogame II. Narrativa é lenta, mas no bom sentido, não tem pressa em contar sua história e principalmente apresentar seus personagens que são carismáticos e bem construídos (Futaba já mora no meu ❤️), junte sua OST super cativante e temos um game com uma vibe sempre empolgante, onde você joga o dia todo e mal vê o tempo passar. De longe o melhor que joguei em 2022.


• Platinado 💯🏆
• Epílogo (Royal Palace) agrega muito.
• SHOWTIME ATTACKS são muito bons, um melhor que o outro.
• Tinha a mãozinha do bolso, meu consagrado.
• Impressão minha ou o boss do Palácio Espacial é muito mais DIFÍCIL e APELÃO que qualquer outro?
• New Game Plus poderia ser melhor hein?!
• Enfrentei uma Shadow com o formato de pênis, juro que não estou louco (Mara).

great game tainted by people who can only compare it to dead by daylight. makes teen (survivor) a fun side to play. monsters suffer since there's no side objectives for the the teens to do other than make weapons. pleased with what we have now, if you can handle the long queue times. i'm holding out great hope for this game !!

Esse é meu primeiro contato com Halo, não sei se deveria ter iniciado com este, mesmo sendo o primeiro cronologicamente... mas como uma primeira experiência com a franquia eu gostei, e apesar de ter achado a gameplay bem mediana com um sistema de habilidades bem estranho, a história (apesar de pouco aprofundada na minha opinião) e especialmente a trilha sonora me agradaram bastante, parece uma franquia extremamente promissora, estou ansioso pra experimentar os outros jogos.

Ok eu tinha boas expectativas, no trailer o estilo visual e combate me chamaram até mais atenção que o Blasphemous. No geral eu esperava um ótimo souls like metroidvania com combate divertido e uma boa história. Não chega a ser tudo isso, mas ainda é um bom jogo.

Sobre a arte não tem muito que eu possa comentar além de que É BONITA PRA CARALHO, e adiciona ao mundo aqui criado, que consiste de cinza, preto e amarelo que até pode parecer uma escolha de cores não muito interessante, mas que casa com o universo de Moonscars. A trilha sonora é bem foda-se quando não está em boss battle. Já a gameplay é muito boa, mas eu gostaria que o combate tivesse uma progressão maior, que houvesse uma evolução maior em suas mecânicas, mas a gameplay é quase a mesma do começo ao fim, e nesse sentido me decepcionei um pouco. Mas claro isso é uma opção que os próprios desenvolvedores tomaram e que me desagradou, há uma razão pra esse aspecto não estar presente e é interessante como o personagem não upa de nível, mas sim dependendo de quantos inimigos você matar, são liberados pequenos buffs que somem quando você morre ou alcança outro espelho(bonfire do game), entretanto tem uma grande repetição de inimigos e os bosses até tem uma boa trilha sonora mas são fáceis demais, com poucos movesets, fazendo com que você pegue a manha logo de primeira. Como falei, é divertido e me prendeu mas poderia ser um pouco melhor. Já a ligação entre mecânicas de gameplay e a lore é uma das coisas que mais gostei em Moonscars, com toda uma relação entre A Lua, uma espécie de Deusa, e uma dicotomia entre Pristines e Clayborns, que fundamenta toda a história do jogo e o sistema de renascimento.

A história foi algo que de início dei pouca importância por estar achando meio qualquer coisa, mas aos poucos vi ela ganhando certa complexidade, dando um grande foco em temas relativos a religião, humanidade e poder, sim uma listinha básica de famosos Dark Fantasy, mas que nesse mundo sublunar é trazido de forma que me cativou bastante. Pois a lore aqui é contada através dos NPCs, nossa personagem perdeu a memória e busca seu criador a procura de respostas, a cada evento dentro do jogo recebemos um item que nos recobra memórias, esses itens podem ser entregues a uma NPC e com isso podemos discutir a respeito de determinado assunto. No geral têm vários elementos batidos, que já vimos em outras obras, mas nem sempre é algo ruim quando trazido de forma diferente e intuitiva.

Portanto, é mais um nesses gêneros que amo tanto, então se assim como eu você curte metroidvania, souls like ou dark fantasy, não é algo inovador nesses meios, mas que pega vários desses elementos e apresenta á sua maneira, então tá aí mais um título pra se aproveitar.

storm 1-

am i even legally allowed to call this shit a video game? this is just do RANDOM bull shit missions and then do main story events but for some UNKNOWN reason skip the zabuza arc because the devs fucking felt like it and also you know what else is nice the sound four are not playable for NO REASON at all and this started the trend in nart games to just have dialog and not voice over it and at that point why even have the dialog just have the characters stare at each other while moving their hands up and down and get to the fucking game and not to mention WHERE IS EVERYONES COMBOS literally every character has half the combos they did
compared to ultimate ninja 5 witch came out before overall 3/10

storm 2-

WHERE THE FUCK ARE THE PTS CHARACTERS IN FREE BATTLE MODE??????? but besides that they still have most of the problems from storm 1 except the roster and story mode don't skip shit whenever they fucking feel like it. in the story mode the bosses are HYPE as shit and they decided to steal the no face gangsters from ultimate ninja 4 and just re use them and who in the fuck is lars in free battle mode??? overall 7/10

storm 3-

this game really needs props for being i'm pretty sure the first naruto shippuden game to actually not restart the whole story like EVERY OTHER FUCKING GAME but still has the same no voice acting dialog not enough combos but they finally added back the PTS nart characters witch is nice but the story mode is short and just decides to end the war arc early for no reason overall 8/10

storm 4-

bro this INTRO GOES FUCKING HARD BUDDY GOD DAMN fucking GOD TIER just make sure to not buy road to boruto because if you do that the intro gets swapped to the literal worst intro in gaming history the roster is nice and big but still no voice acting dialog and less combos but that's not really a problem in this game because you can swap with 2 other characters from your party but the story mode is just 0_0 where's the free roam bro??? and then adventure mode 0_0 don't even think about touching that DECERPED fucking game mode overall 8/10

overall i give this game a 6/10

Pretty sure I got kicked out of a friend group for not playing enough of this shitter ass game lmao

Eu já joguei vários jogos da franquia porem esse foi o primeiro que cheguei a zerar.

Fire Emblem Awakening é um dos melhores jogos da franquia para se começar a jogar pois o jogo é bem amigável com iniciantes, simplificando e deixando mais acessível algumas mecânicas do jogo, como um bom exemplo a função de promover classes, que enquanto nos outros jogo é um item raro que é responsável por isso, nesse jogo é um item comprável que é possível comprar e usar quantas vezes você quiser.

Em relação a dificuldade esse jogo é bem desafiador como todos os Fire Emblem, porem esse jogo lhe dá a opção de ter um maior controle sobre sua dificuldade, lhe dando acesso as Reeking Box, um item capaz de summonar inimigos aleatórios no mapa que você pode enfrentar e farmar xp, sem contar os capítulos extras ou mapas de dlc.

Esse jogo é bem bacana e um ótimo jogo pra quem quer apenas tentar um rpg tático novo, ou pra quem quer dá inicio a serie Fire Emblem, o combate do jogo é bem intuitivo e o sistema de classes é muito interessante e gostei bastante de explorar essa mecânicas, recomendo

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It was nice to invite someone over to play video games and not stick on Resident Evil 5 for the 100th time. For me, couch co-op adventure games just seem so hard to find.

It Takes Two provides excellent platform puzzles that delegate varied essential jobs to each player. The level design is also top notch, making innovative use of household items now made gargantuan as a result of your creepy-doll transformation.

My main criticism is the writing. The characters are annoying; on a repeated playthrough I muted the dialogue. The ‘Dr Hakim’ character really makes no sense: intended as a Book of Love, he comes across as more of a ‘Spanish lover’ stereotype (more of a sexy ladies man) than anyone who has been in a relationship longer than two days. And his painfully generic relationship advice reinforces that.
Ultimately, the message of our divorcing hero couple getting back together is cute, but unhelpful. I understand the fantastical escapist nature of video games, but can’t help but feel the more mature thing to do would be to have them go through with the divorce, helping their child understand it’s not end of the world for them. Imagine how many young children with divorced parents are in need of that kind of message.

All of this aside, it is quite funny getting your spouse killed during during the puzzle-platforming segments.

the only good multiplayer halo

Master Chief is one of the most iconic characters around, and despite being on a Western heavy console brand, everyone knows who he is. The green Spartan made waves back in November of 2004 with Halo 2. Halo 2 pretty much defined online console multiplayer and was the driving force for Xbox LIVE throughout the Xbox 1’s lifecycle. I still remember Peter Moore lifting up his sleeve and revealing Halo 2‘s release date as a tattoo on his arm; it was unique and cool and probably something he regretted later on. Halo 2 also received more hate than any other game I can think of, and sadly, I’m one of those people. See, I was a hardcore Sony fanboy at the time and loved my PS2. While it was a superior console, it lacked the show-stopping online games like Halo 2 and lacked an FPS exclusive (Killzone was not the FPS PS2 owners needed).

Halo has a fantastic sci-fi lore and I didn’t appreciate this until I got much older. If you read the comics and novels you will realize just how deep and fantastic the Halo universe is. Halo 2 expands on the first game tenfold in nearly every way. The story is more fleshed out, had fantastic pre-rendered cutscenes, and some incredible voice acting. The campaign was longer than the first game and offered more variety. For starters, dual-wielding was introduced and was one of the first games to make it work right. Each trigger on the Xbox allowed you to fire each gun independently as well as mixing and matching your favorite guns. More weapons were introduced as well as the new Brute enemy. From start to finish, Halo 2 is one of the most diverse FPS campaigns I have ever played from forests to interplanetary ships, to jungle ruins, and even cities; there’s so much to see in this game and it’s also quite beautiful.

One thing I could never get past was the continued use of the same Covenant over and over in each game. However, this allows you to remember and learn the AI quirks of each enemy so when you play the next game you already know their strategy and how to work the game. The Covenant are some of the best enemies ever made in an FPS because they require you to use strategy and use everything in your arsenal. Enemies will duck and hide and run away from you which was almost unheard of back in 2004. Of course with the Anniversary update, the AI is improved and it feels like a fully updated game that could release tomorrow and, despite the graphical age the games have aged very well gameplay wise (Halo 1 is up for debate on that one).

The story behind Halo takes place after the first game with the first Halo ring destroyed, however, a new protagonist joins us as the Covenant Elite Arbiter who was tasked with protecting the ring and failed. He’s made a martyr and must help activate the Halo rings to stop the incoming Flood. Sadly, the Flood are back and more aggressive than ever. I somehow didn’t mind them so much in this game as they are not thrown at you for several levels at a time, but given to you for a level here and there, and man is they some of the most annoying enemies in gaming history. The little tiny “poppy” Floods, the big “pregnant” Floods, and those ones that rush you. Now the Brutes have turned so expect these Flood to be even harder to take down. At least they are more balanced out and not thrown at you in seemingly endless waves.

Another huge update was the vehicles as in Halo 1 they handled like crap. Each vehicle now has a boost feature and they handle so much better and are easier to shoot with and maneuver. They are also given to the player more often and become vital tools in certain levels just like your guns. I also found the shield was used better in this game as it recharges much faster, and health packs are no longer a concern anymore. Master Chief can take a little bit more of a beating after his shield has been used up.

The visuals enhancement in Halo 2 is even better than Halo 1. The game looks amazing with completely redone environments, textures, lighting, and sound this time. Switching between classic and new modes were like night and day — I could never go back to the old Halo 2 again. With these new updates comes the Halo toys you can find as well as more skulls and terminals. These unlock achievements and are quite tricky to find. The worst thing I can find about this game is the difficulty spikes. Some segments required constant restarts to find the right combo of how to hit the enemy or retry a new strategy. This led to many frustrations, but they weren’t as frequent as the first game. I also didn’t like how most skulls can’t be acquired on anything but the hardest difficulty.

Overall, Halo 2: Anniversary is a must play for Xbox One owners or lover of the FPS genre. Halo defined the series for a reason and isn’t quite as shallow as haters would like to think. There’s a whole universe here that people are missing out on as well as some of the best FPS action known to man.

Apesar de sua inegável influência, nenhum FPS realmente se parece com o primeiro Halo: Combat Evolved, incluindo suas sequências. A indústria como um todo pegou elementos básicos de seu design, como os escudos que se regeneram sozinhos e só poder carregar duas armas, e os iterou repetidamente sem necessariamente replicar como e por que essas mecânicas eram utilizadas. Combat Evolved misturava o mundo semi-aberto, combate veicular e mecânicas de tiro polidas num pacote precisamente projetado para te fazer sentir que estava explorando um verdadeiro mundo sci-fi expansivo, desconhecido, hostil e intrincado. Outros Halos e shooters podem ter mais ação e serem mais espetaculares, mas rapidamente viraram aventuras militares ambientadas no espaço em vez de mundos sci-fi a serem desbravados.

Cada sequência de Halo parecia presa num jogo de soma zero. Para cada adição, uma subtração. Halo 2 trouxe um combate mais sofisticado e um multiplayer online legendário, mas sacrificou o senso de liberdade e movimentação do original. Halo 3 elevou a grandiosidade narrativa ao mesmo tempo em que abandonou campanha com múltiplos protagonistas. Halo 4 trouxe novos inimigos e armas, que tiveram o efeito adverso de mexer com todo o balanceamento do combate de formas nem sempre positivas. Quando a franquia enfim chegou em seu quinto título principal, sua metamorfose de uma série que influenciou os shooters modernos para apenas mais um shooter moderno estava completa.

Halo Infinite tinha tudo para completar esse ciclo, agora com a adição de um "mundo aberto", algo que nenhum jogo moderno (não apenas shooter) parece não poder ter. Felizmente, a 343i estava numa situação delicada e sua relação com os fãs em risco. Sim, felizmente, porque isso obrigou o estúdio a olhar para as origens da série e se perguntar "o que fez o primeiro jogo tão especial?". O mundo aberto, assim, em vez de ser mais um passo na transformação da série no shooter paradigmático por excelência, acabou criando algo que eu nunca imaginaria encontrar: o sucessor espiritual de Halo: Combat Evolved.

Jogo muito divertido, há uma clara inspiração na franquia FarCry e isso me agrada e MUITO, mesmo que em um certo ponto, fique relativamente repetitivo invadir bases e matar inimigos. Mas ainda assim, o combate é gostoso, acertar Headshots nunca foi tão legal, além de uma variedade MUITO divertida de arma, todas usáveis e uma mais surpreendente que a outra. Um espaço especial em meu coração para Arma, que com certeza foi uma adição e tanto a franquia, carismática, é uma ótima companhia pro jogo enquanto você faz um tiroteio frenétic, realmente amei esse jogo. <3

Overall: 6/10

- Detailed enemy sprites.
- Magic system is fun and varied, making trying a new combination of subweapon/tome exciting.
- Personally a fan of the crazy colors, as I feel that’s what gave this game its unique identity.
- Being able to do a dash type move made the game feel more fast paced.
- Background effects are impressive that they could be done on the GBA.
- Castle Design that is short and simple, which makes the design of the castle easy to remember.
- Wonderful character designs by Kojima which makes each character stick out distinctly.
- Story is good, if just a bit basic in terms of a Castlevania story.
- Maxim mode is a fun alternative way to playthrough the game, and is a blast to go through the bosses again with such a fast paced and broken character.

- Bosses are usually too simplistic and can be shredded with certain magical spells.
- Castle A/B being the same layout can cause confusion on exactly what is in each castle.
- The only weapon being the whip limits the amount of ways the player can regularly attack throughout the game.
- Even though the enemy sprites are usually fantastic, Juste/Maxim get some of the worst sprites ever seen in the series. Undetailed, and usually off model looking sprites that you will see for the entire game.
- The Merchant having a set list of random requirements before showing up in a random room can make the player barely see the merchant throughout their playthrough if they have not understood the cryptic means in which the game tells you how to unlock him.
- The music in this game is among the series worst. With tracks that just meander and go on and on with an ear piercing sound font.
-The game’s main collectible being furniture that you can decorate a room with, sort of hurts a lot of the exploration of the game. Especially since the only thing the furniture adds is a slightly alternate ending.

Overall, this game has some several big presentation issues. The main characters sprites looking awful, and the bad music being the main ones that stick out. Though, I am a really big fan on the bright and vibrant colors throughout the game. It’s distinct style comparatively contrasted with a game like SoTN, is honestly just a treat for the eyes. Though I know some people who are quite opinionated on the quality of this game’s color choice, so your opinion may vary from mine.

Boss-wise, I have had this game been described as the “Yoshi’s Island” of bosses. Which is remarkably true. The game does reuse generic enemies and then “supersize” them so that they can be bosses. Giant forms of regular enemies are aplenty when considering the bosses, which causes the games bosses to not feel as special as SoTN. Though the magic system can make quick work of these bosses, I think a very certain few are alright. Especially if the player opts to go Whip-Only.

Castle Design, the game has too much riding on the 2 castle gimmick. Both castles being the same and just being a glorified color swap doesn’t help. Though I do think it’s better than the broken geometry of this Inverted Castle of SoTN. Also, the items most commonly found during exploration being furniture sort of hurts the feeling of wanting to explore both of the castles. Especially since the player cannot collect weapons to change the Player’s play style.

The Whip being the only main weapon is a shame because you don’t really get that change in ability outside of the magic spells. This overall can just make the game feel stilted in terms of progression, as you don’t really feel like you’re getting much new more often. Especially since the Merchant is hard to get to spawn in certain areas of the castle.

Story-Wise, though the game’s pretty basic with the relationship between Juste/Maxim, I still find it enjoyable to read about these characters. Especially since I find both to be pretty likable.

In conclusion, this game doesn’t do much too right to make up for its many flaws. While I do think it’s sub par compared to any MV that’s not named CoTM, it’s undeniable to say that this game doesn’t have its good aspects. Some of the bosses are pretty decent, Magic spells are fun to tinker with and see which one is your favorite, and Juste’s fast and fun movement is something that has HoD being an acceptable entry to the series.

I do urge players to play this game since it is short, and do genuinely believe there is enjoyment to be had. I also just caution that this game also has elements that can turn people off from it, and some things are really based up towards your taste in terms of the game’s presentation. While I would argue it’s a much better entry than Circle of the Moon, I think the rest of the MV’s in the series pretty handily beat out HoD.

they fucking revealed Doom Slayer (my most wanted) as a mii costume before they showed off Sora, another anime swordfighter with a down b counter

not to mention he plays like shit

back to the Nick All Star Brawl bottle