883 Reviews liked by IgorSales

A critique of The Stanley Parable itself would be too ironic for me. An irony that I’m not keen on taking part of, much less if it means creating the opportunity to be made fun of by the devs when The Stanley Parable: Ultra Mega Deluxe Director’s Cut or something comes out.

Instead, I wanted to express how surreal it was to begin the game at 12:00 AM not knowing that the game asks what the time is first thing when booted up, as the default time IS 12:00 AM.

And I realized that only when booting up the game for the second time; it asked the time again, and I adjusted it accordingly. The game mentioned how it was pissed off at how I didn’t adjust the time the first time I booted it up but calmed down after I actually adjusted it the second time around, jokingly saying that it must had actually been 12:00 AM then. But it was.

The coincidence itself is cool and all but it actually mentioning that afterwards was just an awesome meta moment that made the whole game worth it.

Whenever I feel like I’m good at videogames, games like these come around and give me a fat slice of humble pie.

(avaliando a versão original de pc, já q n tem uma entry especifica no Backloggd pra essa versão em especifica fsr)

Well, tlgd naqueles filler fanservice de comédia em animes? Esse arco é basicamente isso. Não tem mt nada demais pra se tirar daqui, mas tbh achei até daora, tudo bem q Higu Kai é minha obra favorita e tem meu cast favorito de qualquer midia e absolutamente amo essa vila com toda a minha existência.... mas eu realmente achei divertido, e tem uma cenas q achei legit engraçadas. Alguns podem se incomodar com tropes desse tipo de fanservice em anime, mas pessoalmente n vi nada ofensivo de vdd, então é basicamente um OVA extra da sua série de anime favorita (ou nesse caso, de vn!). Não é a melhor coisa q tu vai experienciar na tua vida, mas me entreteu e isso q importa (e de forma nao ironica, achei bem fofinho quando falam mais a sério sobre amor e relações num geral e como amar ou/e se relacionar com alguém não é só deixar ela entrar no seu mundo, mas também q vc tem q estar disposto a se interessar e imergir no universo dela tbm. Msm q esses momentos sejam mais pontuais durante essa 1 hora e meia de leitura).

Btw como essa é uma versão q saiu apenas pelo pc, não tem VA, ent ler Higu sem foi uma experiencia bem curiosa por eu estar acostumado a ter já a muito tempokkkk

what mommy issues does to a mf

Here in Brazil we call this game by "Segredo dos manos"

May your heart be your guiding key.

A expansão superior de Control, e olha que eu sou bitchezinha de Alan Wake

Well, compared to the other games in the series, i'd say this is the worst one, all the Social interaction elements are honestly better than persona 3, but EVERYTHING involving actual dungeon crawling gameplay feels worse 10 fold, i don't even know why it feels that bad, but man if Tartarus felt like a chore sometimes in P3, the dungeons in P4 feel like medieval torture, otherwise, in regards to aesthetics, i think this game sits on both ends of the spectrum, i like the use of yellow and the theming of the early 2000's and CRTs and all of that, but some of it looks really lame when compared to P3 or P5, it is functional though so i can't complain too much.

the social links... they're pretty good, except for yosuke's, his is kinda boring, his character in general is a bit annoying, not as much as teddie but he's up there, and at least teddie has some actual funny non-perv moments in the game, yosuke is just not funny ever.

This game does a great job on making the characters feel like real friends you have, only to them have them do some weird anime trope that makes me go "oh..", only to then fix itself again, it's inconsistent but the good generally outweights the bad.

as for the story... when playing through it you don't really notice because you are wayyy more invested in the characters than in actually solving the mystery, but even then the story is basically just a loop that goes on for 30 hours, you get almost NO clues as to who the suspect is until the end, so it can feel like a drag, but the game gives you enough to distract yourself to not worry about it too much.

It's OK

O Ahti me faz querer aprender finlandês

pagar 500 reais na versão premium do jogo pra ter que gastar mais 200 em uma dlc lançada 1 mes depois do lançamento KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK

Dream Drop Distance is a game so mystifyingly poorly outlined in narrative scope and creative ambition that I have a genuine confusion as to its existence as a title. There's a lot of legitimately interesting lore packed into the latest moments of this game that players jumping and tentatively becoming uninterested would have no earthly idea of its existence.

What sees you as both Sora and Rikku world hopping from select Disney properties eventually involves some of the entire KH story's most important figures and integral plots. Not only was the story pacing misaligned, but difficulty and overambitious mechanic additions muddy what could have been a rather interesting title.

Whatever compelled Nomura and company to add another confusing and unnecessarily obtuse mechanic in its Chao-Buddy-Pal Thing system is a mystery to me. Just because you're adding another game in the series doesn't mean you need to reinvent the wheel on combat... just make it playable. DDD adds an entirely new layer and forces the player to learn it for no additional value. Couple this with routine gimmick boss fights and you have a beyond frustrating game to actually... play.

Enemy design is again repetitive, but what is most worthy of scorn is once more the inundated placement of monotonous foes throughout each realm you visit. It's one thing to fight the same group of enemies, its another when you are doing so at every single clearing/zone possible, and its another when you're doing it twice over as the game sees you re-tread each world you visit as both Rikku and Sora. I don't understand the infatuation with the KH dev team to force the player into physically playing the same locations (this is twice in a row now with Birth By Sleep) just to soak in some extra narrative. They explain it in DDD, but could and should have easily been bypassed through other means. It's alright to do things once... sort of, but making you run through everything you've just seen to move the story along is inexcusable.

Dream Drop Distance really could have been something interesting if it pressed the story that makes KH actually interesting into the earlier elements of the game, drip feeding it throughout, instead of waiting until the last moments of the title to do so.

This game stunlocked me for over 100 hours and I’m still waiting for me to recover so I can properly talk about it.

It shouldn’t work as well as it does, but it is one of these games that is so good you can’t help but wonder when will the compromises show themselves; but unlike its predecessor, they never do.

It’s dense and full of glee, in a way that it made me like things I usually despise in games, to a point where I was doing every single activity it threw at me.

How can a studio deliver a game like Final Fantasy VII Rebirth in less than 4 years after its predecessor through a worldwide pandemic and have it be everything it promised and much much more?

It might just go down as one of the best sequels of all time. Final Fantasy LIVES.

"So first I'd like to mention that since the basic concept of the Persona 3 remake was to remake the Persona 3, we don't have the FES and Portable contents included. We wanted to really genuinely work on recreating the Persona 3 experience."

Can't wait for Persona 3 Reload Reloaded to release at $70 in two years with Kotone added as a bonus party member but you have to buy The Answer for $30 separately again because your DLC purchases don't carry over even though they're completely unchanged and also Yukari is inexplicably redubbed by a different voice actor

Quando joguei o Persona 3 original o sentimento que tive com o jogo (ainda mais fazendo parte da grande parcela que veio de P5) foi deveras curioso, visto que em alguns momentos a atmosfera sufocante e exaustiva me emergia bastante no jogo, enquanto em outros, a sensação de conectividade com os personagens e a estrutura que dava profundidade aos temas específicos de cada SL pareciam não lograrem muito quanto deveriam. A questão é que sempre que eu pensava na minha bagagem com o jogo, eu lembrava dos bons momentos mas sempre aquela pulga atrás da orelha de que eu teria feito determinadas coisas de forma diferente.

Dito isso, Persona 3 Reload altera a composição dessa experiência e cria algo totalmente novo? Não. Porém, mesmo que ainda possa me ocorrer um pensamento momentâneo sobre coisas que eu gostaria de fazer diferente, ainda assim defenderei a opinião de que esse remake é a melhor maneira de experienciar Persona 3.

Não passa pela minha cabeça achar racional que alguém tenha a opinião de que o Reload não faz nada a P3, pois, além de tornar o jogo mais divertido e com um ciclo mais fluído (apesar de sacrificar outros elementos), o jogo acrescenta e muito ao cast principal.

Não é que os personagens sejam chatos ou supérfluos no original, mas aqui é tudo tão mais condensado e elaborado que acaba trazendo um sentimento de proximidade absurda até mesmo com aqueles que foram tratados de forma simplória até demais pros próprios temas originalmente.

A trilha sonora, subjetiva como pode ser, me agradou bastante. Algumas músicas tiveram acréscimo na lírica e as novas encaixaram absurdamente bem com o jogo. Respeito muito quem ainda prefere as originais sobre aquelas que fora remixadas, e eu pessoalmente não tenho preferência, ambas me servem bem.

Persona 3 Reload não reinventa a roda e não altera tanto quanto alguns poderiam querer, mas mesmo assim os acréscimos e a experiência no geral, pra mim, é superior. Para os saudosistas, o bom e velho P3F vai continuar lá para que seja revisitado e lembrado como o jogo geracional que ele é, pois é isso que importa no final.