Doomology 201: Legacy of DOOM

Doom-clones, Boomer Shooters, and WADs of significance.

Suggestions Welcome.


1 month ago

Why Postal 2, Mullet Mad Jack, Cruelty Squad, Post Void...?
Just curious cause they're not doomy

1 month ago

@iv1632 - Mullet Mad Jack is labled as a "Boomer Shooter" on Steam and Post Void cites early FPS games as its main inspiration design-wise. This list is less about "Doomyness" and more about what seems to be building on that legacy if that makes any sense. However, I will be removing Postal 2 and Cruelty Squad (the latter of which I've gotten a private complaint about lol) at your suggestion.

1 month ago

Suggestions: Original Chex Quest, Rise of the Triad

1 month ago

@iv1632 - Chex Quest 1 was endoresed by Id from what I understand and Rise of the Triad was directed by Tom Hall, who worked the original Doom and Wolfenstein 3D, so those are both on my Doomology 101 list. Thanks though!

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