Games I played in 2018

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I would call this a childhood classic, but in actuality I hated this game as a kid. I couldn’t get past world 2 because of how damn hard it was. Decided to conquer this ghost of my past and, not only did I end up loving it, but I 100% it too.
Decided to emulate this around early March. It was the first super nintendo game I ever played, at it is now one of my favorite games of all time.
Got it for Christmas 2017, and it was my first M-rated game. Played it for a long time, and while I ultimately wasn’t very invested in it, I nonetheless played for hours at a time, and I don’t know why. Few games have ever captivated my attention the way Skyrim did
Not quite sure when I played this, but I remember it was the beginning of my senior year of high school, so I'm putting it here. Got lost in the overworld and never finished it, but from what I played, I was pleasantly surprised by it.
Got a PS4 and 1.5+2.5 for my birthday and went on a HUGE Kingdom Hearts binge for about 3 months. The first game is a bit clunky, but I enjoyed it a lot! I remember playing it for 11 hours on Mother's day that year.
Really short, beatable in under an hour if you skip all the cutscenes, but oddly enough, it became my second favorite Kingdom Hearts game after KH2. It had a very limited arsenal and very few ideas, but it fleshed them all out so much that it was an unforgettable experience.
A huge step back from KH2 in every way. It's kind of like the Mega Man 3 equivalent of the Kingdom Hearts series for me. I really didn't enjoy any aspect of it, but I still finished it anyway because I'm a loser.
After 1.5+2.5 I immediately bought 2.8 and was really excited for this one because it was one of the few games I actually had played before. It held up better than I remembered, and playing it right after Birth by Sleep made me realize that this game is pretty much just a superior version of that one.
Geez man. My second favorite game of all time, and this was the first time I ever played it. It was really different from the original, but better in almost every way. The only area that it struggled in was the level design. Worlds are a lot more flat and lacked the platforming aspect of the original, as well as lacking notable set pieces. On the bright side, you never got lost like you did in the first game all the time, but I think a compromise could have been struck instead of changing it entirely. Also, this game has one of the best post-games ever, with an awesome platforming/combat segment in the Cavern of Remembrance as well as phenomenal boss fights.
Went straight on to this one after I completed KH1. I remember picking wonderland as my first world because I wanted to go in the same order as the first game and got my ass kicked because the card soldiers spam high-numbered cards. I actually enjoyed this more than KH1 because of how much it fleshed out the main characters as well as for the diversity of sleights you could perform.
Slept through my ACT and decided to play this to cheer myself up. I hate it.
Like Donkey Kong, another game I never finished as a kid. But not because it was too hard, but because I'm stupid and didn't know how to be the forest temple. Replaying it again, I fell in love with it and it became my favorite Zelda game (it's now second to Breath of the Wild, but it's still good).
After playing 1 and 2 the year before, I was really excited to play this, since I heard so much good stuff about it. I like some stuff, mainly a few of the tracks and a few of the level themes, but it was overall pretty disappointing, and a huge step back from 2
Kinda wish I finished it, but I hate how 2D Mario controls. It's so slippery and imprecise. I didn't really like worlds 1 or 2, but really enjoyed world 3 for some reason. Then I put the game down.
After enjoying Ghost Trick so much, I was really excited to start this series. And I really enjoyed it. Played the mobile version on my annual family road trip, and it was a good time.


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