What are we, some sort of shit game?

This is legit one of my new favourite games of all time. I played this because of the recent fallout tv show and my love for fallout 4. It’s one of the best western rpg’s I have ever played and has an infinitely replayable story. I love this game to bits and I hope this review convinces you to play this masterpiece. Also fuck johnny guitar

A worthy contender for the best fps of all time. It’s one of the most adrenaline pumping games I have ever played and it makes you feel like a god. The soundtrack is unlike anything I have ever heard. I love this game so much and is definitely a must play

In my opinion the single best PS1 game of all time. An absolutely amazing story, gripping gameplay, and at the time revolutionary graphics. Beautiful game, wish I could play it again for the first time

The single best first person shooter of all time, everything about this game is a 10/10. The stupid ass lore, the gameplay loop, and do I even have to mention the soundtrack, it’s an absolute banger (please bring it back on Apple Music and Spotify) depending what day you catch me on this is my favourite game of all time. Loved this game since 2021, absolute masterpiece

I’ve had sex, and it’s cool, but it’s not better than winning black ops gun game


The game is sadly bogged down because the first two hours which is why its not a 5/5. With that being said, holy shit this game is awesome. Doom is one of the greatest First Person Shooters of all time. Gameplay loop is insanely addicting and easily the best part of the game. And dont even get me started on the glory kills my god. even tho i love this game to absolute bits, there is one game that is even better than this one...

I have more of a bias for Mario Galaxy 2 but this is still one of the greatest games every created. The sheer idea of this game is so cool. Mario in space?! To quote Kazuma Kiryu: Thats rad! I could gush about this game forever but imma wait for the galaxy 2 review to gush

Despite what everyone says, fortnite is actually an amazing game. Like what other game can you get masterchief cranking 90s on solid snake as vegeta hits the griddy after headshotting buff peter griffin?

The best smash game without a doubt. Literally every character in this game is someone's main and that's so cool. My main is Terry Gogurt and i will demolish anyone who dares challenge the Gogurt

Do I even have to explain myself. Mario 64 is a landmark title and one of the best games ever made. Sure it’s a bit janky by todays standards but the sheer creativity oozing from this game is insane

FUCK X-BALLS, LAIDSTATION FOR LIFEEE. In all seriousness console wars are stupid and everyone should be allowed to like what they like. If you send death threats to someone because they like spiderman there’s a special spot in hell for you 😁

This game could have killed my dog and kidnapped Danny devito and I would still love it. There aren’t words in the human language to explain this game. Like I’m a fucking cyborg ninja with a sword that could through titanium fighting a roided up US senator who can use blackface to get stronger. Easily a top 3 game. I have never, and will never, play a game like it again

The single best Metroid game (that I played). When I got it for the first time I was hooked for a solid week. Those boss fights were tough as shit. Amazing game that I wish I could play again for the first time