I'm not sure how much I actually like this game anymore, but it's been over a decade and I'm still playing it

It's actually shite when you think about it.

Think I liked this but remember almost nothing about it.

At the time I remember thinking "wow this is the best game ever" - but then I didn't even finish the farm section of the epilogue, so did I really like it that much?

Remember playing this for the first time and acting like I'd discovered a game nobody else had ever played.

It doesn't get better than this. The ultimate 3D Mario, the ultimate video game. Mario is the Jim Carrey of games. This is The Truman Show. Pure unbridled joy packed into a screen. One of the few games I've ever grinded to 100% completion. Reminds me of getting a Switch on my 21st birthday and feeling like a little child at Christmas. Putting off my dissertation to grind a couple more stars. That feeling when I finished Darker Side of the room. Completing the New Donk City superjump. It's perfect. I love you little moustache man. Fuck off Chris Pratt.

Everyone forgets how bullshit it was that this game didn't launch with multiplayer. That is actually outrageous. Fun but not that fun.

If Odyssey is Easter Sunday, this is the birth of Christ. This is Jim Carrey in 1994. It sometimes feels like this game invented music, and happiness.

The best Smash. Would be 4 stars if I wasn't so shit at it. Actually I've changed my mind. Waiting to see what character would get released next was so exciting and worth the extra half star. Campaign is so stupid, but characters are so fun. Actually thinking about the campaign makes me want to go back to 3 and a half. I hate rating. Fuck you Matthew.

Looks good, I'm shite at it.

I can't remember this game at all. Like not in the slightest. So I'm leaving it here until I play it again.

Fallout 3 holds a dear place in my heart and this game takes the formula and makes it cooler. A straight up belter. Nothing is purely good, nothing is purely bad. They won't ever make them like this again.

Any game that requires you to constantly be googling things isn't actually that fun.

Everyone got their game day of release but amazon delivered mine 4 days late and that honestly killed my ability to get excited about anything for the rest of my life. Felt iconic at the time though didn't it.

I love this game. But you know what. I've never actually finished it. Can I justifiably give this game a higher review if I haven't even bloody finished it. I just love the idea of it. This is so stupid. What is anything anymore.