Sekiro is different compared to other FromSoft games and if you're coming from any of the other ones it can be an adjustment but with that being said the more you play Sekiro the better it gets. Once you level up and learn the flow if the combat it's arguably the best in the series (on most bosses anyway).

While only having one main weapon is disappointing overall it's also probably why a majority of the boss fights feel so good because they're all balanced with one weapon in mind.

The most fun I've had with this game is in NG+ and in the boss rush modes, which is something I hope FromSoft adds to all their future games because it's so much fun.

My first Fallout game was Fallout 4 and I never understood why it got so much hate, that is until I went back and played Fallout 3 and New Vegas, now I understand peoples issues with it.

Fallout 3 to me is just slightly more enjoyable than New Vegas. The main reason for that is more memorable locations and I felt more rewarded for exploring out of the way areas.

Are the shooting and graphics dated? Absolutely, but a lot of the things that are loved about the Fallout games are still present such as dialogue choices that allow you to shape your character, the unique world, and memorable characters and locations.

An overall improvement over Fallout 3 in many ways and after going back and playing (along with Fallout 3) the reason I now understand why people don't like Fallout 4.

While I enjoyed Fallout 3 slightly more I completely understand why people say New Vegas is there favourite in the series. Adding ADS made the combat so much better that going back and playing this over 10 year old game wasn't as much a pain as Fallout 3. Iconic locations, enemies, weapons, and music as expected and even more ways to play the game than the previous installment.

My only major gripe with New Vegas is that the character you play as, the currier, is a pre-existing character in the outside world and nobody (except for the one guy in the DLC who gives you nothing) knows anything about you. Feel like most people who loose their memories of who they are would try and find out who they were and the game doesn't give you much if anything at all to my knowledge. But other than this any complaint would be minor.

Fallout 4 was my first Fallout game, loved it so much I went back to play Fallout 3 and New Vegas, and by doing that I understand why people didn't like Fallout 4. That being said I still think Fallout 4 is still a great game.

Fallout 4 combat and it's companion system is what I loved about this game (although Preston needs to chill with the requests, like c'mon I'm 1 guy). Fallout 4 still holds up pretty well graphically even without mods and like the other Fallout games has an overall great world with iconic locations, weapons, and enemies.

What holds Fallout 4 back from its predecessors is a couple things. First you're given a character with a set past, a war vet with a family who is given their own voice with a voiced protagonist, which was well done but it can take away from the character you want to create, and lets not forget how limited choosing dialogue is. Second, Fallout 4 doesn't give you as many ways to complete quests like previous games, sometimes it feels like it's always going to end in a shootout or you have to make a specific choice.

Fortnite Battle Royale in its prime is on par with the best multiplayer PvP games of all time. Seasons 2-4 (maybe 5 too) gave me almost as much enjoyment as MW2-BO2 multiplayer, couldn’t wait to get home and play by myself or with friends.

Fortnite declined in enjoyment over time for me but the in game events, constant updates, game modes with creative (and now no build which is amazing) are second to none. While I don’t play regularly anymore sometimes if a character from another IP drops as a skin or something big drops it brings me back.

A great Mario Kart game but not my favourite. Glad it was put on Switch after originally coming out on WiiU but I do wish the Switch would get its on definitive Mario Kart game.

The addition of DLC is nice as it adds more variety to a game that’s been out for a long time but feel it’s a little pricey for maps that have already existed.

Multiplayer only

When Halo Infinite first came out I had a lot of fun. Gameplay felt smooth, guns and TTK felt good, and maps weren’t too bad. Unfortunately the game got dry really quick, progression was extremely slow, and the variety of maps especially in big team battle was way too small.

I can see Halo Infinite multiplayer having a resurgence if it’s supported over the next couple years and I would be more than happy to come back, but it’s going to be a while if these long seasons with little content continue. Oh and Forge is taking forever.

Resident Evil 7 Biohazard was a great refresh for the Resident Evil franchise. Interesting story filled with many tense moments that keep you on the edge of your seat. As the years go by I appreciate this game a bit more, especially after RE8.

As a fan of Killzone series I was a little saddened at first that Gurilla games were focusing on something else, but once I finished the first hour of Horizon Zero Dawn I felt that this IP would surpass my fondness for Killzone and it has.

The world of Horizon Zero Dawn is amazing, I love how they set the world up and the robotic creatures that inhabit them. The combat is great and progresses well throughout the game, most of the characters are good/enjoyable, and it is all complemented by a really good story.

My 2 gripes with this game are the lip sync and the fast travel in the early game. Thankfully the lip sync was improved significantly in Forbidden West but having to waste crafting materials to fast travel until you buy the unlimited use fast travel was really annoying.

Overall a great game that I'd recommend to anyone who likes open world action games.


Couldn't ask for a better return for Doom with Doom 2016. Gameplay is so good, fun, and brutal that flows so well with the amazing music by Mick Gordon that everytime I think about it I want to play more Doom.

It's also really nice having a story in Doom that players can follow which was surprisingly good. The only things about Doom 2016 that I didn't really like was it's multiplayer and the fact that it wasn't longer. The game was a good length but would've loved another full level with a boss.

A fun puzzle game that almost any experience of gamer can get into with simple and fun mechanics that is complimented by funny robot voice.

The first Portal is a really short game if you're not playing with workshop levels but the game is cheap and regularly goes on sale for around $2 so it really isn't an issue.

Highly recommend to anybody, fun short game that has replay value.

Fun party game that anyone can learn, had some great fun and laughs playing Among Us with friends. Although, I feel you have to play with friends in discord or another voice chat to get the best experience.

Maybe the best Smash game? Brawl is still my favourite because of the story mode and I understand why people prefer Melees combat but the amount of characters/maps and other content in this game just adds to the quality.

Overall a amazing game that is a switch staple. Oh and watching Smash character reveals live were always hype, can't forget that.


A great cute cat game with fun little puzzles and funny robots. Really had to review this objectively otherwise I would've given it 5 stars because I'm such a cat lover but that doesn't mean there isn't fun for everyone.

I hope there are more games like this in the future with cats, dogs, birds, or whatever, and I hope there is a sequel where I'm able to do more cute cat stuff with robots :).

There are monkeys that pop balloons with darts (among other things), what's not to love?

Balloons TD6 is my favourite in the series since Balloons TD 3 which I played on CoolMathGames in the computer lab during lunchtime and during class when the teacher wasn't looking. Since Balloons 3 there are a bunch of new monkeys and upgrades as well as maps.

Whiles this game does have microtransactions I've never felt the need or urge to purchase any. It also goes on sale pretty regularly on Steam for a couple bucks and can be played on most computers now days.

If you have the urge to play a Balloons TD game I highly recommend Balloons TD 6 on any platform.