October, 2008


think about it this way: some of bioware has been ex-black isle so if bgs makes f3 a carbon copy of the licensed bioware game sw:kotor [including the absolute minutia like manchild dialogue options], then it very plausibly passes as what black isle would have done for f3

September, 2008


husk of something good infantilized like every deathbed MMO for the ten stubborn oldfags keeping it afloat. difficulty is self-imposed, real video games don't respect my valuable time

November, 2007


the greatest danger with making games this open ended and variative is that mediocre, boring players will choose a mediocre, boring playstyle and then come on the internet to complain how it's the game's fault. better if you play it with the tod locked to midnight. worst final level in history

October, 2007


carried by kelly's score


an uninteresting xbla couch shooter that became a front for state issued scummiest parts of wow's economy

September, 2007

May, 2007



out of the ruthless pr battle between oblivion and gothic 3, two worlds would come as the better game


October, 2005


jbmod cured my self-destructive heroin addiction


'no dedicated multiplayer team' instead meant that this singleplayer was the biggest afterthought iw could get away with. mp, for what it's worth, is decent but plagued with strange technical issues and is unplayable on public servers. fpschallenge revolves around hylic soyware

September, 2005

December, 2004



this is what microsoft wanted to name halo


November, 2004


feels like shit. might have been decent pre-steampipe

December, 2003


what scholarly game design obsessed pseuds want to see when they speak of content density. <3 the omar

November, 2003

May, 2003


doesn't feel like shit. plays like shit

January, 2003

January, 2002

October, 2001


'rockstar fan' is a diagnosis

July, 2001


sign of far worse things to come


kingpin has a stronger creative identity

December, 2000


the forerunner to every lone wolf tactical fps with binoculars. punches above its weight with vibes and strafejumping

November, 2000


getting through this excuse of a bargain bin corridor shooter and tacked-on stealth has caused me to collapse into chronic gaming fatigue

July, 2000

June, 2000

October, 1999


the last decent gta game and the last decent rockstar north game

August, 1999


carried by the sheer feel even through inferior pipeline level design [almost feels like dreamcast was the prioritized platform], environmental design and the [thankfully never to return] decidedly ttrpg-descendant character progression

November, 1998


if half-life hadn't released, this sewer crawler wouldn't have magically turned not awful

October, 1998


an archetypical adolescent cringe ttrpg campaign with all potentially interesting exposition taken out of a rulebook lazily and cluelessly as a backdrop for family guy jokes. avellone is right about nuking the NCR