35 Reviews liked by RenanRodrigo

Parece incrível mas como foi meu primeiro Souls eu simplesmente não estou dando conta do primeiro inimigo forte do jogo.

cara... simplesmente o videogame 2

This games sheer existence is a fucking miracle, it's definetly not a perfect game, it inherits all the flaws Breath of the WIld had, but the implementation and coherence is spetacular enough it compensates them way more.

Here are some clever theming i noticed through the game:

-(SPOILER WARNING) Contrasting with BotWs themes of solitude, this game is about conections, which affects all parts of the game.
In the story, you're making social connections, with the sages, and differently then BotW, they follow you around so that you're not alone.
But also, in gameplay, a more tangeble way, with Ultrahand and Fuse allowing you to CONNECT stuff together. (Probably completely coincidental, but it also makes sense with Link's name)

- (MAJOR SPOILER WARNING) The entire end sequence of the game, is all a huge pay-off for all the games themes, where you're most personal connection (to Zelda) is what allows you to fight Demon Dragon, while also touching in theme of verticality of the games exploration. You start the game by skydiving in the Great Sky Islands, you end by skydiving onto the final boss.
Even Later, you catch Zelda's body, re-enecting when she falls on the chasm and disappears, but this time, you manage to catch her, and land on the exact same lake you (probably) did when falling from the Great Sky Islands for the first time.

oh also the "game over" text still changes color depending on how you died so instant 10/10

This review contains spoilers

Good remaster, Fun game, meh story, No Multiplayer

BioShock is one of my all-time favorite games, everything from its story, gameplay and environments all fixated me as a young teen. Bioshock at the time was very much one of a kind with its unique way of telling its story entirely though audio logs and the environment rather than big scale cutscenes. It’s a game that combines a bunch of elements from different genres of gaming, from horror, survival horror, rpgs, FPS, action-adventure games and it balances these elements fantastically. Bioshock 2 returns to Rapture to tell us another story of the most intriguing part of rapture being the big daddy’s and little sister and give us a convoluted origin story that has more or less been retconned by the original team since then in Burial at Sea which was an expansion for Bioshock Infinite. (I’ll cover all that stuff later in my review for that game.) This one is very much like the first game, maybe too much but also loses some of the horror elements 1 had.

Gameplay: This is a FPS game where you use old timey guns mixed with special powers called Plasmids that you can get and upgrade though out the game. The game works much like most FPS mixed with some horror-ish elements while you fight off crazed people, splicers. These are vicious drug addicts addicted to plasmids who will stop at nothing to get what they want even attacking children. This is one of those games where you search your environment for survival materials, keys, audio logs and upgrades while also fighting for your life. This time around we get to play as a Big Daddy and the basic objective of this game is to try and find your original little sister. The combat is pretty smooth but can be difficult at first, a large variety of weapons, new tools and some new plasmid and tonics are available in this game. This is one of those games where dying is very easy but with little consequence aside from losing money. It works very similar to Borderlands where you are revived in a chamber and then you pay money to return to life. There are vending machines that sell ammo and plasmids along which take different currencies. There are hacking mini games that allow you to get items discounted or free. There are sub bosses around the map like other big daddies that you can steal their little sisters from if you want adam for upgrades and once again the same system of deciding which ending you get is based off how many little sisters you either rescue or sacrifice. Another cool but annoying feature that was added is the inclusion of the big sisters which are super strong and fast female big daddies that will hunt you if you if you take too many little sisters. The overall gameplay of this one only slightly improves with almost all the same features and abilities being present which brings me to my first complaint about this game, it’s too much like the first game and I honestly would sometimes forget I was even playing as a big daddy unless I was using his drill arm and ability to fight enemies.

Graphics, Voice Acting, Music: This game takes place in the 1960s, so all the environments have this 1960s vibe. Visually this game looks great and feels like you are actually under water with every area looking different than the last, telling a tragic story of what once happened here. The voice acting plays a big part in this game because most of the story is told through audio logs and much like the first one, I found a lot of the voices to give great performances. The music is still fairly decent in this game, giving us a bunch of old timey music again but I didn’t find this one as memorable as the first game’s music.

Story/some spoilers: The story of this game is mostly unconnected to the first one and only really serves to give the player another excuse to be in rapture. The story of this game is about a big daddy that died before the events of 1 and revived after the events of 1 and follows his journey of finding his little sister Eleanor. Narratively this game isn’t as interesting as the first game, playing as a big daddy finally was cool but more or less feels about the same as playing as Jack in the first game. The game’s side lore does expand the events of the first game slightly better but overall, I felt like I had more questions than answers about the big daddy’s and little sisters at the end of this game rather than answering them. There were some cool areas we got to explore in this one with a fun segment towards the end of the game where we get to see things from the little sister’s perspective which was really cool and the cinematic cutscenes were much better and more frequent in this one. The original version of this game included a multiplayer mode where you play as splicers during raptures civil war, but they did not include it in this version of 2. They did, however, include the DLC for this game about another big daddy and his journey of helping this scientist in a different part of rapture. It’s a smallish expansion that wasn’t too bad with a few new enemies and abilities, giving a cool twist at the end. Ultimately this whole game was mostly deemed non-canon to the rest of the series and is said to take place in an alternate universe. Personally, I did enjoy this BioShock as the gameplay was fun and a bit more improved, but the story wasn’t super amazing. Hardcore fans probably love this game, but average players may get bored with it. This game wasn’t made by the original team at Irrational games and was put together by another team at 2K games to sell off the hype of the first one. 8.5/10

Great game, but I am so mixed on this one. The first one is FAR better, Dead Space 2 is much more action oriented in comparison, with its obsessive enemy spawns and new gun and enemy variety. The atmosphere here is still solid, but the scariness wears off so quickly compared to the first game that this just turns into RE4 in space after just a few chapters. The story surrounding the marker gets nonsensical too.

It's definitely a fun time, with one of the greatest intros of all time and a great fakeout ending too, but without a solid final boss like the first game had, and a ridiculous enemy spawn rate it pales in comparison to its predecessor.

Surprisingly fun
The combat took some time to click for me, its less about the actual technicality as the combat itself is pretty simple and almost 1 dimensional in that regard, it mostly is focused about your team comp and managing your rotations/builds in a way that maximizes your damage output.

The story was pretty hit-and-miss for me, sometimes it actually fun and engaging and full of character, and other times it's just some endless blabber that I wish would just end

The gacha isn't very predatory, you can progress with just the free characters that you are given at the start, and you can still get a good amount of characters from the gacha system with some grind

Exploration is really well-done that's all I can say lol

- 14 hours played
- Hardcore difficulty

This year has already delivered me a remake of one of my all time favourite games, Dead Space. And now 2023 also has bestowed upon me Resident Evil 4 Remake and it’s beautiful.

The OG Resi 4 is a game I have played many times and owned on many systems. I never wanted a remake and in fact I came away from a replay with only two things I wanted changed here. The first being in the original, when you pick up an item it takes you to a black screen to confirm the item and if you want to pick it up. It also does this every bloody time you pick up gold. I wanted it so that after the first instance the item just goes into inventory automatically with a little notification at the top of the screen to inform me what I have picked up. That way it doesn’t break the flow of gameplay. This change was made in the remake.

The second issue I wanted addressed was the gratuitous up skirting of Ashley. Something slapped in the original to please teenagers. Thankfully here that no longer happens and Ashley is much more of an actual character. But I did find some issues with Ashley in this remake. I found her more bothersome to actually escort in the remake. In the original Ashley has a health bar so I can see when she’s in trouble and how many more hits she can take. I could also heal her from a little distance away. In the remake she doesn’t have health which most would see as a great change but she seemed to go down after one hit. Which required me to run right up to her and press a button to pick her up. This opened me up to attacks and left me stationary when TNT had been thrown my way. This led to a lot of frustration, especially during a short chase sequence where stopping to pick Ashley up led to the enemy catching us resulting in a fail. Also you can’t tell Ashley to wait unless it’s in a locker, she always follows you around and sometimes I missed telling here to wait somewhere safe whilst I kicked ass.

And kicked ass I did. The combat in this game is utterly immense and buttery smooth. I find the original is still extremely fun to play. I love the tank controls and the footsies you play with enemies. Thats gone here, enemies are faster. Leon is faster. He can move and shoot at the same time 🤯 the knife opens up parry opportunities. Nothing is cooler than blocking a thrown axe by reacting quick enough to block it with a knife. Being able to run and reload is also a god send. But one thing I wasn’t a huge fan of is that shooting enemies in the leg never seemed to knock them down as often. So crowd control never felt as effective and melee prompts only seemed to come as a result of head shot stuns.

Story wise both Luis and Ashley have a little more to do and say. Leon has lost all of his cheese so here he’s a badass. But just a bad ass, he’s very bland overall where as in the OG he’s dropping insanely poor and cheesy one liners like their going out of fashion. They kept the bingo line and gave us the “Nighty Night, Knights” line but other than that, OG Leon is the cheese king.

There’s been changes to the combat encounters. Some enemies and bosses have been redesigned. The Regenerators are now truly horrifying, never imagined they could make such a scary enemy scarier but here we are. But due to these changes I felt the pacing to suffer a little bit. Overall the ramp up to this games finale felt more of a slog. I think that’s down to the game having just as much combat but at a faster pace with way more aggressive enemies. Therefore it feels relentless and therefore a little tiring.

There’s a tonne of re playability here but I think I am done after my initial playthrough. I really enjoyed my time with this game. But Resi 4 to me is still the Orignal. And that’s coming from someone who first played the OG on Xbox 360. I don’t have nostalgia for that game, so it’s not for that reason. I just think the OG is a better paced game that I have more fun in because it’s a damn cheese fest and I enjoy the older combat model. But man this game is fantastic as well and I am so glad we have both.

This game is just Bomberman 90' but unfair!

Alright a tad bit of history about Bomberman, This game is called Atomic Punk but it's still Bomberman it's just the name of the American release of the arcade game, Europe had the same thing but it was called Dynablaster and they changed them from Bomberman due to terrorist acts in Europe close to the release of the game.
Other than that it's a fully original Bomberman game that takes cues from Bomberman 90' on the PC Engine. The main difference between the two games is that this one is really hard due to being an arcade game and you know they really love those sweet quarters so they'll try to make the most unfair and unfun experience possible.
This game has terrible level designs, the enemies are all twice as fast as 90' and they are all original so that's cool but they all have some annoying gimmicks to make it even harder! Each stage is filled with powerups in almost every breakable block because every time a stage end you go back to zero and it's mostly due to the game being focused on multiplayer cooperative mayhem since you can play it up to 4 people.

It did fix some issues I had with Bomberman 90' such as making the stage theme a bit more unique, it's still the average forest, temple, and whatnot but they do look more interesting visually. Another issue I had was that each world took too many stages to beat, 8 stages per world were too much and I thought 5 would fit better to make it overall less boring and repetitive but thankfully this game switched it to 6 stages per world, and with a total of 6 worlds instead of 8 and I thought that was a very fair and nice tradeoff.

As much as I'd like to say that this is a good and pretty much forgotten Bomberman game I think the difficulty is way too unfair and frustrating, especially the last world I can't imagine how frustrating it would be to play this game with a limited amount of credits.
Bomberman 90' is still the best Bomberman experience as of the release of this game but I guess it's a fine Bomberman game if you have someone else to play with.

This game is an emotional journey.
A fantastic story, with interesting side quests and great characters.... All wrapped up with a brilliant OST.

I don't have any negative reviews.
A great game. For me a must have.

Insomniac: "Hey kids! Wanna play a Spyro game where you don't play as Spyro for a good portion of it?"
Kids: "Are the other characters at least fu-"
Insomniac: "NoOOooOoo..."

O que falar de Star Fox 64 que já não foi falado , é simplesmente um dos melhores jogos do N64 (mesmo que isso não signifique muito, o N64 tem 4 jogos quase). Com um gameplay simples de aprender e difícil de dominar, Starfox 64 é uma máquina de diversão, tudo nesse jogo parece que foi polido até não poder mais (o que é de praste vindo do gênio Shigeru Miyamoto).
Starfox 64 é um space Shooter Onde você controla um furry, Fox McCloud, Um mercenário que lidera a Starfox, um grupo de mais 3 outros furries, Falco Lombardi, Slippy toad e Peppy Hare, que foram contratados pelo general Pepper com o objetivo de defender o Sistema de Laylat do Maligno Andross
O Gameplay (Como dito antes) é simples, onde você somente controla sua nave, atira e pode fazer algumas manobras para desviar dos ataques inimigos. Porém, não deixe sua simplicidade te enganar, ele pode ser extremamente viciante e desafiador às vezes ( principalmente se você tiver buscando pegar todas as medalhas), Minha única reclamação é que os controles podem ser meio duros às vezes apesar que isso pode ser por causa da plataforma que eu estava jogando, o Wii U, eu sinto que se eu tivesse usando o controle original de N64 minha experiência seria melhor.
No geral, Starfox 64 é um jogo excelente, os gráficos (a pesar de bem datados) envelheceram muito bem , e a gameplay nem se fala, com certeza , um jogo que nunca vou desinstalar para sempre ter a oportunidade de jogá-lo quando eu eu sentir um desejo de um Jogo de Tiro Espacial
7.2/8 —-------- Do a barrel roll nem é tão engraçado , nem faz sentido ter virado um meme tão grande

É muito divertido, eu num fui até o final mas ele me divertiu demais

Not as good as REmake or RE2R, but unlike RE3R, it has more to do with me not being a huge fan of RE4 than the game itself. It's gorgeous, fun, streamlined, well-designed, etc. but it's still Resident Evil 4. I do appreciate the effort they put into making the game more enjoyable though, like completely revamping Ashley (both character wise and gameplay wise).

Meio preguiçoso mas legal. O anterior é melhor

A fine time. Pacing is all over the place. wasn’t the biggest fan of the combat and the size/ amount of things to do in the open world was fairly overwhelming for my obsessive lizard brain. Had a good sense of humour and general good vibes all around. Just walking through these lovingly rendered environments was an absolute joy.