What is there to say that hasn't already been said. The characters, world, jokes, story, and gameplay all make this one of my favorite games of all time

The level design in this is absolutely incredible. So are the characters and story. Mastapiece

Great story, great gameplay, and just a straight up solid game

Extremely solid game. Played it on switch

As a huge Marvel fan this is one of my favorite games of all time

This game took me 60 hours to complete. I love it

I have played probably over 1000 hours of this game and it is a huge part of my childhood. I love it so much and don't think I can give it a score just by how large in scale it is

I get why everyone loves this so much but eh it was really frustrating for me. There was so much unfair kills it was insane. The pixel art and soundtrack are incredible tho. Just play celeste if u want a game like this

Really great just too short to give 5 stars

Im not the biggest star wars guy but still really enjoyed this

What can I say. Currently my favorite game of all time