My dumb ass found this game looking for something else. It only took a few minutes to run through. It has class project vibes. Still liked it.

Fuck yeah this game rules. It's not too long and the levels all have unique gimmicks that keep things fresh and fun. There is a ranking system and getting S ranks on every level feels very do-able. There are 3 playable characters that all play slightly differently. Getting 100% requires you to S-rank every level with every character. I had a lot of fun so I might give it a shot.

The camera can be less than stellar at points, and player shadow is disabled by default which I think is backwards. There is also a smooth turning setting that should be a little more front facing since I think I prefer it disabled and I played the whole game with it on.

Worth the price of admission.

This game did not give a good impression to start, but it ended up being a really competent and fun Castlevania-like. There is a fair amount of optional content and decisions to make that affect your abilities. The art is good overall but there is the occasional spot where it doesn't look like it was polished. The difficulty is a good challenge although you have to have patience since classic saving will only take you back to the last save. It's little more forgiving still since you can collect max lives as upgrades and grind if you really need to. I think the classic Castlevania formula done well is a really fun time and this did a pretty bang up job.

Can an Xbox boy and a GameCube girl really fall in love? No they cannot, and she will never date a man ever again.

This was an entertaining use of a few hours. If it went on any longer I would have gotten sick of it but it ended well. I doubt I will think about it ever again.

Had a fun time with this. The mechanics are really neat and nothing outstays its welcome. It's quite short and the puzzles are never too challenging. The message at the end is nice and the music is great, especially at the end. Would recommend this game to anyone.

I clipped out of the map once and fell for like a minute since I wasn't sure if it was supposed to happen (it wasn't). Luckily checkpoints are frequent and fast. This was probably hell on earth to QA and debug so they get a pass on that one.


I wanted to like this game really badly. I had heard people did not get the game they were expecting and I thought I could appreciate it regardless since I had no expectations. Unfortunately I can't say I enjoyed most of my time with the game. This is in large part due to the gameplay in the mid section with enemies. I would enjoy the game MUCH more if the "combat" segments were gone and it was just an exploration puzzle game. They throw way too many enemies at you sometimes for how shitty the gunplay (intentionally) is. Frequently they give you ammo refills just to immediately throw enemies at you to blow it on. I never felt like there was a choice to stealth or fight, I could only blast away and hopefully not miss for the next encounter. If you die you go back to a checkpoint which can suck when the spot you're dying is after a bunch of cutscenes and mandatory interactables. The game looks great but the levels can get confusing since things look samey. I wouldn't complain about getting lost nearly as much if I wasn't dreading more shooting the whole time. This part of the game I'm complaining about weighs the game down so significantly since it makes up a lot of it. At least I found the puzzles fun.

A wonderful time, shame it felt a bit short. It also felt easier than the previous Pikmin games, which I don't necessarily consider a bad thing. There are a lot of quality of life changes that make the game slightly less frustrating. There is a limit to the amount of days you can spend based on how much fruit you collect. This limit is basically irrelevant if you are collecting a normal amount of fruit, but I appreciate its existence nonetheless. Pikmin AI is improved but they still manage to be annoyingly stupid sometimes. This frustrates me to no end, but that might just be the point. I like pretty much every boss despite how easy I found them to be. I absolutely love the Scornet Maistro. The final battle is really cool as well.

Getting your party separated how you like is really annoying with how dismissing and pikmin aggro works. In a few cases it was logistically too annoying to deal with and I would walk around with everyone Pikmin 1 style. It didn't help that I found the cursor too sensitive which made micromanaging with whistles difficult.

My gut says I still prefer the first game over this one. But every game in the trilogy is really great. Excited for Pikmin 4.

It's a good movie, but the gameplay itself I can take it or leave it. Regardless of that I can't say I really dislike the game in any way and I'm walking away satisfied. The combat is fun and it's repetitive, but not to the point where I was dreading more of it. The side stories give this game a lot of its charm but I wasn't very motivated to get them done at a certain point. The game didn't seem to punish me for not doing them and really appreciate that. It's a bit longer overall than I'd personally like.

I don't necessarily understand the immense hype for this game but I'm sure that comes down to it being not entirely my thing. I'd be interested in playing more some time.

Get fucked up and play it with friends.

Nice little adventure game. Niko is a cute lil fella. Didn't get the true ending because I don't really wanna play it again. Maybe I will go back some day. I have few thoughts about this game.

Tight game. If you liked the NMH series leading up to this you will enjoy this game for sure. It's a lot more stylized than the first two games and I was here for it. I think the three games are about the same in my brain, meaning they all do things right and wrong such that they shake out even in quality. I still don't know which of the three I consider my favorite.

Combat is probably the best in the series, but the way it's done outside of boss battles is pretty lame. Instead of linear levels you get individual arenas of enemies. They're fun enough and I never really got sick of them, but learning how to deal with the annoying af enemies is a pain at first. The game is more complex and intuitive than the earlier games and it ends up being easier overall. The bosses are pretty interesting but feel significantly easier than previous games (on bitter).

I'm glad I played TSA before this game for context so the pain was worth it. Missed out a little bit by not playing its DLC but I'm not too beat up about that.

Liked this game at first but soon discovered it's too repetitive and too long for its own good. I actually like the combat but it never evolves beyond the beginning. The combat also has some weird quirks about it, for example you will get hit most of the time if you try to do a slide attack from below an enemy. The story is significant I guess but didn't really grip me. The game is bizarrely slow. Cutscenes linger in place for tens of seconds for some reason (mostly when npcs go offscreen). Getting a key item plays a jingle then leaves you standing for 5 extra seconds.

I'm not very hype about this game. I didn't know it had anything to do with Illusion of Gaia. I'm still interested in trying that game, but not very soon.

Just miserable. I cannot stand survival games and crafting. Annoying mechanics in horror games exist to increase tension and elevate the experience, but there's NOTHING scary to me about a top down pixelated horror game. Without any sort of fear factor I'm left with a game that is exclusively annoying to play. I wasn't expecting the game to be this way, but I suppose that's what happens when you go in totally blind. I pushed through to the end with a walkthrough on my 2nd monitor just because I'm stubborn.

The game looks cool, although I think it has issues with readability. I wandered around aimlessly a few times because I missed a small part of the map that doesn't stand out. Audio design is great. The ideas themselves are really neat and I liked discovering new people and things. That said, I wasn't able to enjoy it due to my constant frustration.

I've heard a lot of good things about this game. That makes sense given that 92% of people who make it past the prologue don't even make it half way though the damn game (based on steam achievement stats). Take recommendations with a grain of salt. If you don't think this game would scare you it probably wont. Do not give it benefit of the doubt.

This game is really tight. I would've liked it a lot more if I was less dumb. I ended up looking up a guide a couple times to show me the way. Regardless, there's so much detailed content here and it's really incredible. It's funny and has some genuinely good music in spots. I'll be thinking about this game for a while.

Finally played it all the way through with no warp zones. My life is the same before and after.