There are things I like more than the first game and things I like less. One step forward, one step back. It's a yin yang of better and worse. Combat feels better and worse. Bosses feel better and worse. Progressing feels better and worse. Really nutty.

I feel like you have to jive with No More Heroes a lot to get major enjoyment out of this game, and I think I do, which is the only reason it gets a 4. I would never insist someone play this game if they don't have a need to, because it's pretty jank at the end of the day. Worth trying at least.

I can't stand enemies with guns. It was a problem in the first game too but it felt worse here somehow.

What a ride. My least favorite thing about games like this is when they're too cryptic or have really obtuse puzzles that ruin the mood. This game never has that though. As the game goes on you can catch on to the things going on around you, and it slowly allows you to piece together what it all means. The horror aspects are super cool, and there's only a few jumpscares, which every horror game deserves a few. Probably one of my top horror games now. Shame it didn't get a proper chance on the main storefronts.

Platformers from this era are so numerous and largely the same. Cartoony characters, collectathon platforming, and insufferable mini-games. That said, I liked this game a lot.

The platforming levels are all pretty enjoyable and the game feels nice to control. Although, there is the occasional jank with swinging and climbing. The aforementioned insufferable mini-games aren't great, but they're not obnoxious enough to ruin the experience. It comes close at the end of the game though. I didn't use most of the bonus upgrades, but they're fun rewards for collecting all the clues in each level. I know a lot of people who grew up with this game and still love it. I'd say it mostly holds up. Excited to check out the sequels.

I knew a lot about this game before playing it. I loved its style and I listened to its music really frequently. Point being, I may have some bias.

Half of the game is combat which is simple enough and repetitive. The other half is some also simple mini-games to grind up cash. Despite me calling the combat repetitive, it never made me reach the point where I was dreading doing more. The closest I ever got to that point was when the game threw too many of a tankier enemy at me at once. As far as money grinding goes, it seems set up so you will never have to do an excess of grinding unless you want to buy everything. I had to do a little extra towards the end and while it was tedious, the end didn't feel too out of reach.

This game has flair and for myself that gives it a huge buff. Some things that in any other game would make me groan end up being tolerable and don't turn me off at all. If you think you are going to enjoy No More Heroes when you see a bit of it, you likely will. Travis is a unique character and the game is pretty funny.

I played this game knowing it was not the most interactive thing in the world and that's what I got. It was more true than I anticipated though. It's more anime than video game and the anime is kinda mid. I like the designs, visuals, and concepts, but it gets rough out there.

In my opinion, the game got off to a rough start, hit a stride in the middle, then went on a bit too long. The QTEs are a lot of the gameplay and they get very repetitive. would expect this to some degree but its a lot of identical animations with identical button presses. When the combat sections are fresh it feels serviceable, but it gets less and less exciting as the game goes on.

By the end I was just wondering which circle mashing punch would finally be the last.

The jump from the first two games to this is pretty nuts. This game was real hyped up before releasing and while I played it I was thinking they really stuck the landing. What a good game. The levels are way shorter than I remember, but I think I like that about it. The map screen is really neat-o and Iove the mechanics of it. I think I like this game more than World, personally.

I've not done the post-game but I doubt my opinion will change at all because of it.

This game is fine. Honestly, it's just a collect-a-thon with some easy combat sections interspersed. The boss battles are cool when they get slightly challenging. There not that much going on in the areas aside from some new pokemon. I enjoyed my time with it and wouldn't say I regret getting or playing it. I thought I might complete it at some point, but after seeing the requirements, no shot.

Pokemon has no reason to look or perform this terrible in 2022. It's the biggest franchise of all fucking time. I can only imagine there is someone really stubborn behind the scenes that is actively gimping progress, or they genuinely don't care about the quality since it sells anyway. I've come to terms with the fact that pokemon will be stuck in a shitty rut forever. Still sucks that getting a truly amazing pokemon game feels like a daydream when the potential is there.

I can see how this game was impactful for a lot of people for its presentation alone. While it doesn't look great by today's standards, there are still some cool set pieces.

The combat makes up a majority of the game and unfortunately it gets incredibly samey. Enemies don't get mixed up enough so it feels like mashing in the direction of the same few enemies for the whole duration. The platforming and puzzles are very underwhelming, and slowly pushing things around starts to feel like a running gag.

I started on hard difficulty but died enough that the game prompted me to lower the difficulty (allegedly). I bypassed this prompt without even noticing until the save screen said I was on easy mode. There was no way to change it back, which was lame. Although, It may have been a god send (no pun intended). If the game were more tedious it's totally possible I would have hated the game or just given up.

Although I'm technically not done playing the game, I've seen the credits, so I can only assume I've reached the minimum experience to say I beat it.

I briefly played world, but I couldn't stick with it and I think that's most likely due to my lack of friends to play it with. I missed the boat and playing solo just wasn't captivating. It's precisely for that reason that I don't rate this game higher. I don't envision a world where I play and enjoy this game from start to finish without friends to do it with me. These games are basically just a series of boss fights and I'm not personally satisfied enough by making armor and weapons to want to fight the same creatures tens of times by myself or with randoms. The sections that don't involve fighting monsters see you collecting items or delivering them which is frankly terrible. There are weird tower defense missions called rampages that are also horrible. I did one solo and it was a nightmare experience. No no. Icky.

Having friends also spared me the stress of navigating the hell that is the tutorials. There are so many different moving parts in this game and having to learn them all from zero is a hell of a task. For me anyway, it is overwhelming and the result was me skipping textboxes so I could get to the interesting stuff. Friends filled in the rest.

There's a lot to like about this game though. It's enough that I've spent tens of hours and am willing to keep booting it up. If it resonates with you more it's easy to see how one could spend hundreds of hours.

It should be noted that my only experience with this game is exclusively in multiplayer either 2 player lone wolf runs or 4 player. I play it modded to include free bless and resting for source and I don't feel bad about it.

Divinity is really surprisingly fun to me. I gave a friend of mine a lot of shit for playing this so much just because on the surface it looked intensely boring. I came around eventually though, and these days I get the occasional desire to do a new run. I don't have much to say about the story since for me it was never why I was playing. It's a huge game and while the same things happen every run there's usually something new to discover. Game is fully voice acted and it's mostly good. The animal voices are insufferable. This game fkin rules if it looks like your thing. If it doesn't it's still fun with friends if you give it a chance.

I saw an ending. There's a ton of secrets and whatnot that I haven't seen and maybe I'll go back to those. Maybe not. I see what's here and I enjoyed most of what I played but it doesn't resonate with me beyond being kinda funny and playable. As time goes on and if I continue to run by the game sometimes, my opinion could change.

Feels really average. Story is whatever and the dungeons are mostly generic. Your kit is kind of cool but not interesting enough to prevent me getting bored by the end. Kinda like how they design the maps around big and small but it gets old. The whole kinstone system I thought was really annoying and giving time to the whole thing doesn't usually feel worth it. You fuse one or two kinstones with some random npc to get a bunch of rupees or one of numerous heart pieces. Too many, too tedious.

Game looks great though, and the music is alright.

I held this game near and dear for many many years and I still have a soft spot for it. However, with many years between now and my last run it's easy for me to see the flaws now that I know its charm so well. Beneath the funny text and quirkiness is a pretty subpar RPG that can feel like a frustrating chore. Obviously this game is iconic and had a huge impact but it's certainly not for the gameplay.

I still love this game, but now I will not argue when I see people saying they don't get it.

This game is great to start but ultimately I feel like it falls short of the original with its new format. Depending on your preferences you may like it a lot, but unfortunately I came to realize the cave-focused gameplay was a bit much for me. Completing a single cave is exhausting and there's just so many. Pikmin ai is improved from the last game but they also demand more from you. That means the shortcoming become a lot more obvious, like when Pikmin will sometimes become dead set on following you and need to be dismissed 2-4 times. Caves are randomized most of the time which can lead to some MISERABLE situations with monster spawns.

I really really love that Pikmin 2 evolved the gameplay of the first game and it did a wonderful job, but I just prefer the concise nature of the first game.

This game is badass. It's both cozy and stressful at the same time. Wrangling pikmin is like wrangling a group of idiot children which can be frustrating but it's also kind of the point. I love how the progression works and it's the perfect length for me. Big fan.