This game wants me to be amazed and emotional but it all feels so forced. The gameplay itself is just running back and forth from flowers that juice you up. You get a few abilities that help you do that in slightly different ways. It does not have the graphical fidelity for me to be in awe of anything it's showing me. There were a few times a bug or oversight resulted in me having to reload a save. One time I did things in an order that rendered progression impossible. Another time I got pushed below the surface of the water which created an inescapable ceiling. There is a sequel in the works and I can imagine it will be much better but at this time I'm not feeling inspired by the idea of playing more.

I'm hip and I'm cool. 26 is still young!!!

Morbid curiosity led me here. I played the shit out of this as a kid... why can't I boot up and unlock all the characters now? The secrets I knew (and/or the patience I had) to accomplish that task are lost to me now.

This is kind of a beautiful relic. A distilled product of its time. An ugly fan-made flash game with the dev's sonic OCs injected into it. It simply would not make sense for it to be playable.

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Yeah Mega Man X except you're Zero. Honestly being able to jump slightly higher feels so broken. Some changes feel a little arbitrary like the alterations to Chill Penguin, but for the most part they're minor mix ups that add neat surprises to the mix. When I first saw the doppelganger Kuwanger I thought it was a stupid change but I found the double boss fights to be much more fun. I was dreading double Mandrill when I saw it but I found it cool how the splitting of shotgun ice became an actual factor in the fight. Double Eagle was also super fun.

Good hack.

Whew glad that's over. Can't complain, I got exactly what I expected out of this. It's a BotW knock off made by just a few people who were woefully unequipped for such a task. It's stunted, janky, and repetitive but they sure did finish it which is commendable by itself. I just kinda fucked around till I got a good weapon then bee lined quests by mashing X. You get nothing in the way of interesting upgrades or abilities so it's the same all the way through. As stated before you basically just mash X while doing fetch quests and opening chests. The crafting can be largely ignored aside from making an OP weapon where available. There is zero reason to upgrade weapons over finding new ones since they barely scale. I forgot shields were even an option. You find essence to improve stats but they felt frontloaded and largely worthless. The few set pieces are interesting in concept but end up being underwhelming or annoying. Overall this was not a worthwhile venture. The ending is a real eye roller.

What annoyed me more than anything was that not every sound effect is affected by sound settings. Despite me having the game turned to minimum I would occasionally be DEAFENED by the stun sound or some loud clanging and explosions. It coincidentally seems to apply mostly to the loudest sounds imaginable and the stun sound which you hear really frequently.

It's exactly what it appears to be but it is far more stable than I would expect, save for one crash at the end which might be a product of the engine it was made in. For the most part it's just an enjoyable platformer with extremely simple combat. There is xp and levels to spend but it's nothing mind blowing. I think it's a pretty poorly balanced system since I went all in on damage and still found enemies to me a little tankier than I'd like. The bosses have WAY too much health and can be a major slog. That is one of the bigger issues it has alongside just being a few levels too long. The spammy combat gets old after a while and the last few levels feel phoned in.


Cool game but it's moreso an art project. That boy sure can jump.

Not bad or anything just underwhelming. Good that it's short because all you really do is jump around. I think I got this by selling steam trading cards.

Had a decent time playing this game but it certainly overstays its welcome. I actually think it feels really good to play. Specifically, the guns feel really nice to me. Downside is that it's basically all you do for the whole duration while running through forest environments with little variance. Despite this it treads water thanks to its story which I found really interesting. The writing and voice acting felt distinctly awful at the start but it came around once things got going. Enemies are extremely annoying in this game and a lot of the challenge is derived from throwing multiple dudes at you at once. It's not particularly hard but it wears down the patience having to bob and weave to kill one guy because you're being pelted with other bullshit offscreen. The non-human enemy types are the worst offenders. Unfortunately I didn't have it in me to play through the 2 special episodes, especially after the final gauntlet of a chapter.

Almost incomprehensible how a game can come out this poorly.

When the style change happened with X4, although I love that game to death, there was a noticeable downgrade to the level design versus its SNES predecessors. What was a minor cut in X4 quickly evolved into a festering wound that wasn't fatal in X5, but is beyond saving in X6. Nearly every facet of the game feels like it was haphazardly slapped together and not play tested at all. Each and every level is fucked up in its own special way. Dead ends, cluster fucks, forced restarts, and terrible bosses. Mega Man X6 is an affront to game design as a whole.

I find this game truly indefensible and I can only imagine that the people who do so either have a commendable bullshit tolerance or just have the game figured out. A game is not better because it can be memorized. It is befitting of the earliest era of games where people barely knew how to make them, but unfortunately it released in 2001.

X7 is better.

Ape Escape 3 is more in line with what I expected from 2. I complained that I didn't like the style of 2 nearly as much as the first and I think this game meets half way between the two. I still wish the style was less fisher price because the fact that you play as a grade schooler is more obvious than ever in this game. I like the theming with TV and movie references. Unfortunately they did the freaky monkey five dirty and the boss battles overall leave a lot to be desired.

The gadgets are all familiar from its predecessors but the real new stuff is the transformations. I've heard some praise for these but they're mostly unimpressive. There were only 3 that I felt were good outside of their mandatory uses. I feel like they could have been reworked to be more useful, and maybe cut a few of the redundant transformations.

This game doesn't top the first in my eyes, but I liked playing it regardless and I'm glad it's better than 2.

I have a weird relationship with this game because I genuinely don't believe I would ever touch it if I wasn't doing so with friends. I stayed on board anyway because I enjoy DOS2 the same way. At the end of it all, I think it's a good game, but not 100% for me.

I think as a result of me playing multiplayer the game is lesser overall. We didn't want to play any of the origin characters which results in stunted story beats and quests that are unable to reach their proper conclusion. This culminated in an ending that made sense for one individual but was a wet fart for almost everyone else. I'm in no position to judge the quality of the story overall since it's hard to take seriously when you're bantering with friends. However, I can still sense that it's undercut as a result of us playing how we wanted.

I don't have much to say about the combat other than I much prefer the action point style from Divinity. I'm not a D&D player and the action+bonus action basis feels 'rigid' to me. It was fun enough and I didn't really complain about it much once I was into it. That said, I did complain about the plenty of bugs that appeared in fights. The camera can be pretty dogshit both in and out of combat, but mostly places with multiple floors/levels.

Game is buggy in general, although since I exclusively played multiplayer it could have been exacerbated. I kept getting crashes in the city and a friend of mine had their campaign ended entirely by a bugged object.

Respect for the scope of this game and I had fun but it's not even close to my GOTY. Shout out to the gang: Brunklestreet Runoff, Luckless Galleo, Tozu Fiddlepeaks, and Castellano.


A really mediocre game. Not nearly as bad as I was expecting for the bulk of it but at a certain point it's just too repetitive and boring. I'm really stupid so some of the late game puzzles were a major pain in the ass (even though I'd solved some of them multiple times). This is probably the NOISIEST game I've ever played. I'll be trying to solve puzzles and the backing sound is just the deafening grinding of gears, Tapp choking on gas, or repetitive NPC voice lines.

The violence on display is basically slapstick and really helped to keep me going. Even though hitting a trap and dying instantly is obnoxious it's also hilarious. Baiting enemies into shotgun traps is even more hilarious.

Too much of a good thing! I like that this is basically definitive with every minigame accounted for along with some new ones. That said, not every mini-game is a hit for me, and they brought back a fair amount of my less favorite games (I can't believe they didn't bring back Munchy Monk 2!). I much prefer the simple structure of all the previous games over the weirdo story mode setup seen here. There are many secondary mechanics like collections and currencies that I feel like muddy it up.

I don't have much more to say about this game than I do about the original. I like how it ties into the first game. What frustrations I had with the last one I did not have in this. The tall man is super cool compared to the lady.