Its like Resident Evil 4 but they cleaned up the more rough parts a bit. The main thing beyond it just looking pretty and cleaning up the general level design just a bit is the story just got a lot more effort.

Luis is way bigger of a character, the infection bit has some more consequences, just more story in general, makes the game feel a bit less lonely through its fairly long runtime for a 3rd person shooter.

Also the pacing is a bit better spread, original game was very castle heavy, they did a good job pacing out the chapters. oh also the challenges for the shop keeper.

So... 90% original RE4 by volume but the 10% really makes the game feel better all around.


A very goofy 30 minutes that feels like a joke game someone made up but actually existed. Not just in the concept but also the design.

Just the right difficulty by default on the dreamcast version
I would have been really upset if I had purchased this for full price back in the day though, again 30 minutes long and barely any replayability unlike something like crazy taxi. Only 4 levels.


A relatively solid base that needs to be fine tuned a bit and needs... some sort of actual goal that's achievable within like 10 hours. Solid early game loop that peeters out. I enjoy that all the pals have specific things they're good at outside of combat and this feeds into the base building. Really just more of a progression through areas and a mild story is needed... like breath of the wild or something. Also the flying feels like crap for now.

Will try again when early access is done, glad its on xbox game pass so it cost me just the usual subscription. Also congrats on some base building game figuring out that you shouldn't need to actually be carrying all the parts in the base to build something, just take them from the chests.


I decided to take a break from the giant 10/10 games i've been playing through recently to play through a short classic i got on xbox 360 way back in the day i remembered enjoying a lot.

An evolution of the tower defense genre that shows its age a bit with some rough patches. The camera doesn't like some of the traps and some of the traps are really broken if you force all the orcs through them, a trillion archers, the swinging mace, tar pits, and a few others.

When its done, it just sort of ends with a few sentences and not much else. I did enjoy how weird the main character is, his quirkiness is so overdone that its endearing.


A really nice spongebob statue, probably nicer than anything else that has ever been put out. Also was a great price on clearance at best buy for $40. Why is this and the ultra expensive version on here?

I have a brain parasite that forces me to enjoy older 3d platformers. This game was really f.u.n. and only occasionally tedious. I loved how the setting of spongebob was used. Frankly the closest any game I've played has gotten to feeling like super mario 64 in its general layout and atmosphere.

A few mild complaints that could have been polished out. Some small floor objects added into this remake/remaster/refinishing have collision when they didn't in the original. A few other things like 1 or 2 objects moving when they shouldn't be.

Graphics generally look much better though despite rarely having that "modern cartoon game bloom" that wind waker hd suffers from a lot. Also ran fairly well on my switch only occasionally dropping frames in the hub world and taking a few seconds to load in all the textures.


Love the look, like the music, don't like most else. It's movement mechanics feel restricting in a way tony hawk didn't 20 years ago, you only have 3 tricks in big open void levels with grinding only specifically on rails. it's way to easy and stale to bust out a million point combo. Combine that with the repetitive combat you have to do occasionally and I'm done after 2ish hours trying to play.

At least it's better done gameplay than jet set radio but only just
Honestly just play tony hawk.

An ok half of a game I've played. The game was a bit rough as far as the cleanup and while I enjoyed the dialogue, the puzzles just keep going and going. After looking up the ending all of it was building up to, Woooo what a downer.

Biggest issue is that time inbetween solving a puzzle and waiting a few minutes to actually finish. Really brings it down a big

If you're going to make a game with a minor overarching story, make sure it's hopeful at the end. Otherwise it leaves a bad taste


What if I got what I suggested LA Noire should have been in my review, No open world, just choices to go around a map of the city and a time mechanic to finish the case.
Oh also its a roguelite that's really into japanese horror and instead of searching a crime scene or shooting people you get adventure game choices.

I am so glad the individual stories aren't randomly generated, its just the framing around the 5 stories per run. That would have killed game for me.

I like the game a lot but this thing needs like 200 stories instead of 20. They start to repeat way too quickly.

Idol Girl building a posse of like 8 is an absolute steamroll tactic and I laugh every time at it.


Gotta get Squirt all the way to the top of the giant pillar to make it rain again. Some of the greatest climbing in any game ever with the physicality of it all. I would have liked the story to be a bit more in your face, I kept expecting either skeletons or people as I climbed but I saw neither, just a whole lot of notes. Well written notes, but notes.

For something that just happened a year ago, the entirety of the community to be completely abandoned with no one having stayed behind despite some talk about how they survived after all the water left... was a bit disappointing.

The rest of the game is a fantastic 3ish hours though.


Another classic mario platformer but with a fresh new art, we're finally past the "new." series of platformers. Its basically everything I wanted out of one, that being said the multiplayer still doesn't work well unless its only with one other person and you both are pretty good.


A pretty fun easier going sims kinda comedy business simulation game with some issues that hold it back

Just really nice looking generally and I liked the odd differences between the college. A room looks decent every time with barely any work.
Its fun to watch the sea of A rated students.
I enjoyed slowly growing the campus's over time.
I liked all the weird comedy in the game with its bizarre degrees.
Some levels mixed it up more than others in a fun way, in the spooky dlc to unlock more space you have to defeat giant ghosts with your "ghostbusters in training" students.
The game is a bit too on the easy side
Training a staff member is basically worthless due to how long it takes, Its much easier just to go to add a staff member and keep generating new staff until you get one with much better skills, then fire the previous one.
The "beauty" of the campus is dead simple to the point i'm wondering why its even there, just throw 5 or so posters in every room and it'll be 90%.
The teaching rooms aren't very well explained, you'll need items for later on for classes that it says are cosmetic only anything when you're buying them. Also it seems to speed up learning but I can't say for sure.
I can only assume the heater system in some levels is there because theme hospital had it, again dead simple.
size limit for some rooms is also a bit annoying.
Having to spend 30 minutes building every room you need for a basic school at the beginning of every level is a bit annoying.

Generally I liked it a lot but the loop started getting a bit tiring for me. i'll probably keep playing for a bit longer though.


Takes what portal 2 did and expands upon it in basically every way possible. A great single player mode with a fantastic comedic story and a fantastic co op mode. My only complaint is that its over too soon.

I miss when valve made games...


Well... at least the combat isn't turn based. A game that probably shouldn't exist, business-wise i mean, but somehow does. The biggest cringe fest in every possible way. Story, Character design, just everything. Its impressive honestly.

The big things that stick out is the most stereotypical anime story possible, but also disney characters, and just the awful fashion that would cling to anything square would put out for the next 20 years.

Please do not take this as a personal attack, If you enjoy the game that's fine.


A strong reminder that I just hate old jrpgs. The constant repetitive turn based combat just kills me and they expect you to do it all the time. The story, what i saw of it, looked interesting and i thought the duplo looking character models were adorable.

Maybe I'll give the Remake a try when they finish that entire story in 10 years or so, but a few hours of this and I was ready to do anything else.

Also from what i've seen every other game surrounding this game's story is just the biggest cringe fest possible. So i'm not super convinced i'll love the full story.
