I beat this game over 2.5 weeks while I had covid - it was amazing and makes me look back fondly on the time that I had covid, which is saying a lot because I felt like human garbage

Weapon durability is good, actually

Real gaming. Probably my favorite mario game, I love the variety in all of the galaxies

such a rich game, the final parts of the game were amazing and gave me feelings no other games have been able to pull off from their narratives

What would it feel like if you gotten taken over by mario? Seems kinda messed up

This game would be vastly improved if the minimap was removed. I swear I spent like half of my playthrough using that to navigate instead of looking around. Great story and characters tho, I love the witcher universe

The best part of this game is ignoring the main story and just walking to places that look interesting. If you play the story the game kinda sucks, but everything else is super fun and enjoyable.

amazing!! iterated on the og in really fun ways, and the parry is integrated so well that its hard to imagine the game without it

Fun for a while but after completing one planet you realize that the gameplay loop repeats for all the other planets, without changing in very engaging ways.

Story is kinda whatever but the gameplay is truly great. Platinum were in their bag with this one, witch time is super satisfying to do and mastering all of the combat styles feels great

Could not stop playing this! Loved it

Loved the story and the overall style of the game. This is my first remedy game and I loved that part of it. Sometimes I found the combat encounters a bit repetitive/draining, but other than that I loved everything else about this!