Give Me A Game and I'll Talk About Its OST

I've done a similar topic before, but I think it'd be interested to talk about my thoughts on each soundtrack as a whole. After enough come in, I'll consider ranking them. Mellorine's list was my main inspiration for this.

Suggested by Fairywands

I don't have as much complex thoughts on this one, but I think the compositions here are absolutely stunning, the slower pieces of Remembrance and the intense battle themes of Destruction alike. I want to study more of how it ties into the game in the future, since there's some interesting stuff to look into like its use of techno in a variety of instances.
Suggested by FrozenRoy

I'll be honest I don't remember a single song from this entire soundtrack besides the DK Rap
Suggested by FMTownsParty

Not one I have a ton to say about, but I really like its consistently upbeat tone throughout its variety. It really helps fall in line with the general insanity of God Hand as a game.
Suggested by the adhdagenda

Not super fresh on this one, but I'm as fond of it as I usually am for Shimomura's OSTs. The best songs in the game are the remixes of the TWEWY tracks.
Suggested by GringoELMexican

There's a lot of fantastic tracks here, especially the ones used in battles, but I think the songs that stand out to me the most are quieter ones. Listening to them evokes emotions to me that I have a hard time describing. Roxas's theme in particular is one of my favorite pieces in all of gaming, with its reprise later solidifying the place it plays being one of my favorite moments in any game.
Suggested by Mellorine

Pretty charming set of songs even if I do believe that Adventure solidly outclasses it.
Suggested by Wistful

I'm actually in the process of replaying this game, and I'm finding a lot more fast-paced and intense tracks than I expected to in a sea of lighthearted and cheerful songs. I might need to form my thoughts a bit more strongly after my replay, but it's definitely another hit for Kirby's lineup of soundtracks.
Suggested by LordTentacle69

As far as FGs go MvC2 has a really unique OST. It's upbeat across the board, but every track available is incredibly funky with their pacing and use of brass instruments. Some of the tracks don't even feel like vg music, but it works really well in terms of giving the game a ton of personality.
Suggested by Reddish

Not one I often listen to on my own time, even compared to other entries in the series, but it's really good when it comes to immersing you into the game. Not to say there aren't memorable tracks, not at all. It's just a bit behind compared to 2 and 3's OSTs imo.
Suggested by theadhdagenda

One of the things I'd praise the OG for is how it combines a variety of tones and genres that fit the mood of its time period, while still being distinct in its style. This is something I think NEO also does fairly well. There's a great combination of heavy metal/rock(Like Breaking Free or We're Losing You), as well as a greater prominence of techno(Like Hustle and Bustle). There's a good amount of adaptability in music genres here, and it still feels distinctly TWEWY. My only issue is that the remixes don't fare as well, I'd consider most of them fairly worse than their original counterparts.
Suggested by Wistful

The OST of Omori does a lot of what the game does best, a lot of lighthearted and charming songs with some darker undertones hidden within. That might be a bit too much of a generalization, there's a good amount of atmospheric tracks present as well, but the pieces in its darker moments hit exceptionally hard based on how much it makes you used to tracks that don't approach that kind of darkness nearly as much.
Suggested by STRM

All of these are remixes of the Pepsiman theme. The techno ones and the stage 2 theme are pretty neat.
Suggested by Ofy... again

I've taken a lot of time to think about how I feel about Persona's OSTs, and I'd say that this is my favorite out of them. Most of it does come off as lighthearted and cheerful, fitting with the general tone of the game, but it's fairly dynamic with its variety of darker and more intense tracks. Shihoko Hirata's vocal tracks fall more on the former side, but she also has some stellar more melancholy tracks like Snowflakes. The only real issue is how some tracks feel like they get overplayed for certain types of scenes, (particularly the slower version of I'll Face Myself) but P4 is far from the only RPG that's guilty of this.
Suggested by Ofy

I wouldn't consider it one of my favorites in the series anymore, but AA1 has a really strong OST. Not only are the songs themselves really catchy and distinct, even with the limitations of them originally being on the GBA, the way that the pacing of the story flows around them is spectacular. This is especially notable with the trials, with how the objection track plays perfectly with when the tides turn in these games of logic.

Likely my favorite Pokemon OST. Pokemon in general is insanely good at making tracks that fit well with their environments, and the town themes in particular here shine at that. Nimbasa City in particular is one of my favorite RPG town themes. The battle music is also really great, they really knew how to utilize synth by this point in the system's lifespan.
Suggested by FrozenRoy

Idk what happened with Kishimoto getting super obsessed with synth music, but I'm not a big fan of its implementation. Some of the modern Sonic tracks are pretty good, if a bit below average for the standards of the series. Classic's music just straight-up sounds awful. It's like they tried to make Genesis-ish music without understanding what made Genesis music sound good. Avatar stages are the absolute midpoint, some sound kind of alright, some sound pretty bad. Really disappointing since I can see the promise of this style in some of the tracks.
Suggested by Ofy once more (Not doing the other two)

It might seem odd to give a lot of credit to the OST since it's a sort of greatest hits medley of the franchise, but I think Generations does a pretty great job of making its remixes feel distinct. The style of the remixes is at their best when the two Sonics swap eras. Chemical Plant takes elements of the original stage's theme and makes it an upbeat and intense techno-rock track that handles that style better than a whole OST going for that style. (Cough cough Forces cough) Likewise, Classic Sonic's tracks take the more fast-paced tracks of the modern entries and makes them work really well for the somewhat slower-paced stages. City Escape and Rooftop Run are my absolute favorite examples of this.
Suggested by HiTheHello

Similarly to Sonic Generations, what makes Unleashed's OST stand out aside from its amazing compositions is how it uses the various instruments for the different contexts of the day and night stages. While the day stage of Skyscraper Scamper has a lightning fast swing feeling to it, the night stage's music falls more in line with standard jazz. I didn't think much of it when I first listened to them since I saw them as just great Sonic songs, but picking up on the use of instruments enhanced them a lot for me.
Suggested by Ofy

There's a lot that I can say about the OST of TWEWY. It's insanely stylish that goes through a number of genres and tones, while still feeling distinct to the game's general identity of alternative hip-hop. What elevates it to my favorite in gaming is how much it ties into the setting and culture. It has an incredibly "2000s" energy to it with the genres it tackles, and their composition and even the sort of compression they have gives it a vibe akin to being played out of a boombox. It adds to how well TWEWY encapsulates 2000s culture into its art direction and setting.

When you have Yoko goddamn Shimomura in your all-star roster of composers and her tracks are some of the slightly weaker ones, you know your OST is on a whole other level. In both the many moments of just exploring the environment, and the various dramatic turns in the story, it houses some of the greatest orchestral and metal tracks I've ever heard in my life. Engage the Enemy is a contender for my favorite song in the entire medium.
Suggested by MrPixelton

It was much more limited than I anticipated, but I think the few tracks that are here are pretty great. I want to specifically mention For Who's Sake because for a final boss theme it was much more melancholic and sad than I was expecting, it caused the final battle to make much more of an impact on me.
Suggested by Malcolm_Moon4

A lot of really great tracks at play here, the boss and dungeon themes especially are insanely good. However, I think the regular themes like the battle theme and substory songs suffer a lot from overplay. I think having one or two other tracks to cycle between would've made listening to the Ijiincho battle theme less grating after a while. Even so, there's a lot of stand-out tracks here that brought me really into the experience.


2 years ago

The World Ends With You

2 years ago

Persona 4

2 years ago


2 years ago

Mighty Number 9

2 years ago

Sonic Generations

2 years ago

I think I'd rather wait until I play Dark Souls to give a judgement on it. I think judging it just based on listening to select YouTube tracks would make it feel incomplete

2 years ago

Ace Attorney 1

2 years ago

Flower, Sun and Rain

2 years ago

Specifically the classical music remixes the composer did for the game

2 years ago

13 sentinels
neo twewy particularly breaking free
Haven't played Flower, Sun and Rain either sadly, won't be able to say much on that

2 years ago

All good
xenoblade chronicles (wii)

2 years ago

Kirby's Epic Yarn and Omori

2 years ago

God Hand
do you think that twister neo is trash
I wouldn't say that, but it's definitely worse
kingdom hearts ddd

2 years ago

Sonic Unleashed

2 years ago

Yakuza (2005)

2 years ago

Yakuza: Like a Dragon
Marvel vs Capcom 2

2 years ago

Final Fantasy VIII
Probably should've specified only games I've played earlier

2 years ago

my bad then

2 years ago

uhhh how about Metal Gear Solid 1 instead then
Pokemon Black

2 years ago

Sonic Forces

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