Good game and the plot is good but some mission sucks to do, but overall. It's a good game

The Lore of the game and the ways it builds it's fantastic, but the limited engine of fallout 3 some times ruins the experience


Probably one of the best games I have ever played, it got me excited until the end.

It's a good game, but the fact that the combat get repetitive really made me take a time to finish the game.

Good game, but I miss the poise from dark souls 1.

It's a good game, it has touching characters and a good story but some times I accidentally made bad endings.

Dark souls 2 is the black sheep from the souls series but still shines from it's glory, the mechanics and the NG+ are the unique things about this game.

It's a good fan game of Lisa series, and one of the deepest in my opinion, I hope that Lisa the Pointless has a sequel in the future

Probably one of the best platform games I played in my Childhood

Isn't a bad game but isn't a good game either, fallout 4 does not have a good story and the mission about creating and helping settlements is boring, but at least the gameplay mechanics are good through.

I can't deny, the game is good but should have at the time add more options to the player instead of joining the brotherhood of steel Everytime.


The maps of the game are amazing and each episode have such good levels to play.

It isn't a bad game but the maps are unnecessarily huge the city levels aren't good.

A survival horror game done right, and probably one of the best ones I have played and the graphics still kicks ass.

One of the best platformers I have played in 2019, the music are good and the retro style is really Charming, and the DLCs of each character are so good.