A simple game concept well executed.

Pass your way if you don't like gore tho.

It's a good mario kart. Very fun with friends on a couch

Am I supposed to write something meaningful there ?

The cover is way less inspired than the actual game. It is a very well paced (except maybe for the hoovercraft part) succession of playful memorable environments.

It is a game that defines what is videogame as a media, and defines this media as art.

Still fully interessting and playable nowadays.

How am I supposed to give some thoughts on this game ?

Kojima thinking about open world and world building decided to put the emphasis on travels between interest points intead of said interest points. This is brilliant and must be tried.

It's a party game way too simple to be fun.

I think the colorful universe can be appeling for youngsters. But that's all, please buy them other videogames once they reach a better mastering of videogames and controllers.

Played it on PC. It's kinda scandalous that it doesn't run correctly on minimal configuration and even frequently crash.

If I must talk about the game itself : it's cliché. It's not a good plateformer. It's not a good TPS. It's not a good puzzle game. It has cool bosses tho. It is not bad either.

I played with my lover (which is a gamer without a lot of different experiences), on the couch. Unravel two was a way better experience, much more focused and coherent.

Universal. Timeless (as long as nuclear weapons are a thing). Unfortunately sexist.

I did 2 runs on Darksouls

The first one was around 2015. It lasted around 15 hours. I reached a boss on a rempart. My sword broked. The blacksmith is situated behind this boss. My run was softlocked.

The second run took place around 2018 and a bit of 2020. I played the game and found no fun, nowhere. Queelagh was a pain. Sen's Fortress was """""""""fun""""""" (less unfun than the rest). The brothers of Anor Londo were... Stupidly hard ? I mean : I knew I was able to beat them mathematically speaking. But I didn't want to spent 3 hours on this. My friend told me to... I don't know how to say this : it felt like a huge cheat workaround to spawn a pnj that helped me beat thoses two brothers. A giant woman told me things about a chalice. I didn't know what to do then. The same firend told me to hit a snake near the 1st bonefire. How was I supposed to know that ? That snake ate me. I lighted a fire Inside the snake (?). I directed myself to the librairy, beyond Anor Londo and armored boars. I had to be killed by Seth (?) (kudos to my friend to told me to equip a ring which description did not indicated that it protected my stuff in case of death but did it anyway). I reached Seth beyond the librairy. He killed me in one swipe. I was heavy armored. The path to reach the boss' arena took me around 5 minutes at each try, crossing, of couse, invisible bridges. I said no more Darksouls. I don't want to learn this road. I don't want to beat this dragon unliked by it's brothers and sisters (That's what my friend told me, I had no clues of that).

I don't know what's good on/in/with/around this game.

I didn't liked Bioshock. At first glance, it is promising : a lot of different guns, magic powers, attractive ennemies. Then, you find yourself in the arboretum. Where should you go ? Why is the gunfeel so poor ? Why are gunfights so unreadable ? Is there anything else to shoot at other than... Well, speaking zombies ? What are the differences between all this different types of ammunitions ? What are the differences between electricity and fire aside from interacting with water instead of oil ? Why is there oil on the floor ? Why everybody praise this game for narrative design, when you simply pickup audiologs you don't understand because they are in the wrong order with way too much characters and you don't even hear because you shot your shotgun while it plays ?

I tried it in 2007 and finished it arround 2015 : it was lame at both time. I do not recommand.

A milestone of action games and TPS. Mikami doing Mikami. Great to play. Even nowadays (It didn't needed a remake)

Action RPGs have reach this milestone and it is a great thing. I must say I prefer Oblivion tho.

I won't write a critic on Skyrim, I'm on the "I love this game" team and that won't be very constructive. If you want relevant critics I suggest you turn yourself to mid or low stars reviews, which certainly highlight the defaults of Skyrim.

I see absolutely no interest in this game. I don't know if it's bad, but I know it's not good. It's closer to an action adventure game than an RPG : I mean, Fable (which isn't the most RPG of RPGs) is a much more an RPG than this. It claims seriousness, while in reality it is much more an immature teen game, showing boobs and being hella conceited. I hope you like to use a sword instead of, I don't know, something like masses, axes, bows (you have a useless crossbow though) and other medieval weapons. Magic spells are a joke to game design and skill tree upgrades. 5 spells, one of which is a shield (which is of course the more unactive spell of the 5) way more useful than the other spells, and here we go.

Cherry on the top : it does not run correctly on a ps4 when there are more than 3 ennemies on screen. I think it's scandalous.

You better play skyrim (which runs well on a 360 btw)

It's a great game. It's certainly one of the best 3D plateformer ever made. It convinced me I do not like 3D plateformers.