Best Games Played in 2023

You ever get the feeling you game too little and way too much at the same time? Yeah.

Needless to say, these are all games I enjoyed a great deal.

Feelings on which games I like the most may change in time, but this list and similar ones will not be edited after their end of year draft in order to reflect my thoughts at the time of publication.

A staggering and ambitious step up in scope compared to Roxy already striking previous works. I'm not sure who wrote which part, but whoever is responsible for the "truth" fork deserves serious accolades. Shocking stuff, chills.
Simple and straightforward, though without question propelled up in this list by my love for Disco Elysium. Still, it possesses enough personal qualities to stand up on its own.
Neotrogla's terrific prose made my skin crawl long after I played it. Almost like the game burrowed itself inside and hasn't left since...
It's just some regular dude's house, yet it's a great doom .wad!
The best moment of the year in gaming for me was entering the pyramid, hearing How To Disappear Completely start playing. I basically became Patrice O'Neal's description of the white person listening to Creep
A great game made wrong by a shoddy-looking remaster. It's cool that Atlus made it available to modern audiences, yet there's too many unnecessary changes in the presentation that ruin the original's mood
A game about us. All of us.
A pitch perfect presentation sadly not backed up by an appropriate level of challenge, the difficulty curve resembling an initial sheer cliff followed by an ever sharper decline. Still played this one all the way through because I'm a hopeless 40k addict and the game got the hyper specific kind of robo-juice I like in my veins.
Hitman 2 refined an already slick base and built some of the coolest levels in gaming around it. Playing this game made me fail quite a few exams and I still don't want to immediately say it wasn't worth it.
Catch me blending through crowds in Miami like Hannibal Lecter or climbing the walls on the Isle of Sgàil anytime baby, let's go.
At the cost of being patriotic and thus cringe, I can't help but place Venti Mesi this high up. Despite its nigh non existant gameplay, it delivers a heart-rending tale which hit too close to home for me to place it anything lower
Dragonfall is leaps and bounds better than the first of Hare Brained Scheme's first foray in the Shadowrun franchise. Witty, biting, compassionate, memorable both in its gameplay sections as well as being endlessly quotable. A testament to the power of the CRPG expansion.
Maybe this Megami Ibunroku Persona thing wasn't so bad after all. SEES my beloved.
Once again proof that the Polish and the Italians know how to make better westerns than the Americans
Probably the only game to capture the feeling of dry, straight forward old school d&d. As a kid I would turn each page in the original Red Box, its cover-art-breaking red dragon burned into my impressionable mind, longing for a group to play with. Baldur's Gate is the closest I got to that feeling beside the tiny, three player session I sprung up on friends one time where none of us knew what we were doing.
Would have been a 10/10 were it not for the pacing getting obliterated every time it starts to get going. The story does its best to offer a nuanced take on the goings-on of the plot; the times it does succeed in doing so are as many as those where it uses tired fantasy and time travel tropes as crutches. Where Radiant Historia shines is in its brainy turn-based combat and in the grounded characterization of its main character Stocke. Played the ds version, didn't bother with the added elements of the 3ds port because it looks like shite.
I'll admit to being a bit disappointed here. It's a fine game, a return to good form for Shu Takumi after the spotty Apollo Justice, yet I was never blown away by it as I was by some of his other works. Ultimately my problem, expectations were set too high; the way people on the hellsite talked about it I'd have been disappointed if Ghost Trick didn't suck me off, stop my hair loss and change my life forever.
Faith is a slippery little eel, and while it's great when you get the rhythm right, it's too often frustrating
The 2006 (relatively) new blood at Atlus knocks it out of the park and delivers such a powerful second half of a story that nothing following it in the series will ever match. All-time banger. Unbeaten. One of three credits songs that manages to give me the same feeling when I first finished it every time the track comes onto shuffle.
I've finally paid the Kiwami debt. Hit the Jingweon with stone-cold PS2 Fax. Give it up for Kiryu-chan, the best to ever do it. Hell yeah
As a biased, uncultured gaijin, the music couldn't possibly get more peak than this
Ultimately tested my patience too much, but goddamn what an atmosphere


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