What’s there to review really? If one dimensional push joystick and win games are your thing knock yourself out. I can’t play more than two runs in this game without getting bored to tears, or a deep sadness when you realize that a dumb game like this is loved by many… kind of shows you how depressing the state of triple A gaming has become.

The concept is on point and it is fun getting your merry band of shit heads to conquer enemies and hear their women lament. But god forbid you lose a battle in this game. If you’re not save scumming good luck because losing a battle and your trained army just gone in an instant warranted a hard restart or a save scum.

Very unique and insane but despite that I could not get the time to finish it. Will probably watch the whole game on YouTube or something.

I only played this because a friend gifted it to me. I would never in a million years ever buy a piece of shit ass game like this and I’m honored to have uninstalled onto the review.

You call that a world war 2 game anything can be considered a WW2 game. Lacks any sort of atmosphere that is required for a ww2 game. They managed to portray the most horrendous, and barbaric time in human history to at times look like a fucking anime. The game play is awful because everyone is zipping around at inhuman speeds to where I’m convinced the sweaty players HAVE to be taking adderall, any callouts you make it doesn’t matter because by the time you’re finished with your sentence the enemy has already zipped the fastest 40yard dash in existence. Breakthrough and conquest are the only modes I tried but my problem is specifically breakthrough because it just devolves into a two lane shooting gallery. The guns feel like toys. The menu sucks. The maps suck.


It reminded me of those old ps2 action adventure games. I had a good time with it, until the blob monster boss showed up. Put it down for a couple of days and before you know it I’m doing my second run through of Elden Ring. Decided to ditch this one.

I was emotional and enthralled with the presentation of the game. Hell I was on board for the whole ride… until it asked me to deliver a goddamn pizza I had to stop and ask myself, am I having fun? The answer was a resounding no. A motherfucking pizza delivery in such a choice and unique virtual world. The profound meaning that the game tries to get you to interpret is… well it’s just not worth it when every. Single. Quest. Is the exact same, which had not bothered me yet until it asked me to deliver a stupid pizza, which made me realize that this game is just not that fun and if I’m looking for something that is boring yet profound I’ll go read War and Peace or some shit. Who in their right goddamn mind thought it was okay to put that in a game. Anyways I might return to it someday or even watch it on YouTube but for now I got better games to play maybe not as profound or visionary but most definitely more fun.

That last 2 hours alone was worth full price. I purchased this back in 2018 and it was never able to catch me. With the sequel out I told myself to get all the way through this one before I dump money on a sequel. This time around I couldn’t put it down. As soon as I got home this game was being played. I want to do a new game plus but I think ‘Death Stranding’ is next on my mark. Highly recommend this lads.

Aside from chapter 3, this is an all around great game. The draw distance blew me away, outshines the first two by playing the game at your pace instead of the crawl pace that the first two dictate.

It reminds me of a time when the world wasn’t so fucking retarded. The story is great and the culture it was trying to parody really resonated. The cast and the main protagonist are up there with RDR2’s, and Niko might just have taken the spot where Arthur used to be. And the celebrity cameos were a treat.

Such a sad and drab game when all the glitz and glamor of crime and making money settle, what we’re left with is a shot of Liberty City, a place of grey industry, and overt consumerism that robbed Niko of a happy life after his saga. I got this feeling of seeing the city for what it was and the American dream was no where to be found.

When I got to the end (revenge ending) it glitched after 3 attempts to remedy it I could not spend another 15 minutes doing the shooting section again so I just YouTube’d it.

I don’t think the controls are as bad as people say but they’re not great. I enjoyed the shit out of it but understand that people dislike because of the controls and the same old rockstar formula they’ve used since gta 3.

First COD I’ve sunk time into since black ops 1. This franchise deserves all the hate it gets, but this one is really decent and grinding for leaderboard rankings brings me way back. The campaign gets very contrived and tries to ‘shock’ you but ultimately turns out being ineffective and almost comical. If you’re a normie piece of shit like myself I would recommend.

A double header of halo 2 and 3 over the weekend. Masterpiece

I decided to take a break from playing horror games, during this break I decided to run through Halo 2 again. Everything that has been said has been said about this game. I will point out, during this play through I found those sections when you are on an elevator, and have to hold off waves of enemies definitely took me out of the game and are not as good as I remember.

I think this game is really solid and I have a lot of attachment from it because it was a gift from my mom for getting good grades lol. Replaying was totally worth it


That walking speed is… yikes. Yeah I am restricted to the Xbox port, if I had my PC working I would look for any mod to increase your walking speed. I most definitely see something I would enjoy, but I don’t have that kind of patience when a character walks that slow.

I guess I will start with the positives this game offers. First off my hats off to the team dedicated to the gameplay, the movement, and melee combat feel extremely smooth, and plays like a corvette or something. There were also good handful of very tense moments, and one or two moments where I was looking over my shoulders. The graphics and environment are very well made and never break immersion.

Now to the criticisms. First off if it weren’t for the above this game would probably be my first one star, literally good gameplay is all it has going for it, the tense moments I pointed out is too subjective so I won’t count that for much. Let’s just say, if you played ANY open world triple A game in the last 8+ years it has all of the god awful tropes you would expect in a Ubisoft game. Most quests are fetch and/or kill quest, return and you get loot. Onto the story, it’s not bad by a long shot, but most definitely mediocre writing at best, in fact I rushed the storyline near the last 25% because I was just not engaged about what was going on, I felt that all the characters were wooden, the antagonist and his faction was laughably generic. I guess I’ll just end by saying this, if you’re a gamer that isn’t particularly looking for an engaging story but likes pure gameplay aspects of games I definitely recommend. But anyone who looks for story components as part of their ideal way to game I would say try it for free or on a deep sale. Tormented souls is next on my spooktober play list :D