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2h 12m

Only two hours in and I'm already INCREDIBLY impressed. From the first line of dialogue, I was beyond hooked. This shit already has me by that BALLS with its thick atmosphere, intriguing plot, and compelling characters right out of the gate. And bro THAT SOUNDTRACK???? The title screen got better music than like 90% of game OSTs out there.

I was a bit worried initially about my engagement being hampered down by mucho texto, but seeing as the only thing keeping me from playing more tonight is that I'm getting tired and I want to have complete focus for this???

I think this is the start of something truly special.



6h 22m

Did the Love Hotel full moon thing (Yukari and Mitsuru had SEX), that was pretty fun. The boss was pretty simple, but nice and fun!!!! (Think I'm gonna mainly focus on P3P-exclusive shit in these journal entries, since I'd rather cover stuff I've already seen in FES in its own review for the game, whenever I get to that!)

JUNPEI SOCIAL LINK MADE ME CUM. I LOVE JUNPEI. I absolutely adore just how well this link compliments his character arc in the main story. It reminds me of Aigis's in how, if I didn't already know it wasn't originally in the game, I would assume they were just normally in the base game.
I love how it deals with the idea of complacency in your relationships. It's a concept I don't see many games like this tackle, but it means a lot to me. Namely in how so many people these days (myself included at times) are so afraid of encountering conflict, that they adopt a "go with the flow" mindset to the extreme, which ultimately can end up damaging both the individual and their relationships with other people. It was really emotionally fulfilling to see Junpei admit that he's been afraid of saying how he feels, that he realizes that this isn't how he should conduct himself, and that he wants to be someone his friends can trust to be honest and reliable. ALL BECAUSE MINAKO IS A GOAT. I already loved Junpei's character before, but this is just the cherry on top for me that solidifies him as an all-time favorite for this franchise.

Saori's Social Link continues to be delightful. I want nothing bad to ever, EVER happen to her, but I also worry about her mentality a lot. It seems like her being older than most people has significantly stunted her ability to form meaningful relationships with her peers. She unfortunately seems to have become a doormat that's afraid of speaking her mind, because she just wants people to like her, and as such just kinda lets people walk all over her. In doing this, it seems like she's only causing more problems for herself. I feel like this SL is gonna make me really, really sad :(

Finished Rio's social link. Despite the fact that she is somehow attracted to a limp lamppost, it was quite good!! It touched up on some things that honestly hit kinda close to home for me. I do unironically think Kenji's involvement does make part of this SL a bit harder to take seriously, but it is what it is. A good SL overall.

Started Mutatsu's Social Link. He's funny!! (didn't do his in FES)

Also started Akihiko's Social Link as well. Makes me smile and makes me happy :)

Played for way longer than I thought I would, but I was smiling throughout!! I LOVE PERSONA 3 PORTABLE!!
