Kojima the man, had a four year hate to love arc on it, what a zen ass experience crossing mountains and planning around rivers with cargo. Not a complete masterpiece but an 8.5 is fair, maybe would have been a 9 except for the 90 minute exposition dump that killllllllllllllllllled me bro that sucked

Some little grating flaws. 47 hours of top notch acting, writing, and characters. Honestly an achievement in storytelling, wish there wasn’t so many weird “realistic mechanics” wish it had more of the arcade gameplay of red dead 1


Pretty good sadly its just ubisoft with horrible facial animations and stiff dialouge, love hunting robot dinosaurs but no way in hell will I play another 40 hours of this in the sequel

All my favorite games in one place

Story isn’t great. Fun as hell

One of my favorite stories in general. So many emotions

Godlike experience, unforgettable