Where's the fucking Sequel????????????????

Remove the boring crafting and survival elements and you will have a good game instead.

Too hard my boomer ass got kicked by Isshin repeatedly

Same score i gave Breath of the Mid.
Botw gets credit for doing something new but very flawed.
Totk improves on Botw but doesnt get the credit for the new thing.

The games copy paste things at higher pace than Ubisoft and they keep getting away with it.

I liked the atmosphere its grim and hooked me in but after few days of playing it i lost interest, its a boring walking simulator with nothing else except surviving which may be the whole gimmick of the game but its still barebones and boring, i know i know mathewmattosis told you its peak but im not npc, sorry.

This game never leaves my PC

Zenith of the Medium

If you're a lover for hack and slash games, this is a must. Period.