The weakest of the trilogy, but still a solid visual novel. Idgaf about the majority of the characters so a lot of the deaths did not hit that hard

Easily one of the best SNES games with one of gaming's finest soundtracks and some insanely solid gameplay

People talk shit about this game, but I actually really enjoy it. The time travel mechanic and having an additional objective to make a good future on top of collecting the time stones allows for a lot of replayability. The bonus stages are second only to Mania's. JP ost is BANGING

Infinitely better than Mario Kart 64 lmao

Quite possibly the best DLC expansion to any game ever.

One of my favorite Metroidvanias. Wish I played it sooner. Combining Metroidvania and Beat-em-up gameplay with Mexican culture of wrestling and Dia de los Muertos is such a beautiful combination


One of the best retro-style FPS games out there.

Unique kind of spinoff with important lore to the Danganronpa story. There are some very weird sections that make me not want to replay the game and also make me wonder why the hell they're even in the game

Fantastic cast of characters and interesting story with some well thought out cases. The ending is god awful and almost ruined the whole game and series for me

Genuinely one of the best Zelda games which is now even better thanks to some very welcome QoL additions. Sucks that one of those QoL functions is locked behind an amiibo

Played the whole game in one sitting and kind of forget it came out. Was a fun experience, but I really wish the co-op was online so I could actually see what it's like

Toby Fox did it again man. Spamton is my favorite new character of the year. The music is so well composed and the dialogue is expertly written; as to be expected from Toby's games

I finished this game 6-7 times and was even teaching myself how to do speedrun strats. Easily the best 2D Metroid and one of the finest games on the Switch. Absolutely worth all the hype; best game of 2021 without a doubt