Have had this on my backlog for a very long time and have finally got around to playing it. This game has become one of my favorite JRPGs. The characters, story, music, world, and gameplay are brilliantly made. Didn't think I wanted to play the postgame content after finishing the main story, but it sucked me right back in. Without a doubt the best DQ experience you can have

This game has been getting way too much hate as of late. It definitely has problems, but I loved it so much I 100% it. I also had way more fun playing this game than Banjo-Kazooie lol

Strongest of the trilogy with the best cast of characters and story

This game does a lot of things right. Battle system is fun, the classes are interesting and the music is stellar. HOWEVER, when I got to that one part (anyone who has played this game knows exactly what I'm talking about) I lost all motivation to finish this game and have not come back to it since. Maybe someday, but not anytime soon

Unique kind of spinoff with important lore to the Danganronpa story. There are some very weird sections that make me not want to replay the game and also make me wonder why the hell they're even in the game

The best 2D platformer ever made. Rare fixed all the problems with the original DKC and went nuts. Each level is unique, memorable, and expertly designed. The soundtrack is perfect. Play this game right now if you haven't

Easily one of the best SNES games with one of gaming's finest soundtracks and some insanely solid gameplay

It might be a walking simulator for the majority of the game, but the story, the twist it has on the RPG formula, and how each boss battle is creative and unique makes this an unforgettable experience and easily the best game of 2015.

People talk shit about this game, but I actually really enjoy it. The time travel mechanic and having an additional objective to make a good future on top of collecting the time stones allows for a lot of replayability. The bonus stages are second only to Mania's. JP ost is BANGING

Where do I even start? Zelda II is nothing but a chore from beginning to end. Enemies deal an insane amount of damage, the hints you get from NPCs are so fucking cryptic, the level up system won't let you choose if you want to upgrade health, magic, or damage, and the amount of backtracking you need to do if you get a game over is ludicrous. If I didn't play this poor excuse of a game on NSO, I would've given up just like I did when I first played it on the NES as a kid. I feel genuinely sorry for anyone who had to experience this shitstain


One of the best retro-style FPS games out there.

Excellent sequel with improved gameplay. A tad bit long for a Metroidvania, but a great experience

Fantastic cast of characters and interesting story with some well thought out cases. The ending is god awful and almost ruined the whole game and series for me