2022: The Vee in Review - The Greatest Hits and Shits

Introductory Note: Double spacing still seems to be broken in entries for non-grid lists, so I'm using grid for this. Big apologies for making you do more clicks! I just thought it looked really shit. Keep in mind that this is not ranked!

With a few days left in the year, I have apparently played 275 games as of this writing according to my Adventure Log. Which may as well be my actual ranked list, with this being something complimentary to it. It's not exactly foolproof that those are the exact numbers, since unfortunately my memory is not exactly up to par, and there's plenty of times I boot games up for like ten minutes and exit out of them. Those really shouldn't count much anyway.

Suffice to say, I don't play a ton of new games as they come out. It's rather hard to keep up with them and they tend to demand your time quite a bit, which is why I stick to my comfort zone of exploring older libraries and often making use of my CRT setup and modded consoles I spent too much money on. With this list though, I do try to make a bit of an effort to shout out to titles from this year...even if there are only like......two of them worth speaking about.

With this list I'll talk about the games I thought were most best, interesting or even most terrible. I will also look over my reviews and find the ones I personally enjoyed most, as well as the ones that just blew up and heavily made the rounds somehow. When I originally joined Backloggd I kinda just did the boring thing of rating games and not posting reviews, but as I used it I started getting encouraged by certain user's reviews and making more of an effort to get better at my writing, as it was an old pastime of mine to just randomly type story shit into a document. Hopefully I didn't stink up the joint too much!

My Rating: 4 WOO-HOOS out of 5!
Music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o-xRxXYpavU

I had Mario 64 on the backburner for a while for a refreshed outlook on it, it was only due to certain memeing shitlords that I kinda hotfooted it to the top of my list. I had a long history on other sites talking down on this for reasons that were failed to be stated by certain other memeing shitlords, so it was a matter of taking business into my own hands. Never let amateurs do the work of a true muckraking grand master with years of experience on online message boards.

I had fun though! Turns out while I had my problems, they weren't really things that ruined the game so much as keep it from being as enjoyable as other platformers from it's time. Now would someone kindly stop that music? I thought I was tearing up bad enough at the Wario Land 3 one.

My Review: https://www.backloggd.com/u/Vee/review/542858/

Acceptable I feel, a bit too overhyped by the like ratio, though I guess that's to be expected considering the material.
My Rating: Five Staryus out of Five!
Music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MUGzVsLnXb8

The greatest part of 2022 without question is that not only did a Pokemon game come out to completely shock and awe me into happy submission, but that a Sonic game also came out to the same general outcome of filtering people left and right with horrifically mixed opinions. I'm afraid to say that I never made it back to Frontiers, but Pokemon Violet left me with such optimism at the end of it that I had no choice, but to adore it.

Maybe the vision of gliding through the skies with lower-poly mountains upon my purple dragon buddy brought back memories of Spyro, fooling me into loving it? Absolutely not, I had the time of my life bouncing around in the open world and making the best friends I could ever have. Despite everything and every harsh word thrown toward it, it remains my GOTY. I look forward to the DLC and maybe playing this again with a better frame rate.

My Review: https://www.backloggd.com/u/Vee/review/573809/

This one came out really well I think!
My Rating: Five Holy Crosses out of Five!
Music: https://youtu.be/m1AL71OChls

You know what, I'm not gonna bother talking about the game itself, because really it's reputation obsoletes the need to speak about it's legendary status and introduction of one of the most beloved franchises among more hardcore gamers. I still have no idea what the hell happened with my review, it just kept spiraling out of control and made it's way to every regular on the site apparently who also adored Castlevania. No way this review was that good.

My Review: https://www.backloggd.com/u/Vee/review/538453/

Okay, "Crash's cry of "WOAH" upon death disrupts my Netflix viewing experience" is pretty good. I need that more often in my reviews.
My Rating: Five Lightning-Shaped Mustaches out of Five!
Music: https://youtu.be/IKKsbqZuD_8

I believe it was during the Summer where I dug up my old DS and decided to slap my GBA everdrive into it, thus I decided to start replaying the Wario Land games. The original Wario Land was a fun first adventure that would lay the foundation for II to come in and add the innovative ability to transform into different forms. Be as controversial as it may, 3 for me still comes out on top.

It's Demon's Crest-esque non-linearity and need to scavenge the open areas of the world inside the music box for me is the most relaxing treasure hunt you can get a hold of for your Game Boy Color. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go and wipe my tears a bit....no I'm not crying at the music!

My Review: https://www.backloggd.com/u/Vee/review/453976/

God dammit! I knew I already compared it to a true teasure hunt somewhere! A tad long I feel, but I think it's an okay read.
My Rating: Five Sunglasses out of Five!
Music: https://youtu.be/Lwn9MTMuMDg

Over the course of September I think I replayed this like ten times, and I suddenly feel another hankering to blast shit into oblivion with my boy Brad Fang. The Sega Genesis is one of my favorite systems in terms of vibe, and I think Hard Corps nails everything about it instantly. BOOM! POW! PSSSH! KABLOOIE! BLAM!!!! EXPLOSIONS!!!!

My Review: https://www.backloggd.com/u/Vee/review/508046/

Hmm, it's alright. A shortie for sure, though I think this was normal for me.
My Rating: 2.5 High Flying Dolphins out of 5!
Music: https://youtu.be/NDnWjCOGyQc


My Review: https://www.backloggd.com/u/Vee/review/506381/

My Rating: 5 Streaks Conquered out of 5!
Music: https://youtu.be/f0eXW2k3L5U

This year I met some new wrestling friends and the constant talk about Brock Lesnar and his fashion sense got me to start a season in HCTP, where I took my Soma Cruz CAW through the ranks of RAW and beat the shit out of Dracula at Summerslam. At some point later one of them were also playing HCTP over Discord, and I challenged them to beat Brock Lesnar in a last man standing match. With Stevie Richards they were able to triumph, albeit with using the sledgehammer. I apologize for using it my review, but it was just way too funny.

My Review: https://www.backloggd.com/u/Vee/review/490138/

Suffice to say, I had a lot of fun re-reading this. One of my best for sure.
My Rating: 1 Crying Dragons out of 5!

No no no no NO! I will not post music from this mockery!

Music: https://youtu.be/aoCcCDuyJhs

Ah...there we go.

I barely gave much of a glance at Spyro games post-Dragonfly Incident, but this one got particularly glazed up as the worst shit ever made by some I met from this site and elsewhere. It's fucked, because child me of course would love a Crash and Spyro team up or even just having Spyro gain Cortex as an opponent for a game and battle his henchmen. I seriously had no idea it was just some dumb low-effort mini-game thing! What a missed opportunity, I would've been crushed if I had gotten this back then!

God, part of me wants to revisit Enter the Dragonfly just to see all the shittiness for myself again and get a refresher, but...GOD I can't fuckin' do it man. I just can't! I can't fuckin' handle that fuckin' game. At least Heavy Nova is funny.....

My Review: https://www.backloggd.com/u/Vee/review/512143/

Goddamn, this was a pretty good sorrowful semi-shortie we got here.
My Rating: Four Point Five Halberds out of Five!
Music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AskzCj5brpg

Gallantly I swing my large polearm, hurling every foe into the distance with a single blow as the hard-ass soundtrack brings me into ecstasy.

I grabbed this at my local place and pretty much played it for a month. Annually I get a hankering to annihilate foes by the dozens and listen to some of my favorite game soundtracks ever made. I pray one day that DW finds it's way out of it's odd slump from the last six years or so.

My Review: https://www.backloggd.com/u/Vee/review/335622/

Oh man, this is an early one. This was a weird period where I felt the need to put my favorite music for every game I reviewed. What a cute thing to do......wait a minute.....
My Rating: 4 Boosting Dragon Girls out of 5!
Music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Uu-grcQEDo

I waited forever for this game to the point that I basically just forgot about it, the mystery behind the delay is still odd to me, but whatever! It's really good! I have been meaning to get back to it so I can try the other characters out, and the pixel art is seriously beautiful. I really hope they keep this aesthetic going forward, because they really found it along with adjusting Lilac's appearance to be less of an obvious Sonic fan character. I just hope the next game doesn't take a decade to come out like this one felt like.

My Review: https://www.backloggd.com/u/Vee/review/514869/

Overly long I feel, must've been spur of the moment while I wasn't really focused or anything.
My Rating: Four Point Five Mario Faces out of Five!
Music: https://youtu.be/8aVaXoC1PoA

I still think the music sounds like Jaws....

I played a ton of picross this year, both this and at least two versions of picross on the Switch. I'm courageous enough to say, I enjoyed this one the most. Pretty much entirely because of the Game Boy bleeps and bloops, go ahead and call me insane. Those accusations only make me even more difficult to destroy. I liked it enough that it took the top spot of the Adventure Log for a while.

My Review: https://www.backloggd.com/u/Vee/review/436711/

A shortie, meh.
My Rating: 3 Exploding Motorbikes out of 5!
Music: https://youtu.be/jjoE62d2qPY


Seriously, I wasn't expecting to have some fun with this, I remembered it being horrific when I was little. I guess I just got rid of that skill issue.

My Review: https://www.backloggd.com/u/Vee/review/482912/

Honestly, between this and the Ecco review I need to start framing screenshots of this to my wall for motivation.
My Rating: 4 Major Randomizers out of 5!
Music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OnHY9NiiamA

For some the Switch had an okay year, for me personally the Switch was a barren wasteland throughout the year of 2022 until Pokemon released. So I revisited this game and got hooked for like a month, with fresh funky beats accompanying me as I roam around trying to find presents to help me in the upcoming fight against hot rod ice cream trucks and fascist dentists.

I open a present to get me out of a pickle against a mob of yetis armed with pencils, only to be met by a school book that makes me go beddy bye as I later find pieces of graphite falling out of my bottom.

My Review: https://www.backloggd.com/u/Vee/review/519869/

Love it.
My Rating: 4 Sleigh Bells out of 5!
Music: https://youtu.be/S5dJIWZ7s58

As of this writing I'm still debating on whether I'm willing to spend money on a 3D controller to play the full version of NiGHTS or if I'm going to swallow my pride and resort to playing on emulator with my Xbox pad. Whatever it takes, I WILL PLAY THIS GAME.

Not this year of course, but some time.....

My Review: https://www.backloggd.com/u/Vee/review/597317/

I do hope you all had a good time this holiday season, may 2023 bring us more happiness and laughs. God bless you all.
My Rating: 4.5 Music Notes out of 5!
Music: https://youtu.be/hVwzAOoXM3M

My favorite part of this site is meeting new people also interested in spelunking retro stuff, the ultimate example of having this blessing of friends on here is finding Otocky. They were late to being a part of my gaming pantheon alongside Sonic, Spyro and Draco Centauros, but that's better than never! Just an absolute joy to experience, even if you suck at it!

My Review: https://www.backloggd.com/u/Vee/review/590203/

I had some fun with this one, was glad a lot of people liked it apparently, I was afraid it's obscurity would leave it mostly ignored.
My Rating: 2.5 Pumpkins out of 5!
Music: https://youtu.be/_0NrTMWaYvU

I always adored this game's entire vibe, it came as a complete shock to me when I did some quick research and found out that the Bugs Bunny Lost in Time peeps did it. It was kinda no wonder that I felt a bit of the same engine quirks of that particular title here, I played Lost in Time way too much as a rental.

As always, huge risk that I accidentally invite he who must not be named to come and wreck my evening, so I'll keep it short.


It's mid.

My Review: https://www.backloggd.com/u/Vee/review/600202/

God, this review was so fun. Love it, love it. Another one to hang in the office!
My Rating: 2 Nike Swooshes out of 5!
Music: https://youtu.be/eyW407qzfKI

The Sega CD's unending onslaught of FMV games is always a flabbergasting time, but Slam City was always secretly my favorite out of all of them. I attempted to play it like six times this year or something, no idea what the exact number is. It's weird to me that I ended up sorta enjoying it at one point when I started getting it's weirdo timings. I still wouldn't call it even decent, because damn you're gonna suck and hate it for a while! I apparently even liked it enough to test my shitty freeware editing program skills to make the cover better.

My Review: https://www.backloggd.com/u/Vee/review/561368/

A five paragraph shitheap about shit on Sega CD from yours truly.
My Rating: 1.5 Green Decapitated Heads out of 5!

There ain't no music worth giving a damn about in this game, so here's more DW music

Music: https://youtu.be/mgieeXlOuDA

It was only through funny happenstance that I ended up beginning a random journey through the Atari Jaguar's library, I was always curious about all those consoles released in the west during the 90s that failed to put a dent into Nintendo, Sega, or even upstart Sony's robotic clutches on us. You know all those historians out there? They're gonna be left bewildered at my expansive grand library of knowledge on horrifically mid 90s western consoles and my neverending insight on the Tiger R-Zone. Trashware my beloved!

Cybermorph is just way too silly, because like a bunch of Jaguar releases it reads as a tech demo. The Star Fox comparisons of course are inevitable, especially from me. Star Fox may come off hard to play for younger folk, but let me tell ya. Star Fox wears a snazzy furcoat and knows how to rock it's style, Cybermorph is just some moldy bread sitting on a trashcan in the back alleyway with how utterly goddamn boring it is. I think I gave it fifteen minutes at best to give me a reason to continue playing, and it failed. Even back then I feel I would've went "ooh aaah" at the polygons, until I started falling asleep and getting annoyed at the green space head.

My Review: https://www.backloggd.com/u/Vee/review/524661/

As an introduction to me beginning this Jaguar Journey, I say this was pretty good!
My Rating: 0.5 Tissues out of 5!
Music: https://youtu.be/vlYhGwx9c5A

Bless you!

I found this originally for my onomatopoeia list, and a green bird asked me to play this with them over Fightcade.

It was fine originally, but good god did it overstay it's welcome and suffer from pretty much every pre-Final Fight issue that plagued the early beat'em up genre. On top of all that, this game uses extreme close-ups of some really disgusting looking characters when you throw them at the screen ala Turtles in Time. By the end I was just in absolute bloodlust mode and detested my time with it, and when it ended with the old man final boss being thrown at the screen and grossly losing his clothes I just went into instant "fuck this game" mode.

I seriously couldn't remember another game I played with someone over Fightcade that made me as angry as this one did. Jesus fuckin' christ I played a goddamn Dragon Ball bootleg over Fightcade that was more fun than this shit, err....excuse me Dragon Bowl.

My Review: https://www.backloggd.com/u/Vee/review/503867/

Short, sweet, to the point. A tiny review from me that was born of fury.
My Rating: 0.5 Torched Bubsters out of 5!

You know what else torches the bubster?!

Music: https://youtu.be/xVKYvtzhZP8

Prior to using another emulator, I was using VirtualJaguar and it failed to boot Cybermorph and several other titles. I planned to have Cybermorph be my first since it was the launch game, but that idea got thrown into the caverns below by an outrageously out of date piece of shit emulator from when they made them out of wood instead of computer language. All it could play apparently was this! (and Brutal Sports Football, but I didn't pay much mind to that one)

Needless to say, it was absolutely terrible. A most miserable experience combining everything terrible about the first two Bubsy games with a horrifically dull atmosphere. Confusing level design AND a glass jaw?! Sign me up baby!

My Review: https://www.backloggd.com/u/Vee/review/520659/

Honestly I had a bit of a grudge against this review for getting mildly out of hand, while some others I did with heart kinda failed to make it to that many eyes. It IS pretty funny though.
My Rating: 4.5 Gates a thunderin' out of 5!
Music: https://youtu.be/kwOfahTC8fg

sweats as I pull on the collar of my shirt

Uh....hey remember when I said I was gonna explore the PC-Engine library better? Funny how my lack of focus is a continuing problem. Either way, Gate of Thunder was on my radar far too long thanks to that soundtrack and it absolutely whips the camel's ass with it's intensity. Big time reccommendation. I still need to check out DEVIL DIFFICULTY. Goddamn what a name.

My Review: https://www.backloggd.com/u/Vee/review/495241/

Pretty good! Feel bad about the huge lie I told at the end there, but what are ya gonna do?
My Rating: 4.5 Jet-Propelled Turtles out of 5!
Music: https://youtu.be/Q_X_6d7QFOI

Remember kids, listen to your friend's recommendations.

My Review: https://www.backloggd.com/u/Vee/review/470354/
My Rating: 1 Flopping Skier out of 5!
Music: https://youtu.be/SWois2U1HyY

So I'm not entirely sure where the marble in my brain went to construct the review for this game, but basically I thought to play it after doing California Games back when Summer was beginning. At some point I ended up challenging myself to make a 1000 word essay on it and see what happens, I think it came out pretty well.

Hate to make this all about my own work, but there's not really much to say about the game in passing aside from it just being a terrible NES port.

My Review: https://www.backloggd.com/u/Vee/review/582444/


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