Favorite Memories Playing Games - 2021

moments playing games this year that made me look back and go ":)"

more trad game ranking list here: https://www.backloggd.com/u/Woodaba/list/first-time-plays---2021-ranked/

Flower, Sun, and Rain
Flower, Sun, and Rain
getting that DS feeling on the top of the lighthouse
Heaven Will Be Mine
Heaven Will Be Mine
liberating ourselves from this prison of gravity and flesh and transcending the tears of time
Sin and Punishment
Sin and Punishment
going from finding the fleet mission basically impossible to nearly no-hitting it in the space of a couple runs is like having The Echo, or spider-sense for people less of a loser than me
The 25th Ward: The Silver Case
The 25th Ward: The Silver Case
I just need 50,000 yen.
Tomorrow Won't Come For Those Without
Tomorrow Won't Come For Those Without
...and you!

ngl and tell you my experiences with backloggd have been universally positive because they absolutely have not but the fact that I still feel warm towards this site and many people I interact with speaks volumes, I think. i feel like I've made genuine connections and friendships, and even if I haven't (i have enormous anxiety (what else is new eh) about relationships online and at what point someone turns from Someone You Speak To to An Actual Friend because I don't want to be a presumptuous weirdo and label someone a friend when they aren't) i've been able to read banger after banger from people i greatly admire.

from people i've known (of) before like alwaysbetondunc, letshugbro, beachepisode, and nightmaremodego to people i encountered for the first time this year like wowgoodname, quildewivy, heatten, kingbancho, ashcan, pansydragoonsaga, pola, alexalily, ludzu, debitnotcredit, ghost_girl, squigglydot and more besides, y'all are genuinely some of my favorite games writers and have done wonders to convince me that there are still incredible voices out there, despite 4 hour videos by terminally basic white dudes on youtube doing wonders to convince me of the opposite.

please continue shining on. i will not leave this place until I see at least one earnest sociopolitical read of Yu-Gi-Oh!: Duelists of the Roses
Umurangi Generation
Umurangi Generation
macro, dude
as Julianna, being just annoying enough to the Colt in the reactor room that it blew us up and took us both with it...lmao lmao lmao lmao get rekt
Deltarune: Chapter 2
Deltarune: Chapter 2
hearing about the other route and losing my mind because of how fake it sounded and how real it was
Milky Way Prince: The Vampire Star
Milky Way Prince: The Vampire Star
seeing it through his eyes
Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin
Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin
playing this and realizing that not only was it a hilarious trailer but it was actually...a fun game????
We Know the Devil
We Know the Devil
venus' jealousy
Halo Infinite
Halo Infinite
sitting on top of a not-hornet shooting another guy and getting a kill and knowing in my heart of hearts that Halo With The Boys was real again
Metroid Dread
Metroid Dread
i guess the real metroid dread was inside us all along
Sonic Adventure 2
Sonic Adventure 2
finishing this on stream with the radical hearts on stream and singing escape from the city
The Bouncer
The Bouncer
where you fucking go for the last couple levels like holy shit
Yakuza: Like a Dragon
Yakuza: Like a Dragon
i may not like this game much but when ichiban and nanba reunite after spending time apart...fuck, man...fuck..................


Final Fantasy XI Online
Final Fantasy XI Online
the boat from selbina to mhaura, and the ghosts of adventures past we met along the way


Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker
Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker
loading into a practice group for the first EX trial and managing to clear the damn thing. i stood up.

oh, also, when the lyrics kick in. you know what I'm talkin about.

OH OH and that solo duty in the fifth area. you know the one. with the song. yeah. that one. it's great.


Final Fantasy III
Final Fantasy III
the eternal wind rendition on this remix album fuckin got me, man.

wait, there's a game attached to the album?


Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers
Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers
raiding on stream and happening to match with a close friend while playing with another! i have incredible anxiety about situations like this but this put such a big smile on my face! i love my friends!!!

endwalker wasn't out yet!!! shush!!


Hunt: Showdown
Hunt: Showdown
this game is an engine for amazing moments but few match the sheer tension exhilaration of that first solo bounty victory...even if it's a little frustrating to play with how darned quick on the draw enemy cowboys are, this little game's still something special


Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days
Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days
despite the enthusiasm of many fellow backloggdcore fanatics i thought this was kinda lame and bite-less aside from the genuinely sick presentation but the first time you run through the city and the camera freaks out the game comes together into something really special, however briefly


hup (expressing the elation i felt playing through a few levels with someone while communicating entirely through the medium of saying 'hup')


Ratz Instagib
Ratz Instagib
my good friend ziggy ratmeat is maybe the greatest thinker of our times, so I will simply borrow his words

"ratz instagib, dude!! ratz instagib!!"


Tabletop Simulator
Tabletop Simulator
the crushing lows of the rebel alliance being defeated time and again in Star Wars: Rebellion to the soaring highs of me and friends' ongoing dnd game being a genuinely deeply fulfilling creative and social endeavor despite dnd being a shitty tabletop rpg


The Matrix: Path of Neo
The Matrix: Path of Neo
getting to stream this and share all the absolutely batshit stuff that is in here. have you played Path of Neo? it fuckin rips! go do it!


magic kinda wears off on successive runs as the artifice and repetition starts to show more frequently but that first adventure is a mesmerizing sensation of a genuine story with arcs and themes and reveals playing out before your eyes. the spell this game casts, however briefly, is truly something special.


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