I'm super anal about how once I start a game I need to finish it. My first few sessions with it I thought Mortal Shell was gonna force me to break that rule, it was bad. Insanely bad. I play plenty of super hard games, but so many of Mortal Shell's mechanics just seemed so terrible. And they are kinda terrible. But I wound up looking up some tips, ways to get powered up early, and I found myself actually enjoying a decent portion of it by the end of my time.

That's not to say it's good, that seems too far, I wouldn't recommend it - But there is definitely good in it. Potential for sure. It looks gorgeous, environment and enemy design are great (apart from the main HUB area being way too much of a similar-looking maze), although it suffers from some of the craziest enemy pop in I've ever experienced which takes away from the visual enjoyment a fair bit.

A lot going on here. A lot more I could say. Point is, when starting I thought it was absolutely horrible. It wound up not being that bad - Fun at certain times, decent at other times... and still pretty bad sometimes.

Boy was the young Yu-Gi-Oh fan I was at the time totally disappointed to get this shit.

Really not my type of game, but I also really didn't give it a fair swing. One day.

I think I completed it? Radiohead's my favorite artist, so I went in with high hopes and ended up somewhat disappointed. There were some beautiful moments, both visually and audibly, but a lot of nothing in between as well as parts I was wishing I could skip ahead through. Parts of it would've worked amazingly as a horror game.

Tons of fun when you're playing with someone who can hold their own. Incredibly frustrating when playing someone not so good. Completely unplayable solo.

I don't remember how I ended up with this game, but I do remember that I tried it once and then never again. And I had very low standards.

Super boring and repetitive, but I suppose you couldn't expect much more for its time. Big PS2 Rampage guy but can't recommend this.

It takes a lot to get into, not to mention the horrendously glitchy launch on console. I considered dropping it multiple times in my beginning hours. But once you grow accustomed to and start to truly understand the game's mechanics, it becomes hard to put down. The soundtrack is one of the best ever.

My first Call of Duty since Black Ops 2 seven years prior. It's still the same ol' Infinity Ward Call of Duty as it always was, just prettier.

Definitely better than X, but still rather disappointing. The gear customization system just doesn't translate as well to Mortal Kombat as it did to Injustice, same goes for the Towers mode. Best fatalities in the entire series though!

Surprisingly fantastic, to the point that I have doubts that the upcoming sequel will be able to live up to it. Possibly the best first person melee combat of any game and some of the only enjoyable first person platforming I can think of. The story sucking is the only real flaw, but the enjoyable side content makes up for it.

Tries really hard to be deep and touching, but it's really hard to care when you're falling asleep the whole game.

Definitely Quantic Dream's best game, finally masters the balance between having a quality story and making your choices matter. By far their most replayable too, as a result of that. Every protagonist has their own unique merit.

A terrible start to a hit or miss series. One of the most repetitive games I've ever played in my life, the story may as well not even be there. People had low ass standards at the start of the PS360 generation.

Fine enough for a mobile game, no idea why it was released on console.