As a casual fan of the original games, and not someone that plays the games like they are a speedrunner or a pro, this game is a great. It makes a lot of quality of life improvements like faster restarts, more characters, customization, and revamped difficulty for some stages for lesser difficulty spikes. Yes, there are no story cutscenes, and the DLC is very bad, but I still had a fun time with it.

Aside from a bit generic music, and the sprint power up being under-explained and hurt my finger with it's button placement, this is easily an amazing return to form for the Metroid franchise! Absolutely loved most of my time with this new game, and is easily a top 3 Metroid game, behind Super and Prime 1. Loved the level design, atmosphere, Samus being a badass, and the bosses are top tier. Won't say anything, but that final boss pushed me to my limit to beat it. Absolutely fantastic game!

I never got into tactics games like X-COM, Fire Emblem, or even Advance Wars. As my first major completion of a game in this genre, I had a fun time full of laughs and challenge. While you can breeze through the story with the Mario, Luigi, Rabbids Mario combo, I still had a hard time with the challenges and boss fights. The difficulty is fair, and perfect for tactics first timers. While I won't see myself coming back to it, I still enjoyed my adventure. Won't get the sequel due to Ubisoft currently supporting NFTs at the moment, sadly... Even if Rosalina, my favorite Mario character, is seemingly attached to the game in some way.


A nice, cute, small indie game full of charm, love, passion, and creativity. Definitely recommend if you love puzzle/adventure games

A phenomenal, addicting, and fun game that always makes me say "One more try". It's the perfect length full of hard but fair RNG (most of the time), and kicks your butt at every turn. I recommend you to play if you are a gamer!

An absolute masterpiece in terms of storytelling, puzzles, world building, visuals, minimalism, and depth. Play it all in one go, and don't get distracted!

A simple, unique, and charming Mario game for the launch of the Gameboy that's really held back by weird physics that are awkward to get used to.

A much more of an improvement that fixes basically all the problems of the original Mario Land game. While short, I loved the time I had with it. Definitely a top tier Mario game.

This game is so freaking fun and addicting! Almost all the games are fair, fun, and replayable. What an amazing entry into the franchise, full of some of the best mini games from the series.

A very cute puzzle game that I easily and quickly got addicted to. I can easily recommend this game!

A great remaster of the classic Kirby's Adventure that fixes the controls, graphical glitches, and adds a cool 3D feature. I definitely recommend picking it up before it is too late!

One of my favorite Gameboy games after finishing it for the first time. Great level design, tons of originality, and great use of exploration to find entire areas, levels, and even a world one might miss. Definitely recommend it.

A near flawless Gameboy Color game that offers to be one of the best platformers on the Gameboy family of systems. It's an innovative title that improves upon the original, by moving towards a puzzle platformer to help differ itself from other platformers, and it works. Not only that but the game offers so much content, with 50 levels, multiple endings, many treasures and mini games to collect and play, and so much more.

A very fun action game that feels like a precursor to Kid Icarus: Uprising. The game has a story mode that is very hard to follow, but the game is just so much fun to play. The game gets really intense and is hard at time (shout-out to the final boss). Very glad Nintendo released this game globally, instead of ignoring it like most of their other Japan only titles like For Whom the Frogs the Bell Tolls, Mother 3, and others. Definitely made me want to check out the sequel.

A cute game that you can play and finish in a few hours. If you want a simple story driven game that is cheap and relatively unique and charming, I definitely recommend this game.