Best dating sim Ive played. Ending felt weak though, excited for DLC. I love monster girls <3

Captures the appeal of pokemon while carrying its own heart. I could not stop playing this once I started and I cant say that for any pokemon game since I was a child. Creature designs are fun, music is good, battle system is interesting. The physics system is so fun to move around in, like a mix between pixel and 3D.

This is the game that finally made me realize how tired I am of survival games. I want to swim, I dont want to eat and drink every 5 minutes.

Shield surfing jet-ski might be the single greatest mechanic I've ever had the honor of using.

Climbing was fun and relaxing, but it felt like there was some unrealized space for the mechanics/difficulty. Also my characters movement freezing on tiny pebbles in the ground happened far too often.

Vibe is spooky but exploring the map is so fucking tedious, I do not want to continue it at all.

this game made me think i hated metroidvanias. atmosphere is cool, but moving around (the thing youll do the most) is so grueling. ive tried to beat this game multiple times but i just cant take it anymore.

Sometimes the hardest part about this game are the controls, its satisfying when you get the hang of them though. Also I want Samus to step on me.

Animated pixel art was peak pokemon

I want to like this more than I did, the movement is REALLY fun when you get it down, you can get so fast! But everything else about this game causes so much friction, sluggish performance (switch), many small bugs that destroy your flow, and a level design that asks you to stop and interact with 100000 things when you just want to keep going. You can ignore most of the distractions in the level but it feels kinda bad, especially since I dont feel very excited by the idea of going through them and completing all the tasks. I also disliked the powers that become a whole little side quest to use, torches and magnets were my least favorite.

The art style is not my favorite, but I respect it for trying. Some of the music is good but it gets repetitive. I think this game couldve benefited for a few more months of polish, I died to a boss and it spawned me in the air so I fell instantly until my health was gone, and the final boss had me phasing through the ground on the penguin surf section. Hopefully they patch this, but the bugs impact the experience too much.

I love driving the train, I hate playing the flute, and I'm ambivalent about the touch controls. This game features the best version of zelda, and her possesing the suits of armor speaks to me on a gender level. We need more games where you shoot shit from a train.

Deceptively complex, I cant stop playing.

When I get dementia I'll look upon my childhood and my time spent in minecraft will be intertwined with reality (on account of how fucking much Ive played this). Amazing game, cant help but be a little sad how popular its become because the charm is starting to wear off.

So cute, but why did they make the choices they made when designing this game? Why does it take 3000 years to load in???? I want to love this game but it feels devoid of a soul.