Herlock Sholmes forever baby

Absolutely marvelous. Feels like the culmination of several ideas Square had been working through with JRPGs since the NES era. I thoroughly enjoyed the gambit system, and I'm sad this style of play hasn't been used for any projects since, Final Fantasy or otherwise.

This is a visual delight, though the lack of clear direction during a few of the vignettes started to wear me down a little. I'd recommend playing this with a keyboard and mouse, if you can.

This game is 40% vibes, and 60% farming Orbs of Expansion from Vampire Mansions

Still can't get over the fact that this game's aesthetic is "Star Wars: Episode I meets Underwater Rave at a Cheesecake Factory". Absolute God-tier experience from start to finish

I went as Vivi for Halloween 2009.

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The final decision had me on the edge of my seat

What if we kissed in Balamb Garden?? That would be so funny! Hahaha
Unless.... ;)

I think its neat that what unites the ragtag heroes of Final Fantasy VII is a desire to fight back against both ecological disaster and the forces that enable it. Even if the polygons now look funny, Final Fantasy made such a seamless transition into science fantasy and cyberpunk here, that this game became the cultural face of the JRPG for nearly two decades. The only thing I feel weakens the experience, is that the world outside of Midgar falls short of capturing the majesty and intrigue of the first five hours of the game. But honestly though, what a first five hours!

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Final Fantasy VI (1994) > Joker (2019)

I have a deep fondness for most games in the Final Fantasy series, but I love this one in particular because it has humongous "Dragon Ball Z" energy.

Final Fantasy V is an adventure where you get to hang with your pals, travel around the world, and fight bad guys while obtaining powers with style. This is Final Fantasy at its utmost campiest, and Exdeath, a literal alien tree monster, is an incredibly goofballs villain. You can genuinely feel the fun Square was having in the early 1990's, playing fast and loose with tropes in the genre they helped to codify. In my mind, there is no doubt that if this game was localized outside of Japan at the time of its release, JRPG fans would speak of FFV in the same fondness reserved for esteemed entries like FFVI and FFVII. I find this game immaculately charming.

(Also, this is the game that gave us Gilgamesh, and by extension, Battle on the Big Bridge, the most bodacious Final Fantasy tune. +5 stars for that specifically.)

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You start this game as a war criminal, and you end it by going to the moon. Video games are incredible