After playing ace attorney investigations and not liking it, playing the sequel... Am I a psycopath? No, I am playing this because I saw a lot of people swear that this is the best Ace attorney and better than trials and tribulations....

My answer is no. But I have to accept one thing. This game is an improvement upon the first investigations game. There is an interesting narrative this time! Less quirky one note characters and more focus on the mystery!

But also, still have the same problems of the first investigations game. Other than story, most of the jokey and serious parts still doesn't mesh well in this game too and that's makes the pacing unbearable at times. Also I still can't connect to "anything that is going on". Because other than case 4(only case where Edgeworth have own personal motives and best one for me because of it) rest of it just a helping the random people simulator that doesn't add anything to my experience for me. People are like oh ma gad did you see the finale?? Twists oh maa gaddd!!! And I was like, eh we just solved another case that unrelated to us? I am trying my best to understand why people like that much, but I just can't. Let me tell in a better way what I think: think about trials and tribulations's finale and person that blamed isn't Maya, it's a random nun that we met. Would you really invest in the case? It's still a solid mystery case with lots of twists in it yes but I would not and that's my problem of this game. I can't invest in anything that is going on.

Also I am super duper angry that they botched Miss Courtney's character at the finale. I almost liked her as a rival until the finale that is.

Unfortunately, compared to the general consensus, other than case 4, rest of is bland for me. Because I don't play these games as a detective mystery simulators. No amount of plot twists back to back to back to back will invest me if there is no personal goal or motive in the way. So it's a pass for me.

Peak Video Game Entertainment for me as of now and I don't say something lightly.

If you look at my bio my requirements for a good game, I said: "if it does have a engaging gameplay with variety and depth, fun characters that I can fell in love and admire, really good at pacing with throwing my face a new content at least in every 20 minute." etc. This game have every one of them.

Before starting this game, I really didn't know what should I expect. I knew it was on the list that shows what games Shu Takumi created and I also saw the cover art of it. I love Shu Takumi's works even at his worst of times but seeing the cover... it looked boring. There is a goofy looking man, his head at the ground... sleeping/thinking/resting? And an aura surrounds him. Only thing I felt from the cover is this game is gonna be about shitty cartoon comedy with how goofy the cover looks. But I am glad I was wrong, very very very wrong.

I still think the cover looks atrocious and think that an aura that connects to multiple characters like a spiderweb in the cover would explain this game better. Also I couldn't find any adverts for this game, did Capcom market this game or not? I don't know but if they didn't they made the greatest disservice for this game.


You wake up, you found yourself as a lamp for some reason. You see your body. Dead at the ground. But for some reason your soul isn't on the other side? Your soul somehow stuck in this lamp. Then you see a suspicious person... WITH A GUN. He runs to a lady with his weapon at his hand, he will shoot her!? And then you use a trick to shield her. The next time you look, the killer is dead with your trick and lady is safe. But you started to wonder, why am I dead? And why there is suspicious people that tries to murder this poor lady?

And you go into an adventure while trying to follow the lady to remember your memories, your loved ones, your experiences while you are alive and solve the mystery about who killed you and why?

And damn... what a mystery that is with lots of lovable characters and emotional moments in it. I can't say no more. Go and play it. Even if you don't like it I guarantee you that at least it's gonna be a unique one and that's something rare in this age.


It a puzzle game that you need to solve part by part to advance and uncover the mystery. You are a ghost that can't explore far away, because you have to stay inside of something to not disappear. But you can impersonate an object to do a "trick" to make a way for you. With doing a "trick" you can create a way to an another object that connects to your way and with that you can carry your "ghost" to that object.

For example you are inside a ball, with using the "trick" button for ball to roll, you can arrive to an umbrella. If they are next to each other, you can carry your "ghost" to that umbrella. After that you become the umbrella and now you can use umbrella's "trick" to advance to the next object. Now it's sounds doesn't interesting that much probably?

Until I say, the "Death" comes in. Killers are everywhere and they are here to KILL EVERY ONE OF YOUR LOVED ONES! And you, being a ghost doesn't mean you can't help them. You HAVE TO help them and that's where things get complicated to what trick to use what objects to impersonate and there is looooots of objects to impersonate so don't worry about the variety I would say.

There is lots of planning to do and strategies to create! I would say, this gameplay is probably the best Shu Takumi did to this date. You are not passively trying to find lies here. You are actively trying to save lives and that's why it does make things more exciting.

My favourite game of all time that I recommend to everyone that still have the childish exploration soul in it to experience unique things

This game feels like it's designed for corporate success with removing every disliked or bothersome or risky parts of the ace attorney franchise.

No concept is overused, no new risky concept is introduced, pace is fast and back to back, optional investigations are mostly gutted or removed and waypoints forced to your face with new objective system, there is no more complicated court testimonies it's on baby difficulty, oh also Phoenix is back, not just that there is other characters returning from trilogy as well for full on fanserviceeeeeeee! Looks nice right? Ah also I forget to say one thing.
They also removed GODDAMN APOLLO JUSTICE, not completely of course but every scene he is in, he is just there for to get forced into the this game's story with a bit of "edgeness". After all no one liked Apollo and wanted Phoenix right? So What story that is? A new attorney's story of course! Athena Cykes!!!...

To be honest, when I saw the image of Phoenix as an attorney, I already completely lost all hope for this game and just removed my brain while playing it. But it was a toooo much safe product even for me. Even the new ideas feels safe with recycling from trilogy cases or worse... bringing ideas from... shounen animes...

What I mean is, everything is epic and exciting! Grand and goverment level threatening! Oh also Friendship power! With fanservice as well! No more small and personal!

Look I am sorry for offending anyone that reads this but ace attorney isn't a franchise for epic cases that goes crazy places for "me", it's a franchise that is about the personal emotional struggles while you get bombarded from all the sides to stop your advancement. At times game tries to give this with focusing to Athena for a while but only just a while, then it's like: goverment threats! Space Stations! Spies! Corrupt systems! Bombs! Countries!

This review contains spoilers

I don't know who will direct mainline ace attorney next, but I pity that person. Solving this giant clusterfuck of an finale case ending while also need to continue 3 protagonist's stories sounds... Horrifying

I need to calm down while writing this review but... finale of this game is the only ace attorney case in the franchise that completely and utterly made me hate the franchise(it's worse than investigations1 finale for me). First half is garbage that is a "FORCED" conflict with Apollo that angered me to no end!

and second half is.... Let me ask you this: Did you thought space story wasn't grand for you? How about revolutionizing an entire country? Is it enough to be a grand story for you? What are they gonna do next I wonder? Maybe time travel or parallel universes? Why not? There is no limit anymore after all. Oh also Apollo take the short end of the stick again. No, don't worry, compared to dual destinies, this time he is the protagonist... but for a completely baffling reason, when you learn it if you say "oh cool" rather than "what the hell they they were thinking with changing his story again!???" Then unfortunately we are not on the same mindset. Look... I want to explain one thing: Like all of us I like that "leader" character as much as anyone. But like the 5th game, they throw him at the wayside so they can do a GOD-DAMNED big "goverment level" plot twists again... That just works to anger me! Oh also the whole "story" happens because Maya is coincidentally there to train and just called Phoenix for him to visit. That's the reason. Yep.

There is only one... only one case that is managed to make me happy and that is the second case. Because it's just a huge 4th game fanservice case that just shows what could have been. That's all.

Oh they also forgot the existence of Athena like how they did to Apollo previous time. Ironic really.

This was my first meeting with Professor Layton directly. I heard this was a good beginner game for both Layton and Phoenix. So I thought I can jump in without playing Layton games. I was wrong...

after playing Layton games and looking back to this game... This was a Layton game from beginning to end. Phoenix and Maya just feels like a guest characters with how only Layton progresses the main story. Oh also this game have the worst parts of the Layton games.
-Clusterfuck and needlesly complicated story? Check.
-Strangely convoluted family relationships? Check.
-The people that we need to "care about" other than the Phoenix and Layton team feels boring and cliche? Check.

So why the high praise then? It's a crossover game that's why.

Is there a no valuable part of this game? There is and it's called "golden court"(chapter 4) and suprised the hell out of me with how emotional it was. Also the only part that I felt like Shu Takumi involved in with how logic focused it was.

I still can't believe Shu Takumi worked on this with how it turned out.

Note: if you dislike some of the voices like me, there is an undub(japanese voice) patch at the web. Use it if you want

I got my 3ds from a relative(long story) then looked at what I can play on it. Saw this Remake/Remaster and said why not? After all this is the game that every retro gamer's favourite game of all time isn't it?

Then played it... and found it... meh/fine? I mean it wasn't a bad experience but it was adventure game as basic as it gets for me? It never pushes limits or tries something experimental I felt? Is it have to be experimental? Of course no but I felt like it tries to stay simple too much rather than use every dungeon or equipment to it's full potential. What I mean is, I felt every dungeon is designed to be beatable with only using that dungeon's gadget except maybe water dungeon, maybe some small moments in other dungeons and finale dungeon but finale dungeon is mostly a challenge dungeon anyway so... Yeah, I found it was a bit simplistic and formulaic unfortunately. Only dungeon that really forced me was the water dungeon. Yeah you need to keep change your euipment a lot maybe, but it's the only one that pushes it's logic to the limit I felt. I had fun with it because of it.

You will probably say what about the world? What about the side activities? What about the time mechanic? What about the ocarina itself?

They were fine. World was the good kind of open, small but full of things to explore(except middle part of hyrule) in every step if you want, so I had fun when I just wanted to explore a bit. Also seeing alternate ones was cool as well. But learning where to go with asking to npc's was not that fun in my opinion. Sheikah stones kind of help in that regard(but also they kind of harm the game with giving solutions to dungeons, I didn't use it for that but it kind of bothered me with how they taking away from the main challenge itself), but still there is some situations you need to find correct npc or do an obtuse task for the correct objective and that wasn't fun for me.(yeah I know retro games tends to do that but that doesn't mean I enjoy searching for one obtuse thing)

Side activities on the other hand... wasn't that engaging for me because of their timing challenge nature, but variety is nice at least. There is some sidequests as well but I haven't cared about them much if I didn't find them coincidentally while doing main missions.

Time mechanic was greatly disappointing for me. When I first saw it changing between kid and adult, Oh my god possibilities are endleessssss. Then I realized that for the main content you only need to use 4 times or something close to that number and disappointed(I don't count moving blocks as a time travel)...

Ocarina was nice and I liked that some of the songs have interesting effects depending on the situation and sometimes you need to use to solve puzzles as well.

Yeah that was how I felt. Fine but not pushing to the limits kind of game for me.

When I first played it, game said moon... will fall in 3 days. I was like oh shit, if I start this I have to focus on it fully to finish it!? And I put it off to shelf for a while. Then I said, fu#k you I am gonna beat you NOW! And it beat me... hard. Right in front of the boss room of the first dungeon... my time limit had ended and moon fell... AND I LIKED IT! PUNISH ME MORE! FORCE ME TO DEVELOP STRATEGIES AND NEW TACTICS! PUSH ME TO MY LIMITSSSS!!! HECK YEAHHHHHHH!!!!!

Joking aside, This is the only zelda game that I fully %100 completed it. It's fixed all of my complaints. It's pushes it's time and equipment mechanics to the limit with even more complex dungeons than the ocarina of time in my opinion, introduce experimental yet depthful new mechanics, sidequests become more deptful and sideactivities become more than glorified time challenges... mostly... and at the same time giving us a new world to explore. What can I want more from that?

Btw yeah I understand that some people may not like the time mechanic punishment in this, I certainly disliked at first with losing my progress. But this game uses time mechanic soo good that in my opinion forcing you engage with the systems unlike ocarina of time makes the progression 10 times more rewarding in my opinion

Note: Oh before I forgot, yeah I felt this even when playing this... nerfed gameplay in 3ds. But I want to try 64 version one day too hopefully.

When I saw this game's trailer, I thought Vanillaware was doing an Eva clone. So even tho I am a fan of Vanillaware, I felt I won't have fun with this game.

Now looking back to my platinum completion achivement... Yeah... THAT WAS AWESOOOOOOMMMEEEEEEE

I am a casual fan of vanillaware, I only played Muramasa and Odin Sphere and they were pretty fun but flawed experiences. When I saw 13 sentinels I thought it's impossible for them to do a good game with 13 different characters when they were struggling to do 5 characters(Odin Sphere). Not just that, all of the mechas and teenagers gave me the red warnings so I didn't buy this game. Then saw videos from youtubers I like and they put this game in their top 10s and I was really suprised. Does that mean I prejudged not fairly? Maybe there is really something here? So I jumped in too with wonder and found a really unique experience.

Game design
I said this game is unique experience isn't it? So it's best to start from here. This game does a non-linear/half-open design. What I mean is by this is once you finish the prologue you are almost free to do the story(walk/interact/talk) and gameplay(real time, top down strategy) in whatever order you please with some restrictions. The restrictions are, for example when you halved a character's story, it gets locked. To unlock it you need to read it's requirements and do that. It's the same for the gameplay too. When you finish half of the missions of that chapter, it gets locked and you need to do it's requirements. These requirements are most of the time simple things like finish this gameplay section or experience this character's story event or both. So game is not full open yet not linear either. Maybe this doesn't look like that unique to you but remember this. There is 13 characters in this game. It's my first time seeing a game that tries to do a giant 13 character story and at the same time tries to be a non-linear story but it works... mostly.. I said mostly because sometimes you get spoiled on another character's events or gameplay problems(I am gonna get to that). But still this is what makes this game great in my opinion, why? Because you never get the "full picture" with one character. When you combine all the answers and clues from all the characters you find the "truth". That's the thing that hypes you and results with 3am thoughts. I finished this character's story but in another character's story he acted different? What the heck is going on? I don't need sleep! I need ANSWERS! That's why this type of storytelling makes this game great in my opinion.

It's starts as a generic aliens invades this city and these teenagers here to protect! Kind of cliche plot. But once you start to unlock characters you realize things are not that simple. Especially not because some characters are from the past and some of them from future. So you keep thinking how the heck they are gonna connect them to the present? And it connects. With metal gear solid levels of plot twists and implications. Not all of the twists are logical or needed unfortunately but discovering them are so fun that they didn't hinder my experience. Because rest of the game is that fun to uncover in my opinion. When it comes to characters on the other hand... I can't say I liked them as much as the story because of their cliche "anime" acting. Especially I felt less motivated because of it in the beginning because I can't take the one note gimmicky anime characters seriously anymore, but believe me it's worth it for the story to push on. My only stinker in the story was Hijiyama's section. Some parts were a filler also not just that it feels like someone forgot to include some interactable signs on some places(I am talking about the infuriating find money section). It's the only section that I had to look up a walkthrough for and it kinda left a bad taste in my mouth.

I saw lots of people that disliked gameplay sections and I am here to defend them. But there is things that I agree with them. Combat background looks lifeless and everything looks like a map symbols rather than character sprites. I kinda understand why they did it but I wish they give us a alternative screen that we can see the character and enemy sprites more clearly on the map.
But when it comes to this game is mindless... No!

I know why they think like that because there is two problems one is intense difficulty should be the normal option, because in normal mode there is literally no reason to use anything other than missile attacks, you can't get killed easily so just spam missile attacks bum you win, of course you would say it's mindless. On the other hand in intense mod every heavy-strong enemy can kill you in 2-3 attacks. So you have to use your defense, status effects, room breathers, emps, buffs, debuffs etc. You have to use your full arsenal to make sure your sentinels go unscathed, because if they do, you need to repair them for an additional minute and you rarely get that much time. So what? You Strategize. You don't sleepwalk anymore, because you use your brain now. It's that simple.

The second problem is a big one

The big problem with 13 sentinel is, how it's paced... Or to say how it's not paced. I already told that you can select 13 character stories almost in any order you want and also you can do battle whenever you want and... I can't believe I am saying this but this half openness kind of harm the game for the combat sections. Because doing battles feels not important for the story at first. Yet near a character's story finale, now you have to do it bunch of them at once so you can see how that character's story ends. Or quite the opposite, you feel warmed up and want to battle for a day long yet suddenly you can't progress because you didn't unlock enough story content. How can they solve this problem to begin with? Removing battle? No because they are core to the experience in my opinion. Making it fully open? No because then there would be no incentive to do battle for the player. Just scrap everything and make a more linear/straight game then? But it wouldn't be exciting to explore the characters then is it?

Then what? I would say just mixing the battle sections inside to the character stories would result for a better paced experience. After all battle sections wants us to choose certain characters sometimes so just match these battle sections with these certain characters stories. Also some characters gets unlocked later so you can also gradually up the challenge too! Of course this isn't the perfect solution, after all player can harm their playthrough with choosing a future character and but I think it would be a better integration then this current one.

After all you can't have both at once, linear game takes away from the unique storytelling, but opposite of that: too open game can make the pacing worse in my opinion. So my suggestion is the only way I can think to mitigate this issue.

Whoa I wrote a lot here. I wasn't expecting that actually. But anyway play this game. You won't be disappointed hopefully. Is this the best game Vanillaware had done? For the base game comparison, yeah it is! In my opinion. Not just that, I am excited to see what are they going to do next so hope I can see and play that. Thanks for reading everyone.

I always heard armored core beforehand, but with seeing the armored core 6 announcement, it's best time to dive in I thought. So I started and my first impressions were positive.

Variety is pretty suprising for a ps1 game. Also a controller configuration option? Hell yeaaah! The first thing I did was changing the controller more like a psp scheme(assigning camera to face buttons and action buttons to trigger buttons).
It was all good until I realized this game is bothering kind of jank for me.

Why the heck my lock on box moves faster than my camera????? Who thought this was a good idea? This takes away all the gameplay flow away. You start turning, then wait camera and aim reticle to match again, then you start turning again and wait for the camer....
I heard, the legs changes your turning speed so that's why. But forcing you to suffer for early game until you can get a better legs... That's so unlogical
No thanks.

My another problem is, when you go up the air and then to the ground, you have to watch your character to do a small stand up animation everytime and only way to get out of that is pressing the jetpack button again I guess. You can think this is a small problem but every mini boss does a massive damage against you and that small time wasting is the deciding factor for the life or death sometimes and punishment of is BIG. Die lots of times and bum. Half reset to your game. Nice.
If you are gonna force a big punishment upon me, then I would expect there is no possible way to get cheap deaths. But with these systems... it's just there to make my experience more miserable.

I have a massive respect that loves this game, but with this camera... I can't. Sorry. If it worked then I would be glad to finish this game and replay it 5 times but this camera is I can't, I just can't category for me

I wanted to like this game... Really... Beginning is super promising with lots of lovable dorks, pixar like colorful world, new mechanics to discover, a huuuuge world etc. It does have all the things I need really, until game starts to get broken that is...

First problem is... Do you remember there is an infamous ign review that says too much water? This sentence is appropriate for this game fully. Map is biiiiig and you use wind song again and again and again to go somewhere(until you get the swift sail) and it gets ooooolllddd... And sadly most of the islands are super small challenge islands rather than something suprising. The most interesting ones for me was the fairy islands because they give permanent upgrades to you... That's it... So what you left is... Mostly empty map that you are forced to sail between until you get fast travel(also you need to look a guide for it) and swift sail. This takes sooo much time, if there is a way to check the sailing time, I wouldn't be shocked if it's something closer to half of the game time with just spending sailing on empty sea...

Second problem isn't that big but still... first half feels a bit too similar to ocarina of time for me. How you ask? With getting the same items again mostly. Yeah they tried to use them in more inventive ways like using them for stealthing around, using boomerang as a wind, using grappling to steal things etc But I felt it didn't differ that much when it comes to solving...

Game almost saves it for me with the last two real dungeons tho. They are what makes this game apart from ocarina of time. These last two dungeons require you to use not just your items but also you use abilities of the people you escort in the dungeon. So you have to use your brain to both combine your items and the powers of the people you escort. Hell yeah that's the thing I like! Combining abilities for solving rather than spamming one dungeon item to beat everything.

But I said almost because... After that everything gets broken... There is something called tri force hunting that forces you to get loooooots of gems and fight on the mini combat dungeons(they are boring tbh). Not just that, there is no last dungeon... You just do a boss rush with fighting every boss again then now bum final boss here... HUH!? At least story is still fun and animations are colorful to watch but... In a gameplay logic, there is almost nothing new after that 2 dungeons...

That makes me sad because in the beginning I was like whoaaa this game gonna be awesooommeee mood and in the last half... I felt tired and saying that just breaks my heart

I already reviewed the ps3 version, so.... Still played this because I heard it's expanded.... and...? Was it worth it?

Upgraded combat system feels more smooth to play... but the new lock on feels untested because for some reason it keeps locking on to the furthest enemies and just results with cheap damage. Also people that says this "upgraded" combat is a game changer is kinda wrong. Because it's mostly the old game's combat system with additional combos and smoother animations... that's it. Flaws are still intact. Don't expect automata here. I wasn't expecting much so I didn't disappointed. But on the other hand...

Added story elements.... are meh? The cut story from original game: Little mermaid is pretty good. But rest is... mostly text adventures like the forest of myth. Did they had no budget when they were doing this remaster? I already read Grimoire book translation to learn these stories... expecting them to get animated was too much I guess?
Oh also we have ending E now!.... and sorry but it's not worth the hassle for me. I still think ending A and B enough. Rest is still feels bonus cheap repeat content. Also "ending E" is super short. It's just equals doing something like the lost shrine dungeon with even more copy pasted boss fights. I was... expecting more?

You will say, really? You wanted more from just a remaster?

Don't get me wrong like I said A and B endings are worth it alone but for the returning players, I just wanted to see more "animated" content that expands other characters that already existed with drama cds, books etc. Newly added text adventure parts and super short ending E isn't that satisfying for a returning player: For me...

There is one more change that I really dislike of. Music. They remixed it... Half of the music still have it's core intact fortunately but other half... no. It sounds muffled and hollow. It doesn't have the strong impact of the original soundtrack. Especially shadowlord castle songs sounds heeeecckiiinnggg butchered here for me and it bothered me to no end! Sorry. I just want a original music option. Is it reaaallly that hard to implement? Every company's remaster have that damn music option? Why there is no option in this one?...

Oh other bothering change for me is faces. It's not big as the music. But new faces... looks... too clean? Even color choices looks close to an anime or automata I would say. In my opinion even if they change the faces, they should kept the dirty look in their faces. In a apocalyptic world, pure clean faces does not make any sense. I know they did this to cater to the automata fans, but for me this change takes out from the world building.

Last change is every dialogue is voiced now!... but there is no auto dialogue option for it tho?.... A bit frustrating but whatever. Also I can't believe I am saying this but english voices feel more nice to listen then the jp voices for me. Especially for Weiss. I loved on ps3 and I love it here. His eng voice: Liam O'Brien. He is that good for me. Jp counterpart feels like a ancient old voice and it's appropriate for the world but... for me the weiss's jp emotions didn't hit me as much as the eng counterpart.

So yeah that's what I think for the changes. Was it worth it for me? Ehhhh... no. I don't think nier nor any Yoko's games are replayable. I feel like Yoko Taro divides his budget something like %30 for gameplay and %70 for the story and because of that replayability suffers hard. So when it comes to best version... I still don't know because this game is a one step forward one step back. If they give us options to have original faces and music then I would say this. But right now... It's og one. But it's your choice to decide after all. For me any option is nice for the A and B endings.

Also don't listen anyone and just do A and B and watch the rest from youtube if you really want. Focus is clearly A and B after all. Rest is 5 minute extensions to the existing ending. That's it. They are clearly bonus endings not main content.
Thanks for reading!

Note: kind of unrelated but while searching for wiki to learn about Yonah more, I found that sinoalice collaboration with nier replicant added a small story part that is after ending C. I was like, hey that's interesting what can it be.... Dang... This is torture p#rn levels of cruel for the main character... Yoko Taro is insane

Game is biiiig, but not in a good way. In a obtuse: "where the heck I should go or do?" Kind of way. If you use guide it makes it easier at least.

When it comes to game qualities, it's certainly this is one of the first stealth games ever. So AI is non existent. Only can see as straight line, their view is really that much small. There is of course no complex stealth actions. There is only: wait until guards go away option. Or you can engage with combat and start shooting until everyone is dead, but snake can't shoot straight other than pistol so... it's better not to. But if there is a boss fight then you have to do it of course.

Bosses are not memorable by the way. Just hold shoot button until they are dead.

There is also another mechanic that's called "heroism"(after playing mgsV it's super funny to see that it comes from here), when you save hostages it goes up, if they get killed then it goes down. You have to save every hostages to maximize it and you have to do that. It's not an option. Why? Because there is an annoying resistance leader that refuses to help you to finish the game in the second half. I am not kidding. So... Don't forget to look up guides please.

And the story is... Grey fox and Dr madnar is kidnapped. Snake is sent by big boss to save them and and there is an experimental weapon called "metal gear" hides in there? Wow. How suprising.

Story certainly... does exist. But it's the kind of story that you will forget the next time you go to sleep. But at least they tried tho. There wasn't many dialogue filled games with action gameplay at the time so I am gonna give it that point.

So forgettable gameplay and story. Obtuse progression too of course. But I can't say I entirely get bored either, because it was pretty short game and the moment boredom starts you already looking at the credits screen

Heck yeaaaah!! This is a good game. Also feels like prototype of the mgs1!? Down to the map and event order!? Wow.

Also it's less obtuse more straight (except one part that you need to look back of the box to see hidden codec like mgs1). Kind of regret my decision to get a guide for it.

And stealth is improved? You can "prone" now and go under the beds or vehicles. Heck yeah! Or with punching to the walls you can confuse the enemy with "sounds". You have more gadgets too! But also enemy AI improved with wider view and more complex guard routes! Heck yeaah!

Only bad thing I can say is bosses are still boring, but at least there is small puzzle elements on them now. Like you need to use mines for a fast foe or use grenade launcher to explode foes that hide. So at least it does have variety in boss department. That's something at least.

Story is also bigger this time also! After metal gear 1, we hear about Zanzibar land. They kidnapped the Dr. Marv, the creator of renewable oil!...(that never comes up in mgs franchise ever again) and also they threat goverments with nuclears!? For this, the hero of the previous game "snake" get sent to Zanzibar land and needs to save Dr. Marv and clear the nuclear threat! Of course in the way there is new enemies and retconned(you will get used to it eventually) older enemies that returned... Somehow!

It can look not promising but believe me, if you had fun with mgs1, then you will have fun with this story too!

I have to say, they can rerelease this game again to steam and no one would bat an eye. It's still feels quality 2d stealth game I am not kidding. Also it's still short so if you want to try it, you can finish it one sitting like it's predecessor. I don't think you will like it as much as mgs1 because of it's clunky parts but I believe you can still have fun with it

This is one of the rare games that I replayed more than once. Why? Short answer is it's because it's metal gear solid after all. Long answer is really long tho.

I came across mgs franchise when I wasn't engaged with games like right now. One day, when I was looking up to tv to find something interesting, I realized there was a gaming program going on, I said why not check it even tho I won't play it. There was a trailer for mgs4 in it. I was mesmerised with it. There was an old man on top of a boat, saying "bang" "bang" and after that all of the helicopters start falling around him. I was like: WHAT THE HECK!? HE CAN CONTROL METAL WITH HIS HANDS??? Dang... I wonder how the gameplay is like??
After that I saw mgs4 again in top 10 saddest death in gaming videos, but it didn't stick in my mind.

Years later, I learned there was a ps1 emulator released for the android phones. I had a great time with ps1 when I was a kid so I wanted to try it again. But also wanted to try something "new". So I looked up best ps1 games and saw metal gear solid in everywhere. Like every "everywhere". I was like, wow, I wonder why it's regarded that highly? Then I went and tried it and fell in love with it.

Quick stealth gameplay with it's fast movement, big variety in challenge that they kept fresh in every new corner in it's map, highly memorable bosses that I still can't forget about and get teary when I remember their sad stories, story that is both suprising and emotional. What can I want more from that?

Only things I can say bad about it is, it does have back tracking 2 times that felt unnecessary and one section you need to look back of the box(that I don't have). But it's not a big fault for me.

So yeah, this was my first impression of mgs and I fell in love with it. After getting the legacy collection with ps3, of course I replayed it immediately, it's that good. I can recommend to anyone that doesn't insist on graphics and just wants to have a good time.

I finally finished this janky game. I had abandoned it previous month, but then returned it for later. Why? Because when I start up the ps1 I found out that I didn't take out the disc. Then I said hey let's try it again maybe I'd like it then? Spoiler: unfortunately no.

Camera is awful, when you are moving fast it can't keep up with you, when you go into a corner it starts to broke and move itself without your input, Also looking up or down is non-existent, camera doesn't even try to match with it's damn aim reticle. Also for some reason map designers have a corridor fetish. I think they were keep pressuring each other to make it smaller again and again... IN A DASH FOCUSED MECHA GAME!??
Not just that, one piece of troll decided to include platforming... HUH!?

Why not 1 star then? Because after getting a lot of money, just equipping lots of explosives and spam them without any money care feels actually fun. Also there is a bit of variety in missions as well and also a lot of different weapons this game have, probably more than the most of the ps1 games. But those gameplay mechanics with awful camera... Just takes it down for me unfortunately

Also that last mission is the biggest piece of garbage missions ever. I am not against hard opponents but platforming? Did you even test your game for that!??? At least it was fun to spam all of my collected explosives to the faces of that nineball. Funny thing is he jumped on top op of my head and I spammed the heck out of attack button instinctively and when I was out of energy and when the explosion effects disappeared he was dead already. Now that was damn satisfying I won't lie.