proximity voice chat + friends + friendly fire + PVE enemies
= a great time

Back when it first came out, I really didn't see the appeal in The Last of Us and held the game off for a few years.
Even when I did eventually play it for myself in 2017, I saw it as nothing more than a generic zombie apocalypse shooter with some rather repetitive gameplay.
It wasn't until I revisited the game the year after, that I would fall head over heels for its impeccable character writing.
You can fully ignore the small interactions between the two protagonists during gameplay and miss half of what makes this game so great. The depth of Joel and Ellie's relationship can only be felt, if you take the proper time to explore the world together with them, which is executed perfectly through the game's linear open-district structure.
Choosing your own involvement through exploration is what makes their bond feel so genuine, natural and earned towards the climax.

I will admit that the game's pacing takes a nose dive after the prologue and remains unengaging until Bill's Town, but it's only uphill from that point onwards and probably my only critique next to the shitty enemy AI.

we didn't need a sequel for this

The most polished fun-racer to ever exist.

the double items have completely fucked this game's balancing. You took a mechanic from Double Dash and just slapped it onto a game that wasn't designed around said mechanic.

Cut the last 3 hours from this and you have a damn near perfect horror game. Not necessarily a scary one but a very intriguing and atmospheric experience nonetheless. This has grown into an absolute comfort game of mine and it feels like I discover something new every time I replay it.
It's just a shame that it trades everything that works so well in its first half, for mindless action and head-scratchingly bad level design later on. The way RE7 progresses ironically mirrors exactly what went wrong with the entire franchise after a certain point.

Whoever let Josef Fares cook should receive a nobel prize, because that man clearly got to do whatever the fuck he wanted here and it resulted in possibly one of the most enjoyable and heartfelt co op games you and your friend/partner could play. It's an open love letter to platformers of the early 2000's and should resonate with anyone who grew up on those types of games as a kid.

Sadly, the Source Engine gives me motion sickness.

It just gets worse the longer you play it.
Name a more insufferable mainstream protagonist than Ethan, I'll fucking wait.

timeless masterclass on innovative game design.

your grandchildren will be able to play Skyrim on their Playstation 9.

Fortnite has unapologetically ruined the online multiplayer market forever

They simply don't make games like this anymore.

Neil Cuckmann is a 13 year old feminist that wrote a fanfic power fantasy about his own game.

I'm happy for you Smash fans,
but please leave me the fuck alone.

You have to appreciate the "fuck it we ball" mentality in this game's level design.