An amazing evolution of the original arcade game. This is the deepest move pool Mario has ever had in a 2D game. The battery save and short length of each level make this the perfect game to pick up and play whenever you have a few minutes to spare.

Peak Sonic. Amazing graphics, GOAT soundtrack, playable characters that each offer something unique and each have their own routes to travel, and an understated but surprisingly effective story.

Amazing entry in the series. Looks and sounds amazing, and though they played it safe, Kirby's transition to 3D was nearly flawless.

Basically the NES version of a B-movie. Slightly below average platformer with a ridiculous premise, decent graphics and pretty good music. Once you play one level you've played them all.

A fantastic creation tool with a great story mode, amazing soundtrack, and endless possibilities. It dosent commit as fully to the "arts and crafts" theme as the fist but makes up for it with its larger range of possibilities.

Short and simplistic, but a great way to spend 30 minutes. The extra mode is a welcome challenge.

While it's a step backward from Super Star in terms of level design and combat complexity, DL3 makes up for that with its amazing art direction and, in my opinion, the best soundtrack in the series. Plus Zero rules.

Simple but incredibly fun puzzle game. Also the only one I'm any good at so I'm biased.

Great game on an underrated as fuck console. Amazing graphics and soundtrack for the limited hardware, and it carried over the game play of the series very well.

Amazing platformer on the SNES with a small but great soundtrack, a beautiful hand-drawn aesthetic, and a good level of challenge, especially if you go for high-scores on every level.

One of the best in the WarioWare series. The rotation gimmick is used to its fullest potential, and has a very satisfying rumble feedback. Only thing that sucks is you can't easily emulate it.

One to one conversion of the gameplay of the NES games. The graphics have more color, though they aren't much improved, and the music does take a hit. However, the password system makes this a great way to practice the NES games.

While on the short side as far as level length, and not the most complex game in the world, this is a great Kirby spinoff with some amazing remixes of familiar Kirby tunes, surreal backgrounds, and fun level designs that take advantage of the game's central gimmick.

Simple but fun remix of Sonic 2 for an underrated handheld.

One of if not the best games on the GameBoy. Short but sweet slow-paced platform with big, attractive sprites, fun power-ups, and a catchy soundtrack.