66 Reviews liked by jayish

Played demo. By the way the igdb date is wrong, the demo came out on August while the full game launches in September.

There are 3 routes in the demo and you can categorize them as good, neutral, and bad respectively. Each of them is written by a different person, which fits the concept as the characters are diverse and a single person wouldn't be able to cover the spectrum of experiences necessary for a good depiction (not like it achieves this always, who the fuck says "abuela"), but it's a mess in execution as it makes the writing wholly inconsistent. I felt a huge whiplash as I went from the one I liked to the story I felt was the worst because the gap between quality was stounding (even the ost took a nosedive, for some reason!).

As a visual novel, I'm confused at its structure. What I thought was me choosing how I wanted to date was actually... who I was making decisions for. Try as you might to decipher who these characters are when your only guidelines are terrible, terrible items like "your angle AND your devil", "calling people slurs in PVP isn't very gamer of you", and "bitches say they love poetry and then go after emotionally unavailable men, sis you're worried about the wrong Dickinson!". Once chosen, you go on a date and choose some options like twice. The decisions felt very insignificant, they probably dictate the ending but they don't feel important in the moment or in retrospect, so I'm not sure why not just omit them in the first place.
Surprisingly, the dialogue itself wasn't as meme-y as the presentation let off. These is no Neon White and it's not even close. If anything, the third route you can play felt overly out of touch, with the PC only now discovering people use "we" as a singular (she is only 27). There's a huge disconnect between the presentation and marketing, of which the latter is mostly the twitter account making memes about their own game (if you check the "meme" section of their own site, there's only a single post LOL)

It's hard to parse closing thoughts on a demo, so I'll say this: its not as good as I hoped but not as bad as I thought. I'll probably check out the full release because I gravitate towards games people (losers) hate over being "SJW" like a moth to a flame. Did you know I like Steven Universe?

Welcome to the !&%#ed-up nonsense world of Utena, where the manga is worse than the anime, the movie slaps, the fandom is chill, and even the one random spin-off game for Sega Saturn is good?! wtf

*the manga being worse than the anime is kind of forgivable considering everything (in the known universe) is worse than the anime

Like what do you say about this that a white Youtuber didn't say in 2012.

It is an odyssey of transitioning from child to adult. It is a vibe machine. The combat sucks. The combat rules. The encounter rates are too high. The police brutality scene still sends shivers up my spine from context alone. The character name music nails how odd and bizarre your journey will be. You can dump all your money into a house just for the reveal that it is literally missing two walls. Poo feels his limbs and eyes torn out of his body to experience a spiritual deprivation of senses so he becomes a little stronger. Ness' dad is a near non-existent figure in his life, only calling him to have emotionally distant conversations and petty cash deposits while he presumably is fucking bitches and generally getting buck nasty in Reno.

There are hundreds of momentary scenes in the game that will have you delighted, intrigued, confused, and mortified. Those moments are what Earthbound is to me. The life of these kids trying to make it in this fucked up world.

Like, it's Earthbound. It's hype around the player experience is real. It's glazing is overglazed but it's worth biting in even if. You got people everywhere whose hearts and souls have been sucked out of their body from being cynical on Twitter for too long saying "this game is overrated" "an annoying Youtuber I don't like LOVES this game it must be trash" THAT'S HOW YOU KNOW THIS SHIT IS GOOD. How long can something be this relevant to conversation. How long can the experience be this shitted on by contrarians -- if it wasn't worth checking out? Objectively bad things die very quickly in the consciousness of the masses for one reason or another. There are reasons people talk about this game nearly 30 years later.

Don't buy into the hate or overglazing. This is a great, flawed video game with issues that are far surpassed by what you'll get out of it. Which is having the game make you feel every human emotion in sometimes very clever ways. It's only when you do a bunch of stuff and then get a moment to look back is when you'll realize: it's all about the journey itself.

btw There are modded versions of the game that lower the encounter rate and increase xp so you're not grinding like crazy to just make it past a bullshit miniboss.

I am too dumb for these puzzles and the storyline did not grip me. However, I refuse to give any game where the protagonist is a hot Jewish woman anything lower than a 3.

So thats why its called last window 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐

faust is really hot in this game. i was trying to learn how to play but i got bored so Maybe i'll try again another time

knowing that with the 3DS eShop's closure means this game will no longer be legitimately available is enough proof for me that there is a loving and merciful god out there.

Fuck you American industrialist Elisha Otis. You should have been doing whatever 19th century people did for fun instead of inventing the first safety elevator and causing the chain of events that would lead to this game's map design existing.

It's a wonderful game.

One of the greatest RPGs that's like no other. It utilizes all the hardware the DS has to offer with its unique dual-screen combat, has an amazing art style and soundtrack, and is topped off with a touching story and phenomenal characters.

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I love the Ranger series. It’s my favorite spinoff, even beating Mystery Dungeon. That said, the first is the worst. You can tell they were just testing the waters for just about everything. Parts of the game feel like a tech demo. I know that mainline Pokémon games don’t have fantastic dialogue, but the dialogue in this one is another level of bad. This game was clearly meant for kids, so duh, but playing it again as an adult just makes it so obvious. They don’t capture the villain because “we don’t capture humans, he will see what he did was wrong”. THAT GUY TRIED DESTROYING THE WORLD!!! PUT HIM IN PRISON!!! ARE RANGERS NOT POLICE??? ARE THSY JUST ANIMAL CONTROL?!?!?!? That said, still has its charm and sets the stage for two much better games (from what I remember, fingers crossed).

The only reason Nintendo fans like this is because they haven’t played any actual RPGs

when I first saw this previewed in Nintendo Power in 2008 I thought it was about Mario and Luigi entering Bowser's body to systematically shut down each of his bodily systems until he died from total organ failure. Given that I assumed that to be the premise it's kinda concerning I was so eager to play it

white women ballin in this expansion, if ur a white woman you gotta hop on this is your people

i suck at shooters but even i think this one is fun as fuck