A very short, simple, and easy game... but I really like it! Going super weird for the first portable installment of Mario is an interesting move that makes this game stand out, even if it's definitely been outclassed several times.

With Kirby turning 30, now is a better time than ever to check out more of his history! Going back to the first console entry, it's neat to see how quickly they found the formula. Despite limitations, the gameplay still feels snappy and fresh, even in 2022.

They Weren’t Lying. That DuckTales Really Be 2. …which is to say, it's an iterative sequel but still a fun one. I like that they slightly expanded upon Scrooge's cane abilities, although I did get softlocked at one point by missing an upgrade which was annoying.

I went into this game expecting to be a contrarian with how much it's been hyped up to me over the years but FINE. I'll admit… it's very good. An engaging evolution of the Mario 64 formula that doesn't reach as high of highs but is honestly more consistent.

Nintendo Life pointed this game toward me, and it's pretty alright! The platforming is slick, the polygonal visuals look great, and the music is catchy as hell. It's not a super stand-out game, but for something that literally costs a dollar, it isn't too bad!

Random, I know, but this is actually one of the first games I've played! I recently revisited it for a (now canned) video. It's... alright! Racing through tracks based off of rides is neat, but the racing itself is only okay.

I wasn't sure if I should count this since I was technically speedrunning it, but fuck it, I need an excuse to mention that this is my favorite 2D Mario. None of the others come even close to this one's smooth, adventurous vibe. It's basically perfect?

A big step up from 1 mechanically… but structurally? Caves are a good idea and can be REALLY fun and tricky, but are just as often tedious and ugly. I'd still say it's better than 1, but 100% completion sounds like torture and that's a bummer for a game like this!

A flawed but endearing experience. The dialogue and lore introductions range from mid to bad, and the DMW is just plain weird, but the gameplay loop and character dynamics are mostly great and that ending hits.

Normal people when they get a Switch OLED: (test it out on vibrant, beautiful exclusives like Zelda or Mario)

I must be a Xenoblade fan with bad taste, because I skipped the second game in this series for some reason. Now that I think about it, I'm not sure why I own Picross S1 and S3 but not S2. I wonder what deep lore I'm missing. Nonetheless, it fun.

Very lovely and heartwarming experience that is very much tailored to me and my love of organization. I'd recommend playing it on PC, because using a control stick instead of a mouse on PS5 was about as awkward as you'd expect, but still super worth checking out!

I already gave this a full review (shameless plug: http://cubed3.com/review/6394/1/miitopia-nintendo-switch.html), but the TL;DR version is... it's fine! It's certainly a one-trick pony of a game, and the gameplay itself isn't all that great, but it's still cute at the very least.

What I expected: lol funny raccoon make hole
What I got: A narrative about the inherent evils of gentrification and how it is the responsibility of the privileged to stand in solidarity with the marginalized.
What I also got: lol funny raccoon make hole

This is unfortunately my least favorite of the Disney Afternoon Collection. As fun as it was to latch onto ceilings and try different weapons, the level design just felt like Mega Man but worse. It's one of those games where I'd hover my finger over the rewind button for most of it.