It's a rhythm game, with Kingdom Hearts music. At a base level, I was always going to at least like this game... and while I did have minor quibbles with the story and visual design, I can now safely say that I loved my time with it.

I started 2021 with a short Annapurna title, I might as well end it with one too! This game is devastating in the best way—the story slowly weaving together, making more sense as you interact with the memories... fuck, man. It's something else.

I'm continually impressed with how slick and concise these games are. Despite costing a dollar and being 30-45 minutes long, it's just bursting with creativity... even if, at this point, I do hope the next game allows itself to be fleshed out into a full experience.

Binging this series has been a roller coaster and this felt like an (almost) perfect climax. While the music and some story beats admittedly fell flat, the refined gameplay, interesting lore, and promising sequel hooks still made it more than worth the while.

Despite being a pretty big fan of Portal 2, I've never actually played 1 until now! Seeing how these groundbreaking mechanics were originally integrated was fascinating in retrospect and enjoyable in its own right, and it makes me appreciate the sequel even more.

What I expected: lol funny raccoon make hole
What I got: A narrative about the inherent evils of gentrification and how it is the responsibility of the privileged to stand in solidarity with the marginalized.
What I also got: lol funny raccoon make hole

This game is boring as shit LOL. I remember liking it well enough on Wii U but re-experiencing it on Switch in a post-3D World society is just... dreary. Not a single level theme or mechanic stands out. Not one.

Yes, I have already replayed this before the end of the year. Yes, it's still one of my favorite 3D Mario games. Yes, online co-op is still an absolute blast. Everyone should play it!

I am SO glad that they didn't rest on their laurels when making a successor to Super Metroid. The level design may be less open than before, but the disturbing setting and increased storytelling gave the experience a unique flavor that I adored nonetheless.

Admittedly, my view on Super is a bit skewed from playing Zero Mission first—but even if the more antiquated elements got on my nerves, it's hard to argue against the innovative level design that basically defined a whole genre. Overall, I had a great time!

Goddamn, what a game. I know this is a remake, but returning to the original Metroidvania is still so compelling, and the QoL upgrades are just icing on the cake. The Chozodia content admittedly feels out of nowhere, but it's so cool that I don't care.

This already got a full review (another shameless plug:, but man, I had a BLAST with this game. WarioWare was never my favorite series, but the reinvented gameplay in this release has made me fall in love with the series.

Another fun WayForward romp, this time mashing together the platformer, schmup, and top-down shooter genres. The game is held back by a short run-time and not much connection to the series, but it's still decent for what it is.

Oops, I'm behind on updating this! (Granted, I haven't played many games lately, but still.) ...between the lengthy title and disclaimer, all I can fit in for a review is "it's a fun Zelda II-like." Sorry!

I already gave this a full review (shameless plug:, but the TL;DR version is... it's fine! It's certainly a one-trick pony of a game, and the gameplay itself isn't all that great, but it's still cute at the very least.