I played this because I got covid and realized I'd never actually played SM64 all the way through. It was one of the most infuriating experiences of my life - and I'm a soulslike fan.

Mario's tendency to walk right off an edge when you push the opposite direction, his absolute lack of friction, and a handful of mechanics that just didn't work correctly made this game far more frustrating than it should have been. A lot of the game was fun, but I'm mostly just glad to be done with it.

I finished with 104 stars. I only skipped metal mario red coins, flying mario red coins, and 14 100-coin stars.

I don't think any game could ever bring me the same sense of wonder that Breath of the Wild did - but Tears of the Kingdom got pretty close.

Dark Souls 3 is just Dark Souls 1 2.

Waited forever for this game, and was not disappointed in the slightest. Pikmin 4 is super fun. It brings some really cool improvements on the previous games without taking away from the Pikmin formula. It's much longer than Pikmin 3, yet the gameplay stays varied and novel enough that I wasn't bored or annoyed by the end. I love Pikmin, I love this game, I hate Louie. All is well in the Pikmin realm.

One of a few games I wish I could play for the first time again. No game has given me the same sense of wonder and adventure. There's so much to say about it but nothing that will really capture how cool this game is. Can't wait for Tears of the Kingdom.

Not as bad as people make it out to be, but definitely not the best. The first 20% of this game was my first souls experience so I do have to give it credit for roping me into this genre.


Awesome artstyle and overall aesthetic, but the novelty wore off about halfway through. Pretty cool game though. Soundtrack slaps

Lots of fun, nice challenge but not ridiculous. Maybe I was a bit overleveled but everything past the Four Kings was really easy. Great level and enemy/boss design.

Awesome game, could play it forever and not get tired of it. Awesome soundtrack too

great vibes, cute and fun story with unique combat and awesome soundtrack. overhyped but still pretty great. ending was wild.

very good, preferred the stick control over motion control. surprisingly much to do for the size of the world, but never feels cramped. story was great, awesome ending sequence.

probably a five star game but I was too bad at it

fun and challenging, but sadly a bit short