I have mixed feelings about this game.
gameplay & characters: 3.5/10
The biggest thing that I did not like was the story (multiverse) and the character Viola. I don't like the idea of multiverses, and it just feels lazy". Viola also did not feel too "fit in" to the game and felt forcedly added.

gameplay: 5/10
the combat was not bad but I do not think it flows as smoothly as in Bayonetta 2.

If you enjoyed Bayonetta 1, then you should try this game as i thought it improved the second game in every single aspect.

The biggest thing I like about the game is the combat system, it felt good, and I liked using most weapons and combinations.
The second biggest thing I like is the design from monsters, and environment, to music that fits the different scenarios.

I might be harsh giving the game 3/5 compared to Bayonetta 2's score of 5/5. The reasons for this are:
1) The color choice in the game made it feel like nothing stood out, and the game felt like it "lacked colors".
2) I liked the story more in the second game
3) I felt the characters and interactions more in the second game

Story: 8.5/10
There are 4 story routes you can take, I have played 3.5 of them. The routes are distinct from each other (in the second half of the game). What makes the story interesting has a lot to do with the many characters' backgrounds, and how it affects the story.

characters: 10/10
I believe that the characters, from personality to background and connection to other characters made the game shine. Although i had favorite characters in the game, i would not want a single character to be removed, as they were all really great.

gameplay: 10/10
The game is split into a story, combat, and at the monastery (Garreg Mach monastery). The combat system is really simple to use, and the use of battalions played a really good exciting role and sometimes necessary role. I did not think i would like the combat as much as I did, but it was amazing. When instead you are in the monastery you get to train character skills, spend time and get affection points from characters, and can view cutscenes between characters. As equally (or more) important to the g as the battle

Music: 8/10

I have played the game twice, 100% completing the game on my second playthrough (except for getting all Korok seeds!).

The reason that subtracts points from the game is that it took me some time to go from: this is an ok/good game to: this is an amazing game.
One of the reasons behind that is that in the beginning, I played while getting distracted not getting much done. However, after taking a break and coming back to the game I had much more clear goals of what I wanted to do, and then my exploration felt much more fruitful and rewarding.

This is a great game, but the reason I did not give it an even higher score was that I spent a lot more time than I should have running around, and got lost at certain places. This is not necessarily bad as there is a lot to explore in the game, however, I felt that when I wanted to go somewhere it would almost always take longer than I wanted it to take.
The game is however very good, so for the new game SilkSong i wish for an easier time to travel around across the whole map.

This is the best Metroid game I have played!
gameplay: 10/10
The gameplay felt so smooth and simple. There was a good interval between getting new power-ups. The robots (E.M.M.I) were really scary in the beginning and was a good addition.
Traversing the Map: 10/10
The map is extremely well designed causing people to feel like making their own choices of where to go despite being led to specific places with small incentives.

Replayability: I had fun playing the game 2-3 times and think it is really simple and fun to replay.

There is a lot about the game I like and should rate the game higher. The reason I don't is that the game crashed a lot ( due to my Nintendo Switch is kinda fucked up, not due to the game)

What I liked: story & interaction with demons & sound-design

what I disliked: I felt a need to backtrack to savePoints often as dying meant going back to the last saveFile. Also felt that the game required a bit more grinding than preferred.

hour played: over 500hours

The game is really polished and is amazing with art & music & game franchise representation. I also like spirit mode quite a bit ("main story") and the game has always been fun even for new players to play casually with friends. Just this would make me rate the game near an 8/10, however, If you like the game competitively and play online, you will easily rack up hundreds of hours just playing.

The most sold game of all time should be a good indication of its quality.

I would say that I feel a lot more immersion and emotional investment into other games, however with Minecraft the time just flies by super quick. This game is fun whether or not I play it alone or with friends. Even if the game is unlike most other games I think the game is worth experiencing.

music: 10/10:
You have likely heard "Megalovania" which is from this game. The game's entire OST has the same quality as Megalovania, all of which feel like they grab onto your heart for an immersive ride.

Story & characters: 10/10
Not a single (story) character was unforgettable, and most were funny. A big part of the game's story is about choosing to kill or spare the story characters, and oh boy do the characters feel alive. Even after replaying the game multiple times (quite a short game if you play it once) I still feel during certain parts. If there is a game I would praise for pulling on your heart for emotions, this is my number one choice.

gameplay: 10/10
Although the gameplay is amazing, the way you choose to fight affects the game so much.
As long as you don't play "genocide run" then the game will be at a good difficulty level for most players, else you will need to be determined to replay certain bosses many times.

Summary: This game is Amazing, if you are hesitant to buy it, at least watch someone play it!

It is an alright game, and even more fun watching others playing it than playing it yourself according to me.

What makes the game hard to rate higher is due to the game becoming more boring the more you play, and everyone gets familiar with how things work.

characters: 9/10
The characters are one of the selling points making the game stand out IMO. What hinders the characters from being 10/10 is Dante's perverseness. I thought it was quite fine, however, I can see others thinking poorly of the MC due to it.

Story: 8.5/10
The mystery part of the game, and unlocking the story as you progress are all very good. What deducts points from the story are two things: 1) Spontaneous comedic moments appearing which can break immersion. 2) Depending on the order you play chapters you could get heavy implications of the truth behind the mystery, which otherwise would be seen near the ending.
As I think the characters are one of the Big points of the game, the spontaneous comedic acts although they did break emersion, were in line and reinforced the characters' personality.

music: 8/10
As stand-alone music, I would rate the general OST as 4.5/10, however, if we combine it with the story and characters in mind then the OST fits in perfectly with the game and helps the game to stand out.

Summary: 8/10
Quite a good game, but if you want a 100% immersion mystery game this is not for you as there are scenes that break the immersion from mystery/seriousness to comedy.

sound-design: 10/10
I still play "Steam Gardens" ost outside the game.

character control:10/10
This character control is one big reason for rating the game so highly. Despite the simple controls, you have so much control over Mario and the control has never felt "choppy".

Kingdoms you travel to: 8.5/10
Some Kingdoms could have performed better, however, I enjoyed and felt the uniqueness of each kingdom.

story: 5/10 (for a Mario game, else 2/10)
I was mostly interested in the gameplay so even if the story was 0/10, I would likely give the game a similar score.

Gameplay & captures: 8.5/10
I enjoyed collecting all the moons but if your goal is to complete the game by minimally collecting moons it takes roughly 4 hours, and you will like the game less.

immersion: 9/10
art-style: 10/10
music 10/10
player-challenge: (6.6/10 for just completing the game, 9 for completing all side-levels & bonus levels, 10 to 100% complete game)

I died many times in the game, but combining the music the art style, and the addicting gameplay made me want to continue. The harder parts also gave me motivation as even a tiny step to completing them gave me a lot of satisfaction.