about ludzu

og idea from clearin, who used this template im also using https://imgur.com/uASzgz3

favorite game

dont even know where to start with this. not everything works but it just goes for so much, the expanse of it feels so huge that it makes my head spin. a world of hazy memory and decaying scaffolding and finding a home out of ruin that also lets you see that that is what games themselves are
best series

representing love-de-lic legacy, ie this game and many of the games that came from the individual developers afterward. a spirit of defying convention and genre runs through them, true to themselves and invaluable even in their messiness. maybe stretching what counts as a series here bc i havent played every game that qualifies as ldl legacy, including big hitters that directly imitate moon like giftpia or ufo or endonesia, but i dont think there is another group of games taken together that has had as much effect on me to this day as this loose group does. the first 4 silent hills or grasshopper's pre-no more heroes output are the runner ups if you want something more series-ish
best soundtrack

diverse and fun and emotional and pure distilled video game. putting lives up bc i love toda pasion
favorite protagonist

sumio mondo in this is everything and i relate to his journey and his particularities hard. francis york morgan from deadly premonition is close but he owes his life to sumio in fsr anyway. a flower needs sun and rain to grow
favorite villain

alot of my love of this game comes from seeing it as a spatially expressed character study of gehn, a fascist old creep with racial baggage who forces an entire cosmology based on a nothing detail of the world he is obsessed with, which may in fact just be something he projected into it in the first place. a sad man trapped in his star shaped cell.
best story

i dont like or understand this category and cant think of what my #1 would be here. so im adding a game that is not my favorite necessarily, but one i think is underrated and deserves more attention for its narrative
havent played but want to

stubbornly waiting for someone to translate the script of this game (patch or somewhere viewable outside the game is fine). the one love-de-lic game i haven't played for that reason, despite being technically playable without a translation
game you love everyone hates

chulip's gotten a better reception in recent years but it's still very "cute and charming at least but sucks to play" for the most part. i love it unapologetically bc its peak "ps2 game you pick out without knowing what it is and its weird and kind of scary" AND its at the same time genuinely personal n artful as a game abt finding happiness in a world of hardship. long life town is my second home
game you hate everyone loves

its the most universally liked game i can think of by those that played it that i cannot relate to at all
best artstyle

every screen of this is so magical and makes me feel like a kid again
best ending

could put moon here but i dont want to have the same game twice, so how about another game where traveling around a sphere makes me emotional
best boss fight

not an unpopular opinion here but giygas is scary and i still find the way you defeat him rly sweet.
childhood game

explains why i dont have much love for platformers these days. yet also explains why i do have much love for pain
relaxing game

not my #1 go-to necessarily but picking a few choice user-made levels and going into climb/jump/vibe mode is the most comfy experience i can think of
stressful game

just a zombie game i not gonna get scared :) (hears window break after total silence and they clamber in) AHHHHHHH ITS SCARY ITS SO SO SCARY ITS REALLY SACRY I GOT SCARED :(((((((
game i always come back to

headshot roundhouse combo is my comfort food
guilty pleasure

only guilty that i dont actually like playing the games themselves all that much. but i am thinking abt the world and characters the games brought forward all the time and i dont call that a "guilty pleasure" at all. i dont choose to have conniptions over haruka but i wouldnt trade it for anything.
tons of hours played

last i checked it was getting close to 500 hrs. probably wont increase for a long time and re4 might technically have overtaken it, but this is the one i have proof of having played it more than any other at least

1 Comment

2 years ago

unique picks here, i dig it. va-11 hall-a seems to fall into the "love-it-or-hate-it" camp for a number of reasons, but I suspect a lot of it is that it's very... self-indulgent

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