i have never in my entire fucking life experienced such emotional whiplash in replaying a game.

my experience playing cyberpunk has now spanned literal years and i have felt every possible feeling i could have about a piece of media in that time. do not ask me my opinion on it. this whole thing has broken my fucking brain

i love writing i love rpgs i love storytelling i love pathetic characters who hold nothing back i love the way this game makes me giggle and weep and makes my heart ache

alright games are done, the best one has been made, lets pack it up fellas

this was the nail in the coffin for jrpgs for me lmao

i keep coming back to it hoping it'll be good but i always end up getting burnt out. i feel like the best part of it is the construction and design (and subsequent redesigns) of your town but it requires //so much// resource grinding that it cuts off an integral part of the game appeal for many.

kinda repetitive. resource management stressful. im not built to have all these cultists depending on me. wdym you need food?? shelter?? a clean toilet???? do it yourself dude holy fuck

it's what need to get made for dh2 to exist so

enjoy the storytelling approach very much.

fuck that one dude you moved in with. douche.

useful for creating playlists of old timey post apocalyptic music. not much else

teen cringe but in a very real way. icon.

look. i know we don't want to talk about it but pro-militarism is weird. it's weird in all american media and its weird here.

sometimes the grind is just a grind.

this game reconstucted my brain when i played it and it is now so deeply engrained in the architecture of my being that the foundations of my subjective experiences are inseparable from it.