should of played this game more when i had the chance.

has no right to be as good as it is.

i was reading too much into it, (or more precisely, i was interpreting it incorrectly) as apparently the author's word (which I consider important; the author is undead) is that the game is about beauty and light in (seemingly) ugly places and times, which i can see. so the reverse of what i thought it was attempting to communicate.

also there's a Nick Land NPC.

way better than 2016. marauders are fine enemies. play on Nightmare.


1 star off due to the scaling on Chaka’s custom combo. game looks fucking gorgeous.

between the hilariously high input delay, joycon drift, all the characters being nearly identical, the game’s movement and system mechanics being designed for “casual” play making it have an awful game feel (surprise surprise, removing player agency for “casuals” and adding a bunch more endlag for no reason just makes the game less fun for everyone), and probably several other things, this is probably one of the least fun party games i’ve ever played.

it also sucks as a competitive game/sport, but post-Melee smash is just so dull in that department it's barely worth mentioning. 64 and Melee were just accidentally good.

easily better than the first game despite some admittedly flawed level design.

bizarrely enough has (or had, idk) an incredible modding scene?

campaign mode—which should be the main attraction, because it’s easily the most entertaining—gets boring after a while, but hopefully that will change by the time the game releases. this is definitely one of those games which benefits from an abundance of content and what in any other game would be considered "bloat". more is definitely more here.

EDIT: definitely changed at least a bit. there's proper character progression now.

it’s ok, as far as metroid clones go. world design is incredible, obviously.

why do people like this? one of the most boring and derivative metroidvanias i’ve ever played. does nothing new and does everything worse when compared with its contemporaries. the art style is nice i guess? but there is little to no aesthetic variance between areas, so it gets old very fast. people who liked this just haven't played other metroidvanias lmfao.

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the best metroidvania. main gameplay is standard fare with a very tight atmosphere but the post-game is just insane (and also has an incredible atmosphere) and puts this game into masterpiece territory. a sequel is on the way!

probably the only roguelike I’ve been able to thoroughly get into. incredibly tight gameplay when compared to other roguelikes due to the game cutting out a lot of the fluff through the magic keys of “O” and “Tab” and the game’s general design philosophy of removing pointless bloat. though I’d be lying if I didn’t say that I missed half the shit they remove. re-add hill giants.

exceptionally boring after you've completed the game once.