76 Reviews liked by ohheybuddysharon

You guys spent $70 on Bad Piggies

People will complain for a game launching buggy, but will happily play fallout new vegas a game that crashes if you play it on a tuesday and its slightly warmer than normal

i wish i was riotgames. get millions of dollars to ripoff other games while looking and playing worse with a fraction of the content. all for the sake of esports. I can't wait for them to fill the staples center with their ripoff of chess that only uses pawns and only takes up 16 squares

search super paper Mario into discord gif search

>mediocre 2010's generic third person shooter about killing people
>mediocre 2010's generic third person shooter about killing people but now has a shitty and pretentious message about "are we really the bad guys?" presented in the worst possible way
>"masterpiece" and "hidden gem that we didn't understood at the time"

Why is the audio in this game SO ASS BRO LIKE WHAT
literally sounds like two cans on a string were used to record this game's sound.

i used to be so down bad
i had this jill valentine poster from re3 in my room when i was younger that every time i got some victory in a game i would point at it and go “yeah baby” (i was like 12 leave me alone). my cousin was over for christmas one time. we were playing halo 3 and i kept beating him in 1v1s and kept doing my little victory routine after each win and that got him so mad that he yelled and started punching holes in the poster causing me to tackle him and start pummeling him with smacks across his face while tears rolled down my eyes. that day i felt a loss of innocence. good game.

the video game equivalent of asking you to spell "icup" out loud

criminally uncaptivating. open world #854534634634634649: tokyo edition featuring the worst fucking controller sensitivity ever implemented in a video game. you'd be better off playing an fps on the atari 2600

"it's aged weirdly though!!" buhuhu SHUT UP! YOU CAN SUPLEX CULTISTS!

Me: I really miss mid tier licensed games from the 90s and 00s.

Me playing this: Hmmmm, perhaps Not...


This is the jankiest feeling new game I've played in a pretty long time. There's definite potential to be had but the game spends so much time taking inspiration from elsewhere while not sticking the landing with anything. I was able to deal with it a bit more early in but as time went by mixture of the less than stellar combat, level/map design from hell, the backtracking, and rancid platforming/slide sections took a toll. I just wanted it to be done.

There's a solid base here and I'll be keeping tabs on a sequel. It could be something special.