Games that made me buy a console (in the past ten or so years)

Whether it's what got me to own it in the first place, or what prompted me to re-buy a console I already had prior; this is a list of every single game that convinced me to pick something up. At least, that I remember, because I have way too many consoles.

More often than not, it took a few games to convince me to make a purchase, so there's a ton here on the same platforms. Who buys a console to play 1 thing?
...Eh, probably plenty of people, but I'm not one of them.

FDS games run better on flashcarts than they do on the actual FDS. Very glad that the disk auto-flips itself, because even emulators have you rebind the keys.
This one's a little funny- because it's actually the reason for two things.

I own a NeoGeo now to play the original, but before that, I got my Genesis overclocked to play the home port of it at reasonable speeds.

I go back to both semi-regularly. NeoGeo Viewpoint is lovely, but the bullet density is much higher than I'm used to since I played the port for so long.

The Genesis version doesn't have the "Y'all ready?" sample though, so I can't live in a world where I don't have both.
The NES doesn't do expansion sound.

With a soundtrack like this, I wasn't gonna accept any less than the best.
Definitely my favorite PC Engine game (and one of my favorite shmups in general), so I made the right call for that ODE.
Game Gear version. The game's really flickery, and it's clearly evident that it was meant to be seen on the original screen where ghosting masks most of it.

I love Gunstar Heroes too much not to experience it the way they intended.
Swapped out the audio board in my Game Gear so that I can crank that shit up
One of my favorite Castlevania games (which is one of the coldest takes in the universe), so finding out that the PC Engine CD system took burned disks made me want one.
Got a Super Gameboy to play the enhanced version of this, and wasn't disappointed!
Got a Super Gameboy to play the enhanced version of this, and was disappointed!
I saw the arcade card just to even boot this game ran for 100 bucks on eBay pretty regularly, so.... this game prompted me to sell my CD system in favor of an ODE.

Just felt like a better investment at that point. 100 dollars for one game, or 100 dollars for the entire library? Not a hard choice to make.
I don't know if I'll ever get 10 people together to do the multiplayer for this again, but I am so glad I got to experience it just that once.

Now I just have an unreasonable amount of Saturn controllers lying around.
Used to be one of my favorite arcade games, so I couldn't even begin to tell you how stoked I was to learn that they made a twinstick for the home version.

IGDB has to put the cover on! Come on!
I'm kind of reeling over the fact that I picked up a legitimate copy of this for 50 bucks.
Sega's STILL never ported this! What the hell!
You can put the rumble pack in the lightgun's VMU slot for feedback on the gunshots.

It's sick as hell.
Was really excited to see the greatest fighting game intro of all time on a CRT. Beautiful stuff.
First DC game I had. First DC game most people had, probably; goes without saying, it's Sonic Adventure.

DX isn't even half as good, dude.
This game's coolest feature is locked behind a Dreamcast link cable, which isn't something that was ever replicated in an emulator. My two options were either A: not experience it, or B: get a DC link cable and unlock the stuff. Seeing how long this list is, you can infer why I picked B.

Which was worth it, by the way! This game's unique feature is the "Making" mode, where you take a character of choice and add customization parts to them to play the way you want. Double jumps, wall jumps, electric and fire attacks, higher grab ranges, higher damage, summoning God's holy light, coming back from the dead? You name it, there's probably a part for it!

I saw that Shingo can pull out a revolver and nail someone right between the eyes, so you know I had to get in on that.
This port's audio quality blew me away.
It's what got me looking into the Wonderswan library in the first place, so naturally it was one of my first purchases when I did get around to picking one up.
Wonderswan games are super awkward to emulate with its whole "vertical mode" business, and after finding that they were (and still are!) pretty cheap to pick up, I figured I'd just buy one.

I really enjoy picking this game up at a leisure. Maybe it's not for everyone, but I like how lowkey it is compared to the original on PS1.
Part of the cascade effect that was purchasing SvC. While I don't regret it, this game really feels more like a companion piece to R-2 than worthwhile in its own right; it's not much of an improvement over 98, and the weird audio issues grate on you after a while. Not entirely sure how I feel about the new backgrounds either, but I appreciate that they're mostly faithful to the originals.

At least the intro cutscene is cool.
Still, needing to gain EXP to transfer to R-2 is the sole reason why I'm good enough at 98 to have won a tournament once.
NGPC emulation wasn't very good. This is a fighting game, so that's kind of a big deal.

Going through this game's menus had me learn that there was a Dreamcast link for bonus content. I kinda thought "whaaaaaaaa???" and investigated since I love CVS2.... but then found out this game doesn't connect to CVS2 anyway.

But that had me curious, which led me to the next game!
It's Sonic. I like Sonic!
I don't like Sonic on shitty emulation though, so I got an NGPC.
One of the greatest fighting games ever made deserves better than graphical hiccups in emulation.

Every home port that wasn't the DC version was botched somehow...
Held out for a Wonderswan flashcart for a VERY long time because of this game. I'm not spending 1000+ dollars on one shootemup, but I don't want to emulate it either!
Did you know that the Wonderswan's screen refreshes at 75hz, and not 60? You're at an active disadvantage emulating it!
I regularly mod my consoles, but this game is the reason that I still own a stock GBA. Looking at backlit screens in broad daylight kinda sucks.
This game is the reason I own multiple GBAs. I'm SO GLAD that NSO will give a lot of people a chance to experience its co-op.
A very unique game with RTC and a peripheral for real battlechip support; really can't be experienced the same way through an emulator, especially not at the time I played it.

While it didn't convince me to buy another Gameboy or anything, I'm still putting it on the list, because I ended up buying someone's used PET in a lot that had all the battlechips.
I don't think you should be legally allowed to play this on an emulator.
Did an AV mod to a DS lite so I could play this on a CRT the way God intended.
Picked up a DS again to play this and its sequel online with my buddies. There's really nothing quite like the PVP in this game, and I love how the combat slowly opens up more and more if you have people to connect with.

It's kind of an odd concept, though.... the idea of an RPG that gets better with friends is novel, but the poor sales of the game meant pretty much nobody got to play it the way they designed for.
Played this game a long time ago, thought it was brilliant. Found out that there are 3 of them, scoped out a PSP.

Ended up getting a Vita instead for a VASTLY improved battery life compared to the PSP's poor showing, and also because I figured "Well, I'm sure the Vita has games I'd like to play!"
This one isn't grouped with the other ones, because it was actually part of the reason I got a Wii U. Let me explain.

I found out that the Wii U's virtual console included DS games, and thought "Oh! Awesome!" There are VC injects just like the original Wii, and I'd always wanted to play this game on the big screen, so I hacked it IMMEDIATELY just for this.

The game's FMVs run at the wrong framerate, and the entire thing freezes after you finish Spring Breeze. So.... this game made me very acutely aware of the compatibility issues, and I didn't stick with it.

At least Canvas Curse worked fine, sheesh.
I wasn't going to play this on an emulator. You NEED the Wii remote for this.
I had no idea how to set it up on Dolphin so I just went and picked up a used Wii with Brawl for like 20 bucks.

Kinda fucked up that "A used Wii with Brawl for 20 bucks" is a steal these days instead of just the norm.
Fucked up that this game is trapped on two download services that no one ever looks into.
Almost bit the bullet and got a Wii U just for this, like, probably three different times.

I'm kinda glad I waited for a price drop though, because I'm not entirely sure I like this more than the first. I've really ought to finish it to see if I still feel that way...
This game was particularly upsetting to me when I finally got around to it. Not because I didn't like it... but because I already loved Canvas Curse, the co-op was some of the most fun I've had playing a game with my buddies, and I avoided getting a Wii U because I was told this game sucked.

People looked me dead in my eyes and told me a Kirby game was bad. Worse, I believed them.

I'm never listening to Nintendo fans again.
Hesitated on getting a Wii U for a long time because of this game's middling reviews, but I've wanted it ever since it came out.

Got one in the secondhand market after the Switch dropped and everyone was getting rid of theirs... and I felt like I was lied to. I LOVE this game's control scheme.
I was on a huge mecha kick around the time, so when I found out this game was in full English and already on the Vita, I was immediately sold.

I think RPGs are better on handhelds. You could play them in short bursts in whatever downtime you have across your day. I rarely ever finish console RPGs because of their length, but give me a quicksave feature and slap it on a handheld and I'm way more likely to stick it through.

....even though I haven't finished this one yet.

One day.


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