They put a bunch of Game Boy games on the NSO and I blasted through this in one sitting last night. I had a lot of fun. I really enjoy Rabbit Mario and as always it has some really creative levels and ofc the introduction of Wario! I really like how big and ugly and scary Wario is in this game. I think im going to rock some Wario Land 3 soon, its also on the service

I love the 2D-HD engine and I think its so amazing. The soundtrack is great, the style, the break system in combat but the story and characterisation is such a flop its not even fumble. Made it really drag at points. I felt this get too grindy for me. But damn is it pretty

The online was very very fun. This era was a really special time for me for playing and smoking with lots of friends. This game was a big part of that. The split screen 4 player. All the different control options, the online with split screen, the variety of tracks and characters. Was a bit sort of just straight up bland normal mario, no weird twist or personality. But it was fucking fun

This is maybeeee my favourite Mario game. Its very hard to say. But I think the combination of the level designs. The world map giving options to explore. The secret paths, the new power ups, the Koopa kids.. I dont know. This one is very good. That said they all kinda are

I played the PS5 version. Was one of those games that slipped me by because I wasnt playing games for those years and I never caught up. So the remake was worth it for a virgin like me. I cried at everytime it wants you to cry lol.

I totally get the appeal of Rocket League and have lots of fun playing with friends on the sofa together. I have never put enough time into to it to get very good though. So the depth I have not really messed around with. But on surface level. Very fun

A very, very easy way to have fun with any friends. I am a big Wii Sports fan and I really enjoy the series, the gimmick, the music, the style, the miis.. everything. This is up there with Super Mario Bros. as a gamechanger. So fun


I like this style of FPS and for me the original still holds up with few flaws. Its very fast paced. You run and gun and pic up new weapons. I enjoy it a lot. Doom has been a pretty tight and exciting and consistent series for me. Going back to this one.

I remember seeing this advertised on TV and thinking how the fuck can KH work on the handheld. It worked pretty well! Fun spin off with kind of goofy combat mechanics. But they worked. I guess the biggest surprise was how essential the story that played out here is to the overall KH lore (which is dumb but I love it)

I remember this game releasing and it blowing my mind. The adventure very soothing, very reflective and the moments where other journeymen joined your adventure for periods and you communicated without language was really special. This game was something for sure

Honestly I just deserve a fucking prize for doing that crazy twisting spring locks challenge with a PS4 controller. I did enjoy the atmosphere of this game. It feels more interactive because of how they set everything up. Was kinda fun

Its a remake of the first one so as a consequence kind of unmemorable. Obviously the first game is tight and well designed and it does look very pretty in 16-Bit. But if I want to tackle Simons first adventure I will always go back to the NES

I normally have zero interest in stuff like this but Bioshock was really fun and creative and especially the world and the design was super compelling. I never made it to any sequels though. I hear infinite is great

What an incredible game. I remember just being blown away by the creativity in how every world and planet changed things up. I know that is the name of the game with Mario but I really feel this was a peak. So good.

oh my god. A modern classic. This game is fucking incredible and that it just came out one evening after they showed a trailer in a presentation sort of makes it more legendary. Its so many of my favourite things rolled into one package. Its like Devil May Cry/Bayonetta meets Jet Set Radio... meets Space Channel 5... meets Sunset Overdrive meets. IDFK. The fact that lead designers from those games and Okami and Resident Evil and that sort of gold standard worked on this FUCKING SHOWS. The creativity... the pacing... the character (I loved all these guys)... the personality of the world... the art style.. Idk man I feel this has entered my category of most video game ever. Which is a high standard few reach for me where they fire on all fucking cylinders. DID NOT EXPECT THIS GAME TO MAKE ME SCREAM, LAUGH, CRY, PUMP MY FIST IN THE AIR. what a fucking gem. Hopefully Tango are just invested in after this showing. And this needs to become a core first party franchise. The world and characters are great