⌚ Time to finish - 17h (35% complete - focused mainly on story, and did a bunch of fun trophies. skipped all the grindy ones.) The game always moved at an excellent pace as the franchise is known for.
🤬Difficulty - easy. As expected from drake series. Combat was fun and varied. Really enjoyed all the different combat set pieces.
🔊 Soundtrack - Awesome.
🌄Graphics – Drop dead gorgeous. I probably spent many minutes just looking at the scenery and taking it in. Its a shame if people skip all this and follow the plot. There is so much beauty here. Hats off to their creativity and design.
🌦 Atmosphere – Amazing. A+. Masterpiece.
📚 Main Story / Characters – I always found the drake story lines hard to follow. I chalk it up to how action movie stories don't make any sense and don't link well together. This is on par with that. Instead of going to A -> B they follow bunch of artificial leads as they do in 3 and just travel around everywhere. As in uncharted 3 characters are added and removed as the gameplay demands but its not so bad here. 3 it was pretty inorganic here its mostly organic. However the story is fun and i liked Sam and Sully along with the new bad guy Rafe. Nadine was one dimensional. Overall the story was fine but not uncharted 2 level.

🤺 Combat – They have refined this again and again. Stealth attacks are pretty viable and I enjoyed that alot. No issues enjoyed everything about it. Some combat set pieces were amazing here. Some of the best in the series. Reminded me of uncharted 2 level creativity here. One of the combat set pieces moves from foot, car, air, car, etc seamlessly. it was amazing!

🧭 Side Activities / Exploration –Skipped all the collectibles (boring) so I did not plat it. But I did a bunch of fun side trophies. Would definitely recommend.
🚗 Movement/Physics – Perfect. Sure its linear but what do you expect? Get stuck in a drake game and miss out on the fast pace action. No thanks. There were one or 2 places I did get stuck and not know how to progress. It took some time to find it. I do not ever remember this in other games.
📣 Voice acting – Brilliant.
🥇 Best thing about the game - Story, music, action and how it all comes together. Another masterpiece and its pure fun. Naughty Dog is so good at this. I am so impressed how every game in this series is so damn good. It marries movie making, video game making, story telling, sound design into a package time after time that no one else has been able to replicate.

💡Final Thoughts:

Must play! Absolutely no boring parts, which i thought 3 hard. I think its on par with uncharted 2, if not a littttle worse. But better than 1 and 3. Spoiler alert: Lost Legacy is the best Uncharted game, and I will cover that in my next review. GO PLAY IT NOW!

Note: atypical short review since I abandoned the game. It’s not fair.

pixel art is great as is the music. From level to level it tells a story of how things start small and eventually you get more stuff, move into larger spaces. It felt zen to organize everything and look at the nicely laid out rooms. But about half way through, I felt i saw enough and didn't want to continue any further. I think it is very repetitive and can deteriorate your experience unless you are really into the zen of organizing drawers. Its great to play a few levels for anyone i think.

It took me a while to figure out what rating I wanted to give this. But ultimately I decided on a high rating. This game is definitely a roller coaster. Overall, I am rating this based on the story they told, vs the game I WISH they had delivered. It just goes to show how good the game 1 was that I was so invested in what they would do in game 2. That I think is an achievement. Simply put they made bold and polarizing choices at some parts, but I commend them for doing that to push conversation. Its clear in the game they threw every idea they had at it. This review aims to be spoiler free but this is a huge story driven game.

-- pretty spoiler free review --

⌚ Time to finish - 26h 30m (35% complete - focused mainly on story, but I did open every desk, room I can go into, so I explored a ton. ) I felt at times the game was very long, and story was moving slow at times. But I reminded myself, even if its slow, I reminded myself to focus on what is fun, the combat. This is no doubt an ambitious project and you can see that playing the game.
🤬Difficulty - medium - Harder than game 1. Lots of fun new mechanics. Almost everything about this game is better than the 1st but as we will see further in the review there are some very questionable things which are way worse than game 1.

🔊 Soundtrack - Awesome. The guitar the tense music. A+.
🌄Graphics – Huge step up from previous. Really a little more detailed texture and more grass/foliage really changed it. Some mountain landscapes are mind-blowing good.
🌦 Atmosphere – Amazing. Every fight I felt tense, ever corridor i walked through I was listening for people and clickers. A+.
📚 Main Story / Characters –
There is ALOT to say here! And Because I don't want to spoil anything I won't. Simply put there are large chunks of this game where you are forced to likely do things you don't want to do. Though its well done (which is why I give it high rating), because its a story driven game, its one thing to watch it, its completely another thing to do it and be forced to do it. It leaves a VERY bad taste in your mouth. This also steers away from the main purpose of the game. Luckily this is only part of the game and though this part really brought down the game, the rest of the game is a masterpiece, this I chalked it up to them wanting to make bold decisions.
Overall the new characters in this game are less likable to the chars in #1. I still love all the chars even side chars in #1. I dislike most if not all #2 new chars. Again for them to create chars that I have such emotional response to is a great. Example: I don't like tony soprano & walter white, but I watched every thing they do like a hawk. Big difference here is watching vs playing as them...
Story wise I wish they had told a different story. There was so much setup in game 1 that I wish they followed on. Where they did, it was brilliant, where they didn't it was polarizing.

🤺 Combat – Step up from 1. Really enjoyed all the battles. Never felt too easy, had to use a combo of items. Always had enough but not too much. Combat does go from stealth, to brawl, to uber boss fight. I enjoyed all of them though some people felt uber boss fights aren't the theme of this game. I liked the challenge.
🧭 Side Activities / Exploration – Boring for me. Mainly collection, check every desk, there is a tiny bit of open world at one part, which I didn't care for. Why throw that in there?
🚗 Movement/Physics – Thank god they got rid of ladders from game 1. Everything was as expected and as it should be any good game, stays in the background and makes sure you aren't encumbered by it.
📣 Voice acting – Brilliant. What can I say. The best in any franchise. The facial expressions coupled with the voice acting is top notch. You can REALLY feel the emotions.
🥇 Best thing about the game - the first 1/3 and the last third of the game are absolute masterpieces of story telling, gameplay, emotions. Everything. Its near perfect.

💡Final Thoughts:

Despite the roller coaster this will likely take you on. Its a must play and an amazing game. The parts that resonated with me are sooooo good, that they overshadow the parts that didn't. Its an ambitious project where they threw everything and the kitchen sink. Likely this game could have used sometime focusing on the best parts, but its also clear they spent a lot of time developing lots of concepts and maybe didn't want to cut it. Which is fine. The more last of us the better. Maybe they could have thought about releasing some parts as DLC/expansion. Either way an amazing game which you will be thinking about for a long time. So much work went into this and you owe it to yourself to play this game and experience it for yourself.

⌚ Time to finish - 10 hours (82% complete - few levels replayed for fun. External HD crashed so had to replay about 2 hours of game)
🤬Difficulty - easy - medium - The difficulty on the later 7-9 stages ramps up to hard. But once you go through it a few times and figure out your optimal path forward it gets easier. The ball is also very hard to control in the beginning but you soon get the hang of it. It took me a while to really learn how to control the ball so I probably took longer than most to finish this game.

🔊 Soundtrack - I really liked a few tracks few, they were quirky and fun. Some were fine. I can see why this is a highlight for most people.
🌄Graphics – Nothing to speak of. Its an old game but doesnt look too bad.
🌦 Atmosphere – Not much of an atmosphere game. It doesn't need it.
📚 Main Story / Characters – Story is only here for quirkiness. Nothing really to write home again. I do love how the king berates you everytime you fail lol.
🤺 Combat – None
🧭 Side Activities / Exploration – I did all the trophies except collection ones. The ball is already hard to control, I didn't want to bother trying to control the ball to get to exact places where all the rarer items are.
🚗 Movement/Physics – It takes some time to get use to. Later on I got pretty good from very bad. Its crazy how on youtube the best players are controlling it so smooth. Stick with it and you will learn. Its meant to be clunky. Its a ball of random crap! Its pretty impressive though how well the ball moves considering the size and what you rolled into it.
📣 Voice acting – None
🥇 Best thing about the game - Its absolutely impressive to me how the same level looks so different based on your size. In the park when you are small you gobble up shovels, as you get bigger you gobble up people, and play structures, and shops, and eventually even clouds, and tornados. Its nuts! There is no game that helps you see sense of scale like this.

💡Final Thoughts:

Must play. However if you find yourself frustrated with the controls stick with it. Its well worth it, no other game like this. However, if you decide not to, play enough to get a feel of this sense of how scale is represented in this game and just play a few easy levels over and over again. Like I did for practice.

This game fundamentally exploits a common human tendency, collecting and feeling powerful. It zeroes in on it and makes you feel so.

--- Tips (Spoilers) ----
1. Start small and go up
2. Find areas of density and move quickly. Don't back track for ONE thing when you can grab 4-5 things in the same time. Density is the name of the game.
3. People, plants, buildings give tons of progress
4. Learn how to quickly flip from one side of the ball to the other (press l3+r3)

⌚ Time to finish - 13 hours and 30 minutes
🤬Difficulty - easy. Some parts were unintuitive to get past so I did have to look up in 2 places as there were no hints or anything provided. However, I find the professor provides enough help that It wasn't a big issue. Thank god for this professor. :)

🔊 Soundtrack - fitting nothing memorable
🌄Graphics – Game is very old so graphics don't hold up but apart from cut scenes where it was really apparent, the actual gameplay wasn't too hampered by it.
🌦 Atmosphere – such a unique atmosphere and mind bending levels. Its clear that they probably wanted to do more but the tech was not up to par for it. I can't wait for psychonauts 2 and see what they do.
📚 Main Story / Characters – The story is very creative and funny. They turned how our mind works, childhood fears, and facing our inner battles into a game. Rez jumps into people's heads and helps them with their problems just like a therapist would. Because he was in people's minds this allowed for some really cool level designs.
🤺 Combat – fine, but the real fun is mixing and matching your abilities. Bosses are pretty simple to beat but they all have great personalities.
🧭 Side Activities / Exploration – Some interesting side activities but I wasn't compelled to find everything. Some of the brain collection puzzles require creative thinking so its worth it.
🚗 Movement/Physics – Overall good. But there are one or 2 places where the camera angle is all screwy so its hard to make certain jumps. This was especially true in the last levels. But its ok nothing frustrating. took a few tries.
📣 Voice acting – Great. All the voices were great.
🥇 Best thing about the game - Creative level design that will leave a lasting impression

💡Final Thoughts:

I played this on my road to psychonauts 2. I know i am coming to this game 10+ years after its release but it still works! This is a fun game though does feel a little dated. However come here for the creative level design that will stick with you for a long time, story, funny dialog, and every character has a personality. Like pixar turned mind into the movie, Inside Out, Psychonauts turned mind into a game.


⌚ Time to finish - 1 hours 40 minutes (some exploration)
🤬Difficulty - easy

🔊 Soundtrack - Great sound track.
🌄Graphics – really pretty. makes you appreciate the beauty of the ocean its life and nature. It really makes you feel a sense of wonder and love for the ocean.
🌦 Atmosphere – great atmosphere, the visuals and audio are something to experience.
📚 Main Story / Characters – The game tells its story through visuals and murals. Pay attention to it. I think the game is mainly a metaphor for us to take care of our oceans and restoring its balance and beauty. It was a nice message.
🤺 Combat – none
🧭 Side Activities / Exploration – for those that want to unlock things like meditation spots, well its there.
🚗 Movement/Physics – Game wasn't long and nothing complicated was asked of me so movement didn't get in the way. But I could not fully get use to it. Not only because of input lap but because character can move in full 360. I haven't played too many such games so i had trouble wrapping my head around it. But it didn't hinder the main story. It did cause me to not explore as much as i wanted.
📣 Voice acting – Not much

💡Final Thoughts:

A beautiful game with a beautiful message. Play it on the best settings and biggest screen you can handle. There are certain scenes that are universally loved in this game that others who played it will talk about. I am sure you will feel the same. This game made me feel a sense of love for ocean life and nature and invoked good positive feelings in me. Its a game where you are basically swimming through works of art. If you didn't catch the story look it up afterwards.

⌚ Time to finish - 18 hours (80% completion - main story (16h) + bunch of side activities on my way to 100%). With experience and focus people seem to be completing main story in 8-10hrs.

🤬Difficulty - Ori's little brother. One of the most difficult games I played. Mainly because I am new to precise action combat oriented games. However, I think its perfect difficulty. Though frustrating at times due to my own skill, i wanted to go over and over again till i won. I never once felt like it was unfair as I did in Ori. The boss fights are a masterpiece. Every fight is unique and flows like butter.

🔊 Soundtrack - Great sound track.
🌄Graphics – Excellent.
🌦 Atmosphere – great atmosphere.
📚 Main Story / Characters – I loved all the characters. the Crow is such a bad ass how he walks through the levels. The characters are so funny. I want to 100% this game and see what it has to offer.
🤺 Combat – Amazing. Its precise its punishing. Its creative. The boss battles are so good and have so much personality. When you see a boss for the 1st time you have absolutely no idea how you even plan to tackle it but after dying to it 10 times you start seeing the cracks. And then finally after the 20th time you defeat the boss. What a journey it is and so rewarding. I want more games like this that found the perfect balance. The game rewards you for coming up with creative plans and timing things. Sure you can slash the boss, but if you it right you can throw a projectile into a boss mouth for a very different effect! There are so many little things like this hidden everywhere to reward creativity.
🧭 Side Activities / Exploration – I only have one gripe with this game, no map!!!! However, I am going to 100% this game which I would never do. There is so much in this game that is fun and not repetitive. The epilogue is as well crafted as the actual game and is lengthy. There are so many things to discover as you 100% the game that I want to see it all. The only issue I have is planting the life seeds. I didn't know at the beginning of the game i needed that for 100% so that will now be tedious to walk through the whole map finding places to plant seeds. Rest of the stuff is great!
🚗 Movement/Physics – Pretty much perfect. I do feel that on some bosses when they back hand you, i dodge but somehow it doesnt always register in time. I assume this is my skill level as I don't see better players suffering this.
📣 Voice acting – Not much

💡Final Thoughts:

This game is a near masterpiece. The devs looked at everything with a fine tooth and added creativity to everything.

Not only is the game great, but it challenged me and I learnt a lot as the game progressed. I think I can play hades and the likes thanks to this game. I am going to 100% this game as I want to see everything and that is telling a lot.

I wanted to give this a 5 but settled on 4.5 because of no map, and having to look up some guides on the 100% achievement because there is no direction at all in the game or clues put in place to discover it on your own. I hate looking up guides.

This is a must play game. And one day I hope to beat this game with 0 deaths :) but that isnt going to happen until I get a thousand hours playing games like this. :) For a game this length there is almost no sense of repetition, re-use content, which alot of games do. Masterpiece!

⌚ Time to finish - 1 hours 40 minutes (Got half achievements)
🤬Difficulty - easy

🔊 Soundtrack - Great sound track.
🌄Graphics – nice to look at
🌦 Atmosphere – great atmosphere, feels like i am in nature :)
📚 Main Story / Characters – This is just simple exploration game. It was fun to explore with a simple premise. The characters are all nice. It just a feel good game.
🤺 Combat – none
🧭 Side Activities / Exploration – A bit to explore but once i kept going into same loops I stopped playing. I didn't want to look up guides. I got half the achievements so I am happy to stop here. There were some fun side games like race, boating, beach ball, etc.
🚗 Movement/Physics – No issues
📣 Voice acting – Not much

💡Final Thoughts:

I was playing this in the middle of deaths door and that was refreshing as death's door was brutal for me. The game is short, as the name implies. It was fun to meet the characters and generally just have a relaxing time exploring the woods. I think people should play it. You can probably beat the game in 45-1hr if even. But some may decide to stay longer as they like the atmosphere and explore. For me i got a good sense of that after 1.5hrs and i was ready to move on. Cute little game. :)

It might be unfair to ask this since it’s a short exploration game. But I would have loved a map to easily find all the activities I missed. My back log is too long for me run around till I stumble on things.

⌚ Time to finish - 10 hours 30 minutes
🤬Difficulty - easy

🔊 Soundtrack - Great sound track and fitting. Nothing that stood out especially.
🌄Graphics – Remastered was great but not really much to gawk at in a post apocalyptical world. Nothing really creative here. Just what you would expect, broken buildings, destroyed cars.
🌦 Atmosphere – Excellent atmosphere. Tense at times. I really felt part of the world.
📚 Main Story / Characters – Story telling, narration, and the cast of characters is the strength. The story itself is not that creative and predictable. If it weren't for the characters and how the story is told this game would have been a major flop.
🤺 Combat – Fair. Combat is not the strength of this game. Combat seems pretty half baked but gets better as the game goes on. Fights vs humans is just stealth and choke. Fights vs infected gets interesting but still easy. However it wasn't boring. Because bullets are scarce you don't really use any weapons you get. I think 90% of my kills were stealth.
🤖 AI: AI is pretty dumb. Sometimes they don't even see you crouched next to you. Clear their focus was story and not combat.
🧭 Side Activities / Exploration – None apart from collectibles etc. Did I even find any?
🚗 Movement/Physics – fine. Some parts of traversing the game like finding ladders and moving them, floaty devices, opening gates, was slow and completely unnecessary.
📣 Voice acting – Excellent.

📝 Review:

Definitely coming to it later than everyone. I came into it very hyped as one of the greatest games ever made. For such title I expect everything to be perfect and have depth. I felt the story telling was great, touching, on par with Drake 2 and some of the best in any game. But pretty much every other aspect was mediocre. Combat with humans was simple stealth take downs, tension was created fighting infected clickers but once you know how to use Molotov bottles they aren’t hard.

The crafting system was bleh. Story itself was standard though the characters and how the story was told was great . I certainly enjoyed the game , atmosphere , emotional connection and will play LOU 2. But certainly not one of the best games ever made.

Certain aspects of the game are a chore. Gate openings finding ladders and moving them. Looking for floaty stuff since Elle can’t swim. Really unnecessary and pointless. I think it added 30 minutes to game without any real value.

Because of how powerful stealth is and how overwhelmed you get if you make noise… most of the time I never used any guns expect when it was like 1 or 2 left and I wanted to use guns I been collecting lol so they don’t get wasted.

💡Final Thoughts:

Definitely play it but don't go in expecting best game ever. Expect one of the best examples of story telling and know there are some mundane things thrown in between. Just get past it. The characters grow, you get attached to them, and you also see the connection between them all. Definitely an emotional tale, which is what kept me going past all the ladder sequences :)

⌚ Time to finish - 4 hours 45 minutes
🤬Difficulty - easy - medium

🔊 Soundtrack - Great sound track.
🌄Graphics – Step above 1, excellent.
🌦 Atmosphere – Excellent atmosphere. Tense at times. Great choice of music to really get you into it.
📚 Main Story / Characters – With the DLC, LN1, and now LN2, there is a ton of story to piece together here. We still don't know what's really going on but its becoming clearer its some sort of a complicated matrixy timeloop with some important characters. I am excited to see where this story goes in LN3, if they make it.
🤺 Combat – wack people with a hammer. timing on this is frustrating.
🧭 Side Activities / Exploration – None apart from collectibles etc.
🚗 Movement/Physics – Ok. There are some clunky controls. It really soured the otherwise awesome game.
📣 Voice acting – Not much

📝 Review:

This was a great game. Having a 2nd character in game really added to a sense of mystery and attachment to the story and their relationship. Also seeing how this story tied in with LN1 + DLC and theorizing was great. Most of the puzzles were great. There were some (3-4) VERY frustrating parts where the game physics just didn't let me do what I wanted and kept dying. This really soured my experience and I wanted to quit this game, but the story and mystery brought me back. There was no reason why the devs should have allowed for this.

💡Final Thoughts:

Definitely play it. Go in knowing there are some frustrating parts due to lack of polish but stick to it and get past it. Its worth it. I thought it was better than the first mainly because the story got more fleshed out and engaged me more.

⌚ Time to finish - 3 hours 45 minutes
🤬Difficulty - easy

🔊 Soundtrack - There isn't too much music. But the sounds they have creates an excellent atmosphere. One of the strengths of this game.
🌄Graphics – pleasant to look at.
🌦 Atmosphere – Excellent atmosphere. Tense at times, mysterious, made me feel all kinds of feelings like fear, disgust, startled etc. But nothing to give me a heart attack, or cheap scare tactics.
📚 Main Story / Characters – Light on story but what was there created a sense of mystery. I liked it.
🤺 Combat –None
🧭 Side Activities / Exploration – None apart from collectibles etc. I didn't even know these existed till half way through the game when i randomly stumbled on them. Wish it was clearer so i could have collected more from the beginning.
🚗 Movement/Physics – Ok. There are some clunky controls. I don't understand why, there is a grab button for ledges, ladders. Should just auto grab those w/jump, while grab is for environmental objects like boxes. Some jumps felt imprecise. Expect a few deaths from clunky controls.
📣 Voice acting – Not much

📝 Review:

This was a good game. The puzzles weren't too hard but the atmosphere and story is what made me want to keep playing it. It did feel like it ended abruptly but that's fine its a short game. There is DLC and part 2 to go through which I will go through. I feel in these sort of games, Inside was far better.

💡Final Thoughts:

No reason not to play this game if you are into things like Limbo/Inside/Gris etc.

Definitely worth playing even if its not topping its genre. It provides enough here to make you feel involved, gripped, and generally not a chore to continue and finish.

I enjoyed it enough want to play the DLC and sequel.

⌚ Time to finish - 8 hours 00 mins
🤬Difficulty - easy

🔊 Soundtrack - Great soundtrack! On par with trilogy.
🌄Graphics – Great! On par with trilogy. Some set pieces are still awesome and hold up to today.
🌦 Atmosphere – It was ok. I wasn't as invested in this as the 2nd game.
📚 Main Story / Characters – Weak. Hard to follow main story. Really took any life out of Chole which I really liked in the 2nd game. Overall the story and characters were very weak. Story was ALL over the place! Sometimes its complicated, sometimes its simple, sometimes you feel like you are wandering purposeless.
🤺 Combat – A step down in fun due to forced fist fights. Little harder than other 2, but as expected combat here. Nothing new.
🧭 Side Activities / Exploration – No side activities or exploration apart from collectibles.
🚗 Movement/Physics – Good, overall made sense and responded.
📣 Voice acting – Good! Just as expected in the drake series. Chole lost all personality so that i am going to dock this from excellent to good.

📝 Review:

This is to me an up and down roller coaster. The highs are high the lows are lows. I think overall its better than 1, but not as good as 2. 2 set a high bar. They should have just repeated that formula.

I really disliked the hard to follow story and that Chole lost all personality. Characters come in and out for no real reason apart from making sure fans got to see all the characters at some point in the story.

Set pieces are AMAZING as always. There are some VERY memorable set pieces here and up to par with others. But the pace of the game is up and down. The 2nd game hits you punch after punch. Here after a bang, it slows down hard through wandering sequences that last longer than they should, then picks up again.

💡Final Thoughts:

Not the best but still should play. They got the formula right in 2. They should have just stuck to it. They tried to unnecessarily reinvent things and change things up.

⌚ Time to finish - 13 hours 32 mins (New to platforms on normal mode so no checkpoints in escape sequences)
🤬 Difficulty - Death Incarnate! 💀 (died a symmetric 1331 times) - platforming is hard, not very puzzly.
♾ Replay-ability - I would play this every so often to benchmark if i am getting better at platformers over time. Very replayable to test your skills.

🔊 Soundtrack - Great soundtrack! One of the best I heard in any game. I would listen to it outside of the game.
🌦 Atmosphere – Excellent. Amazing sound!
🌄Graphics – So beautiful. One of the best I seen in any game.

📚 Main Story / Characters – Story is touching though some things are ambiguous. But it doesn't matter. There is enough there to tug at your heart strings.
🤺 Combat – Passable. Button mash one button, but it didn't bother me that is not point of the game.
🧭 Side Activities / Exploration – Definitive edition has 2 extra levels they were nice.
🚗 Movement/Physics – BAD! This is going to be controversial statement. Ori moves a little loosely so precision is hard which causes a lot of deaths. They do things simply to make the game harder. Bash technique is horrible on controller and fundamental to game.
📣 Voice acting – minimal but great.

📝 Review:

This is a tough game to review. I am not an expert on platformers so I learnt so much playing this game that made me a better gamer. I also played on normal so had no checkpoints. Definitely suggest easy if you are new for the auto checkpoints. Game does have a generous save system. But the escape sequences on normal do not and those are hard.

The music is amazing, the story is touching, the visuals are amazing, and because this game provides me a unique experience and difficulty I have not seen anywhere I loved the game. I love games that make me feel things, This game made me feel frustrated, ecstatic, tested my patience, and more. Ups and Downs... but one thing i was sure of. I WILL FINISH THIS GAME!

However, i have some qualms with the design of this game. The game is already hard enough and the designers did things that were unnecessary, and IMO simply to make it harder. I guess in a way i feel that it added to the sense of accomplishment but it also makes it less accessible. These things should have been maybe added in hard rather than just changing enemy health.

1. Flipping directions when you are upside down. Why? I had to flip my controller to play upside down levels.
2. Bash skill aiming is completely screwed up on gamepads. Its slow and inaccurate and in time trials its certain death. Its just easier and quicker to use mouse to aim it.
3. Its clear the designers looked at common movement patterns and put traps to just kill you. Some of these are VERY hard to see. You are walking down a long path, oh shit there was a hard to see lava... dead.
4. Unless you are amazing with controllers, I cannot see how this game was even properly certified for controllers. THe precision i got with my mechanical keyboard and mouse cannot be matched on a controller and the game needs it. I switched between controller and keyboard.

💡Final Thoughts:

If you want to call yourself a hardcore gamer, this is a right of passage. Everyone should play it just to set the bar high and see how far you can get. I can't wait to play the sequel to this, as I hear they improved a lot of things. If you completed this game either you are skilled or in my case persistent and hate giving up. :)


⌚ Time to finish - 4 hours 00 mins
🤬Difficulty - easy
♾ Replayability - I would play every so often to Re-experience. Especially after playing a game where I found it challenging and died a lot. Refreshing this game has no deaths and beautiful.

🔊 Soundtrack - Great soundtrack!
🌦 Atmosphere – Excellent. Loved the music and atmosphere. It just felt very peaceful and sort of meditative.
🌄Graphics – Great! Very unique art style. Very relaxing palette. The game is just in general feels very relaxing.

📚 Main Story / Characters – Story is very metaphorical. So interpret it how you will, but I believe its about loss and rising up from loss presented in a very artistic way.
🤺 Combat – none
🧭 Side Activities / Exploration – Some, I got a few extras but didn't 100% for the extra ending.
🚗 Movement/Physics – Good ,only clunky part was the boost you get jumping out of water. I couldn't always get the timing right. There were a few times I had to redo some jumping sequences but nothing frustrating.
📣 Voice acting – none!

📝 Review:

I liked this game overall. Its short and very artistic and peaceful. The game itself isn't hard so you are here for the music, atmosphere, and the feeling it invokes. All the puzzles were interesting and I always kept wondering what's next and stayed fully engaged all 4 hours it took to play. The levels are well designed and flow super smooth. Kudos to the team!

This game is complete opposite of Ori, where i died over 1200+ times to finish the game. This game has no death. So it was great to see how this game approached failure, where in Ori they really punish you over and over and over again for failing, this game has no death. This is very fitting of the theme of the game, which is about growing from loss and pain.

💡Final Thoughts:

Short game that everyone should experience. There is no death in this game. Its relaxing and well worth experiencing compared to all the action packed titles. That is what makes it unique.

⌚ Time to finish - 11 hours 00 mins
🤬Difficulty - easy (Not much console shooter experience, but played TONs on PC)

🔊 Soundtrack - Great soundtrack! I know the cultures represented here so I could see the cultural queues they took in making the music. Great touch!
🌄Graphics – Great! I played the trilogy version (Nathan Drake Collection) on ps5 and it was great with updated graphics! Sure its not going to hold up for modern standards but I still liked it a lot.
🌦 Atmosphere – Excellent. Loved the music and atmosphere. I really did feel like a raider.
📚 Main Story / Characters – Great story (expected plot holes)! I felt like i was in a summer action blockbuster movie. I thought the characters were all great and fit the typical action movie tropes.
🤺 Combat – Sometimes repetitive gunfights but I always enjoyed them as they did mix up here and there instead of cover and fire. I wish stealth was done better but its Drake so, no need for that. :)
🧭 Side Activities / Exploration – No side activities or exploration.
🚗 Movement/Physics – Good, overall made sense and responded. Sometimes the roll to find another cover was clunky but rarely.
📣 Voice acting – Excellent!

📝 Review:

I overall LOVED this game. I love games that really transport me to another world and make me feel something. In this game I felt a sense of adventure, a bad ass against all odds, an action hero! From second 1 to the end it was tense. My wife also enjoyed watching a bit of the game because its like watching a movie.

The stand out to me was the AMAZING set pieces and escape sequences. Wow I will never forget in the middle of the game climbing some amazing structures. Sometimes i will stop and pan the camera to enjoy the views.

💡Final Thoughts:

Must play! This game is for everyone and everyone needs to experience it. On my quest to finish the Uncharted series, I have 2 more to go and if it keeps it to this level I will be such a happy camper and will go down in history as one of the best series of games behind God of War for me :)