🎮 Platform: PC with M+B (the only way to play this game :))
⌚ Time to finish - 12h story
🏆Trophy completion - Not sure. I didn't want to ruin my experience so i went from one bad ass arena to another. I did not want ANY slowdown in this.
🤬Difficulty - As expected - I did not play ultra hard thought I have enough experience with FPS that I probably could have. I played the hurt me plenty and it was a perfect balance.
🌄Graphics – Was nice but I am not a huge fan of metallic things. But its exactly what we expect in doom game.
🌦 Atmosphere/Music – AMAZING sound track!!!!!! Reminds me of the good ol days where i use to deatmach on quake and doom for hours on end.
📚 Main Story / Characters – Whatever.... i didn't pay much attention to it and honestly not much there except for an excuse for you to kill bunch of creatures from hell. Who cares its doom!
🤺 Combat – AWESOMEEEEEEEEE! Apart from the end when it was wave after wave, I loved the combat. Part of it is nostalgia. It reminded me of my carefree younger days where i death-matched with my friends. I played quake 3 competitively at my uni, so i used all the weapons, zipping around and blowing up stuff. I loved it!
🧭 Side Activities / Exploration – Didn't do any. I didnt want to ruin my experience looking for collectibles.
🚗 Movement/Physics – Excellent. This is one of the MOST important things about FPS and doom gets it right. I am mixed on whether i am happy with the execution (kick in face) mechanism. I think it forces people to be IN the action, but i feel for someone as experienced as me, i do not need to be forced to be in action. I will go in and out as i need.
📣 Voice acting – Excellent.
🥇 Best thing about the game - DEATMATCH AND MUSIC!!!!! YEAAA!
đź‘Ž Worst thing about the game - none
đź’ˇFinal Thoughts:

I loved this game. It brought me back to my younger days. The speed of the game, the waves of enemies, the music, everything was a banger. I don't understand how people are playing this with controller. I was switching guns fast, doing 180 turns, twitch rail gun shots as if i was still in my 20s :) I cannot do this that fluidly with a controller. Amazing game and cant wait to play doom eternal.

🎮 Platform: PS5
⌚ Time to finish - 19h story (27h total with 100% trophy)
🏆Trophy completion - 100% - Really enjoyed the trophy list. This is the first collection game that i did not mind collection trophy. Most of the time they are so tedious I do not do them. I used a youtube video side by side and just play along collecting with the youtube creator. It was easy and it made me appreciate the level design, which during regular play is very hard to navigate.
🤬Difficulty - medium - It starts off hard, as you dont have abilities and death will reset you to your previous rest point like a souls game. You also loose your experience which you have to hit (kill optional) the monster that killed you to get it back.
🌄Graphics – Modern, nice to look at.
🌦 Atmosphere/Music – Great sound track feels like you are in star wars!
📚 Main Story / Characters – The story is nothing out of the ordinary. Typical heroes journey story but the stand out is that damn cute robot, BD-1. I found his companions and the main character annoying. He doesn't grow much in the game until much later on. That is also when the game gets more interesting. The game overall starts strong (4/5), for a few chapters looses the punch (3/5), picks up again towards last 40% (4.5/5). Thankfully.
🤺 Combat – Definitely has challenge. You cannot blindly swing your saber. You need to be deliberate about what you are doing. I appreciated that.
🧭 Side Activities / Exploration – Very very easy to get lost. The map is so hard to read! I think universally people hate the map.
🚗 Movement/Physics – Fine. He runs weird, his roll leaves him extremely vulnerable so use it sparingly. There are SOME EXTREMELY frustrating rope grabs in this game. There was one rope i died 10 times on and there is no reason for this in an action adventure game. It should just be forgiving and let you grab.
📣 Voice acting – Excellent.
🥇 Best thing about the game - I enjoyed the action adventure and combat especially toward the last few chapters. I hate collection trophies but this game was unique in that i did not mind it.
đź‘Ž Worst thing about the game - Some parcour is finnicky. VERY easy to get lost and gets frustrating.
đź’ˇFinal Thoughts:

Really enjoyed the game. Get through the boring middle part. If you get lost look it up, there is no need to bang your head going in circles. it takes the fun away. Will recommend anyone play this game. I think its honestly the best intro to souls like game.

🎮 Platform: PS5
⌚ Time to finish - 6h story (15 total with 100% trophy)
🏆Trophy completion - 100% - 85% of it is easy. 15% of it is super frustrating because there are certain jumps you have to do with exploding a slug which are completely random and even off by a pixel you miss the target. SUPER frustrating but I had to do it because i was so close. I think one jump took me 30 minutes? If you are going for 100% go in knowing this.
🤬Difficulty - easy - medium. Apart from the 15% in trophy completion.
🌄Graphics – Pretty and nice to look at!
🌦 Atmosphere/Music – really enjoyed the music it fits the theme but nothing stood out. It gave a fun and relevant vibe to the game.
📚 Main Story / Characters – Story was simple. I really liked the Beetle pushing his pinball around the world. Its a very unique setting and take on pinball metroidvania.
🤺 Combat – Unique, you fight with your pinball. In general combat light, but i enjoyed the boss battles. I wish the next version has more of those boss battles because it changes up the gameplay.
🧭 Side Activities / Exploration – The game is one of the easier metroidvania to navigate on your own. Its clear when a flipper takes u up or down a map.
🚗 Movement/Physics – Great apart from the trophy caveat i said.
📣 Voice acting – none
🥇 Best thing about the game - Its super unique. A metroidvania pinball that is easy to navigate!
đź‘Ž Worst thing about the game - Nothing really. Its missing something to make it a 4+ game. But i hope a 2nd version comes out since the foundation of the game can lead to something even more creative.
đź’ˇFinal Thoughts:

Super unique game. I never really played pinball games but i got pretty good at getting the ball where i want in a relatively short time. The game also gives some markers to give you an idea of where to go. The map is pretty easy to navigate, and that is coming from someone who gets lost easily in games. Definitely play it since its a short experience. There was one obscure flipper hidden behind a wall (only time its used) that you must activate for a key ability. I wish this was more visible as i was lost for a bit till i looked it up. Then I realized it was so hard to see.

🎮 Platform: PC
⌚ Time to finish - 5h
🏆Trophy completion - 54% - 2 trophies bugged out so I should be more like 75%
🤬Difficulty - Hard! Would have taken HOURS more had I not used a guide. I was stuck so much and the game gives very little clues and no map. I was always lost. I hate being lost in games...
🌄Graphics – fine its pixel art.
🌦 Atmosphere/Music – Enjoyed the music and the characters in game saying quirky things. The game has a unique atmosphere as it breaks the "4th wall".
📚 Main Story / Characters – Story was typical world ending, robots becoming sentient, main char on a save the world mission... sorry did not connect.... but there are some interesting 4th wall things they do that are completely atypical. Those were pretty cool. Really the game is about experiencing those. I wish I wasn't always so lost that it took forever to get to those moments.
🤺 Combat – none
🧭 Side Activities / Exploration – buggy. I did not get 2 trophies that i did.
🚗 Movement/Physics – fine
📣 Voice acting – none
🥇 Best thing about the game - 4th wall things they do. Haven't seen other games do it.
đź‘Ž Worst thing about the game - being lost and not enough clues given. For a puzzle, exploration game, they lack some basic things to point you in the right direction.
đź’ˇFinal Thoughts:

I guess if you enjoy being lost and trial and error on what to do next, you are probably fine with this game. If you hate being lost, this game is not for you. I only gave it a 2 stars because I used a guide to get me past. If I did not use a guide this would have been a 1 star game.

I think people are Overweighting the 4th wall stuff, and the emotional connection you build to the main character Niko, which does happen. IMO game play itself is not very interesting, run around in circles everywhere, trial and error things, run around some more and hope story moves forward since you have no CLUE what to do next. Sure sometimes subtle cues are given but its not enough. The map is dark a lot so its hard to see where you are going.

I can't help think if this game should have been made the way Limbo/Inside were made, it would have been a much better way to tell their story. I get RPG maker probably has some limitations.

🎮 Platform: PS5
⌚ Time to finish - 5h
🏆Trophy completion - 100%
🤬Difficulty - Hard! I suck at these kinds of games and gathering clues in this game is a chore.
🌄Graphics – Horrible. It was so distracting and tough to look at.
🌦 Atmosphere/Music – dead bodies everywhere on a ship, i guess I felt like an investigator with a time warp machine?
📚 Main Story / Characters – As you uncover how people died, they die in some interesting ways. it was cool but whatever.
🤺 Combat – none
🧭 Side Activities / Exploration – had to do couple dumb things to get the 100% trophy, I don't know why. Those dumb things go against the theme of the game. Just give the 100% if you solve the case!
🚗 Movement/Physics – fine
📣 Voice acting – none
🥇 Best thing about the game - not a game for me
đź‘Ž Worst thing about the game - The look. The forced tracking to the same position 2 times, before a clue is revealed. First you follow a trail of smoke, then once you get there, it throws you back and you walk again to the same damn place. WHY!?
đź’ˇFinal Thoughts:

I like puzzle and deduction games but in general is not my favorite genre. It has to really stand out. However, this game is not for me. The graphics made everything so hard to see, the pixilation was too much, the forced walking to same place 2 times was annoying. I did not mind ambiguous information, because that forces my brain to think, however the gathering of clues itself was a chore and a PITA. As expected for a game like this its very pedantic. Speared vs Stabbed vs Impaled... I don't know! I have to go back to the scene and examine it again.... damit where was that scene again... ugh i forgot. when will this game end? How can someone give this a 1 when the average score is 4 :)

Note: This game was played via PSNow streaming. Overall I have a wired connection felt no impact on responsiveness and overall a testament to how great PSNow was! This game pretty much felt like i was playing local.

🎮 Platform: PS5 - PSNow Streaming
⌚ Time to finish - 10h
🏆Trophy completion - 67%
🤬Difficulty - felt easy. I played on normal.
🌄Graphics – It is ps3 graphics I believe so it wasn't bad but also not amazing. I did not find it to be distracting or much of an issue. Still felt very immersive.
🌦 Atmosphere/Music – Up to par with all the other GOW 1&2 games but I did just come from GOW3, and does not beat GOW3.
📚 Main Story / Characters – I was a little disappointed here. I wanted to learn more about his backstory. I got some glimpses of things I already knew, just in a little more detail.
🤺 Combat – The boss fights were great. However, regulary trash mob combat was repetitive. Considering gow3 wasnt repetetive this was a let down. I felt I was hitting the same 3-4 buttons even though i was trying to switch it up. I also felt the mob+wave composition was not creative or varied enouhg but the basic formula is still here, so it still makes for great combat.
🧭 Side Activities / Exploration – did not do the collection trophies and the hard mode run. The ones I did collect were fun and some of them required skill so I had to try a few times. Pick and choose what you think is fun and go for it.
🚗 Movement/Physics – Fluid, awesome. On par with all other GOW games.
📣 Voice acting – On par with all other GOW games.
🥇 Best thing about the game - Combat and Kratos!
đź‘Ž Worst thing about the game - The puzzles. Some them were straight up dumb and found it very hard to figure out without looking it up. Not enough visual clues.
đź’ˇFinal Thoughts:

If you are a GOW fan there is no reason not to play this. It starts off A+ level and then goes down to an A- level. I felt it needed more boss battles and varied tactics to take down monsters. Of course they fixed all this in GOW3 so they must have learnt from this.

🎮 Platform: PS5
⌚ Time to finish - 14h
🏆Trophy completion - 62%
🤬Difficulty - felt easy. I played on hard and did not find any issues with the game. Most of the time I could clear waves and plan out how i wanted to attack. The game does get you to use all abilities and I did not use the same 3 button combo over and over again. I found fire element to be the strongest for my play style.
🌄Graphics – Great graphics and still hold up today, especially on remaster. This game is just so epic and how it presents scale, amazing. The animations are smooth, its awesome to look at. Of course its not going to look like Ghost of Tshushima.
🌦 Atmosphere/Music – I felt so bad ass in this game. I felt like Kratos in their world. Loved it! The music is absolutely amazing. The chanting of Kratos' name and the crescendo of orchestra. I felt such like a bad ass. AMAZING music !
📚 Main Story / Characters – Its fine its a revenge story. As usual I had trouble keeping up with the details but I got the over all gist and didn't care. I just want to go kill the next god.
🤺 Combat – This game has some of the best combat of any game. C'mon who doesn't want to scale Gaia and take on Greek gods! Who doesn't want to face 1vs1 Hercules and beat his ass? Every fight in this game is A+ and epic. God damn, just righting this review I want to play it again. The game also introduces different elemental blades, they were fun to play with and i did end up switching here and there based on what I needed but overall stuck to fire. I got familiar with all his moves and used them as i needed. I believe you can probably get through the game mashing but why....
🧭 Side Activities / Exploration – did not do the collection trophies and the arena trophies. The ones I did collect were fun and some of them required skill so I had to try a few times. Arena trophies are too hard and known to be luck based, and will suck out any joy I had in this game. The puzzles in game were great too. It never felt cheap and everything can be figured out on your own with exploration.
🚗 Movement/Physics – Fluid, awesome. Scaling monsters, climbing walls.
📣 Voice acting – AWESOMEEEE. So much angst in Kratos voice. He doesn't give a crap about anything and it shows!
🥇 Best thing about the game - Epic combat and music. Immersion, Adrenaline pumping. The opening of this game is one of the best in any video game history. Somehow it manages to start that high and still keep it that high the entire game!
đź‘Ž Worst thing about the game - none. I donno doesn't last forever?
đź’ˇFinal Thoughts:

This game builds on everything in 1 and 2 and makes it even better. The graphics updates make the immersion that much better. The music, the fights, the boss battle direction, the variety, this game is a masterpiece and a must play. I love god of war series so maybe I am a little biased but don't care. I had so much fun! This game makes me feel so god damn bad ass. Played this on my road to complete all the GOW games before GOW 2018. I am slowly building up to it!

I will not be writing my usual thorough review because I abandoned this game. I picked up the game for book club I participate in and wanted to experience an important game in gaming history.

2-3 hours in its getting already repetitive. The controls are clunky. Easy to get spotted. So much of the core gameplay got improved in later games it’s hard to go back. It almost just seems like a tech demo now. Gonna watch a YouTube summary of the story because it’s cool. I don’t think I have seen a game age worse than this considering how high it’s rated. I wanted to see how other games from 2007 aged as comparison. Most are still awesome. I guess the novelty really helped though Sands Of time came first and did it better. Compared to other games released this year … https://www.gameawards.net/2020/09/2007.html?m=0 maybe this game shouldnt be as well regarded as it was. only 1 awards vs 47 for bioshock!


🎮 Platform: PS5
⌚ Time to finish - 6h (100% complete - no reason not to do this. All trophies are very much core gameplay oriented. ).
🤬Difficulty - easy. I did use a guide on few of the hidden items i couldn't find. but mostly done without a guide. Just be keen and observant on what you are seeing.
🌄Graphics – Fitting, loved the ending. I can't say i expected it!
🌦 Atmosphere – Family friendly, no drama. Its like going people watching/tourist in a new city. Its the vibes I got.
📚 Main Story / Characters – Simple and nothing to write home about. A kiddo going on their first adventure!
🤺 Combat – None.
🧭 Side Activities / Exploration – Totally worth doing unless you hate the game. I gave it avg rating and I still found it fine to do them all.
🚗 Movement/Physics – no issues.
📣 Voice acting – none.
🥇 Best thing about the game - it was fine. I can't say what was great.
đź‘Ž Worst thing about the game - none.
đź’ˇFinal Thoughts:

Its a fine game. It essentially comes down to go to each town take pics to complete quests. That can only sta interesting so long, kind of like in unpacking arranging cupboards can stay interesting only so long. I tend to go for more meaty games so the simple game was just that too simple. However, Its a nice stress free game between 2 large titles. I played this after death stranding which was 115 hours so it was nice. If you miss this you are probably completely ok. I know this rating goes very much against the avg 4.1 here but... not every game is for everyone i guess. :)

🎮 Platform: PS5
⌚ Time to finish - 5h (90% complete - one trophy - finish without ever loosing the ball was not completed. There are ways to quit the game before ball fails but that sounds not fun at all and already mini golfing is not a precise art ).
🤬Difficulty - easy. Some shots were tricky and frustrating but nothing you can't figure out. Impossible if you go for the plat without quitting the game before failure and restarting.
🌄Graphics – Fitting and pleasant. Its mini golf levels.
🌦 Atmosphere – Great. I really enjoyed the soundtrack which added alot. I really did feel like i was golfing on a post-apocalyptical earth.
📚 Main Story / Characters – Simple and touching main story. Twist expected very early on but still enjoyed the simple premise.
🤺 Combat – None. Although when the ball didn't go where i wanted i wanted to blow it up :)
🧭 Side Activities / Exploration –These were fun to do. I enjoyed all the side exploration which often resulted in trophy. You will likely need a guide to discover them but they were fun and silly to do.
🚗 Movement/Physics – Mostly fine. You do have to play with the arcs and pressure each level. But in general i got use to it. I think there were 3-5/33 frustrating holes total.
📣 Voice acting – none.
🥇 Best thing about the game - Soundtrack
đź‘Ž Worst thing about the game - none, maybe the no ball loss trophy but its optional.
đź’ˇFinal Thoughts:

Simple mini golf game with a great sound track and nothing more. If you don't enjoy mini golf you won't like this game. At least get the soundtrack and listen to it.

Review includes base game + all 3 DLCs
⌚ Time to finish - 15h (60% complete - including DLC trophies - I did all the trophies expect collection and play on hardest difficulty).
🤬Difficulty - easy. I didn't find the game to be very difficult however going for the combat trophies actually made the combat more interesting.
🔊 Soundtrack - Great!
🌄Graphics – Better with the ps5 remaster but I played the Drake series just before this and Alan still moves very clunkily and the atmosphere is dark. So yea it was ok, but made worse since I just came off Drake series.
🌦 Atmosphere – Awesome. For the first couple days I actually dreamt about the scenes in my dream. LoL. It was spoooky for SURE. You eventually get use to it. One of the best atmospheres of any game.
📚 Main Story / Characters – I liked all the characters including Alan. However, the story is confusing as hell. I love twilight zone so I completely ok with mixing sci-fi and horror, however twilight zone tells the story in a way you can understand and ponder. Here I had to look up a lot of things after playing the game to connect the dots. I liked what the story was about I didn't like how it was told.
🤺 Combat – Fine. Shine a flash light shoot. There is no variation apart from guns. Trying to do trophies made me think a little more and was higher stakes. Definitely try those combat trophies.
🧭 Side Activities / Exploration – none. Exploration is finding flasks and non sense collectibles. I did find a bunch but was like 10 away from the trophy. Lame... why can't people introduce a trophy for 50% and 100% collectibles found?
🚗 Movement/Physics – Clunky
📣 Voice acting – Excellent.
🥇 Best thing about the game - Spooky scary atmosphere. It really hits you. The promise about what the story could have been.
đź‘Ž Worst thing about the game - Storytelling.
đź’ˇFinal Thoughts:

Definitely worth playing since its a quick play if you don't go for trophies its even less. Its short enough to experience and also makes you ponder the sci fi story line, which is definitely very unique to read about. I never watched twin peaks but people said this borrows heavily from that. So maybe if you watched twin peaks you wouldn't be as surprised as i was by the story premise. I hope alan wake 2 does a better job with the story telling.


⌚ Time to finish - 6h (100% complete - totally worth 100%. No BS trophies.).
🤬Difficulty - easy. Some jumps may require a couple tries if you aren't use to platforming.
🔊 Soundtrack - Great. Not much variety in music but the score that comes up often is pleasant. They are an Indie studio so i can understand.
🌄Graphics – Nice to look at. Fits the chill vibe of the game.
🌦 Atmosphere – Cool. I love the creatures that you meet and greet. Its a pleasant world to experience.
📚 Main Story / Characters – The story borrows heavily from eastern philosophy, Buddhist teachings, i think. If you are into that you will enjoy all the things you find and the text you read. There is very little to the story, its basically this creatures journey to his ultimate goal. To me akin to liberation.
🤺 Combat – None. This game anyone can play and watch and enjoy.
🧭 Side Activities / Exploration –Definitely worth 100%
🚗 Movement/Physics – fluid.
📣 Voice acting – none
🥇 Best thing about the game - its pleasant and feels nice. Fills you with good thoughts.
đź‘Ž Worst thing about the game - nothing really.
đź’ˇFinal Thoughts:

Definitely play the game. Its simple, nothing ground breaking but refreshing between 2 long games. I enjoyed it and showing it to my family as well who enjoyed the creatures and the journey.

⌚ Time to finish - 9h (70% complete - I tried to play through crushing for about an hour+ and found it very unfun so I stopped. Rest are into the main game and trophies).
🤬Difficulty - easy unless you play crushing, then its unfairly crushing. Crushing requires a bit of stealth where in a game stealth is somewhat of an after thought at higher difficulties.
🔊 Soundtrack - awesome! On par with the main series.
🌄Graphics – Drop dead gorgeous. This is the first game in series apart from uncharted 2, but more so here, where i felt they had both outdoor and indoor beauty. I come from the india culture so I could appreciate the love and fine details they put into the interior of the temples and buildings. The art work is authentic but not a copy. So they learned things about the Indian architecture, ingested, and created something unique. absolutely mind blowing. I stared at the architecture and art work for a long time and even showed my family.
🌦 Atmosphere – Awesome.
📚 Main Story / Characters – Story was simple to follow unlike other in series and I appreciated that. They had a short time to tell everything and they kept it crisp. Chole returns as her best version ever and I was unhappy to not see her in 4, and poorly show in 3. Other chars that show up are great too! It does NOT feel like an after thought. I love playing as Chole, and the best part is all the color commentary she adds about the Indian mythology and symbolism. Its stuff most Indians don't even know about. I am glad they did this and just didn't represent Ganesha with the common cliches. Go Naughty Dog!
🤺 Combat – Awesome! On par with rest of series.
🧭 Side Activities / Exploration –Definitely worth exploring and completing fun trophies. Plat does require collecting stuff so I did all the trophies except collection.
🚗 Movement/Physics – Super fluid.
📣 Voice acting – Excellent. Infact the side conversations the thugs have very much represent some of the sentiments Indian people feel. Wow! They captured that too!?
🥇 Best thing about the game - Mind blowing architectures and interior designs. Culture sensitive and informative commentary. Very memorable set pieces that are even better than the main series. Sure some of them are a rehash of things they know work well, but I don't care. If something works well do it again.
đź‘Ž Worst thing about the game - the damn truck and slipping on mud. Its fun to drive that truck. But....
đź’ˇFinal Thoughts:

I maybe a little biased being Indian, but this is the best game in the series. I could clearly see the attention to detail that went into this game from design to cultural representation that it took a 4.5 game to a 5 for me. They even mention the name of the snake around Shiva's neck, which majority of Indians don't even know. Indian kingdoms before invasions were mighty, but no one knows much about it, this game brings that to light as well. I am glad they didn't do the Indiana Jones temple of doom or Simpsons Apu racist bull shit. Everyone should play this game! What a cool and unique setting. I hope others also see how great this setting can be and make more games in this setting. Egypt, Norse, Chinese, Japanese ahs been done guys! As an indian person I 100% endorse this game.

⌚ Time to finish - 36h (100% complete - I did buy 8 grindy trophies from in game store, so I guess I grinded the money for it than the collectibles, before that I had all but 8 trophies, 16 unlocked endings, and 80% quests completed, not to take away from those that true plat it). My first plat game ever, and would totally recommend everyone do it!
🤬Difficulty - starts of medium goes to easy.
🔊 Soundtrack - awesome. Some songs are still in my head. My fav is the song that plays in pascal's village.
🌄Graphics – Very bad. This is one of the worst parts of the game. Its not bad enough to detract, but there is no color. However, considering the female chars are so well designed if you are into that I doubt you will be looking at anything else in the world. :P
🌦 Atmosphere – great. Music adds alot.
📚 Main Story / Characters – This is the 2nd biggest problem with the game apart from graphics. The story could have been amazing. But the story telling is poor. Both needs to come together (story + story telling). Here the story telling falls into the usual Anime tropes, mixes way too much philosophy, assumes you know so much background info, drips info at you via audio during combat, which I cannot follow since I don't want my ass whooped. Throws bits in hidden items that you have to find and read, hidden endings, etc etc. Its a mess. I had to watch a story summary after the game to understand what happened. Even then I am not sure. Sure there is no game like this out there that marries philosophy, sociology, and sci-fi. But please do a better job with it. However i stuck to it because there are super fun pieces like combat, boss fights and set pieces that trump all this!
🤺 Combat – Awesome! Sure it gets trivial after you lvl up but i dont care. Its fun mix of bullet hell, hack and slash, side scroll, and more. I loved it. Some of the boss fight set pieces are soooooo awesome. I can picture them even now. This is the best part of the game.
🧭 Side Activities / Exploration –Definitely worth exploring. If you played enough rpgs you can guess the side quests. But i am a sucker for completion and side quests. I did up to 80% side quests and felt it was enough as finding the other 20% was getting hard and i only needed 80% for my trophy.
🚗 Movement/Physics – Super fluid. This studio is known for it. You play 3 chars, 1,3 play the same. They are fluid and awesome. Feels so good controlling it. 2, plays very differently, but i loved his style. There are a few moments where the camera gets wacky but execusable.
📣 Voice acting – Excellent.
🥇 Best thing about the game - ACTION, combat set pieces! Lots of fun Easter eggs to discover. These were so fun to do. Its clear the amount of time they spent thinking about these, maybe they should have spent it on graphics upgrade. :) I don't think those trophies can and do exist in any other game.
đź‘Ž Worst thing about the game - Story telling and anime tropes

đź’ˇFinal Thoughts:

Pros far outweigh the cons. Play it, enjoy it. Live in the world and experience it as much as you can. Sure there are better games but this one still not to be missed. The combat sequences and each chapter finale are amazing. Bonus, its fun to plat. Go discover what the game has to offer including the side bonus stuff!

⌚ Time to finish - 5h (100% complete - one trophy was a little tricky and i did not understand it the first time so I "wasted" 45 minutes trying it a 2nd time)
🤬Difficulty - easy.
🔊 Soundtrack - pleasant.
🌄Graphics – Nice nothing to write home about
🌦 Atmosphere – great.
📚 Main Story / Characters – Not ground breaking but its a sweet touching tale of love and bond between a family. Definitely worth hearing.
🤺 Combat – none
🧭 Side Activities / Exploration –Definitely worth exploring to 100%. They add to the story and the world and I thought were very fitting except for one, which I think went against the main brothers personality. Its at the beginning.
🚗 Movement/Physics –no issues. Some puzzles were cool how the brothers worked together. Nothing ground breaking. It does take a while to control 2 chars at once. However if you keep left char on left side of screen, right char on right screen its easier.
📣 Voice acting – They made up their own language for this game but they perfectly convey everything on screen. BONUS! Watch the hour long developer playthrough, he adds so much commentary that helps you appreciate the behind the scenes. The main dev did all the voices and motion cap cuz they had no $$.
🥇 Best thing about the game - A touching story.

đź’ˇFinal Thoughts:

Play it if you want a nice small game coming off a larger game and need a break. If you miss it its probably ok, but I will still suggest you play it. Especially if you plat it its a nice achievement.