a little dated, but a classic zelda experience. a game that i loved even more on the 3DS

very fun if a little shallow party game. good to play with all skill levels of friends. even better high or drunk.

i never understood the hype of this game. it's fine.

it was solid but my ex sucked at it, will hopefully play again when im not single lol

animal crossing games aren't for me lol i dont have the connection.

Boot up this game. Play until you first enter the real first zone and you're having fun sliding down. Come back and tell me this game doesn't make you feel something.

it's a game i have picked up and dropped twice now, i really gotta just do it at some point LOL

good game. more of the same from spider-man 2018. fine-ish story. could have been more innovative.

fun, dark souls lite star wars game. not quite the force unleashed in pure spectacle, but a pretty gripping story and enjoyable characters. cal is so hot.

the first time i ever saw this game was in a game informer magazine, talking about how cool the zombies were. i didn't get around to this game till the remastered edition, but i still remember booting up to ambient cricket sounds, followed by the most eerie stinger and acoustic guitar accompanying a picturesque grown over window sill. the games story is nothing particular innovative -- but the characters. oh my god the characters. the interactions, the music, the love and care put into the dialogue by the writers and the delivery by the actors. if you haven't given this game a shot, you will find some really fun uncharted gameplay and fall in love with this story.

my hot take with this game is that ocarina of time was a tech demo for majora's mask in the same way breath of the wild feels like a tech demo for tears of the kingdom. this one has some absolutely amazing and fresh innovative gameplay, a cool time system that incentivizes quick, short sessions of rushing your current time-loop objective, and so many good side stories that explore what it means to be alive. couldn't recommend it more.

every year this game sits at a solid 5 stars for me, and every year it tops itself. truly a gift that never stops giving. if i could play one game for the rest of my life, this is one of them.

The pinnacle of gaming. I still enjoy this game to this date.